Before you read this, you must check the main page of this blog for introduction for each of my Plants vs. Zombies toys...
Hi guys! Did you know what happened to all of my Plants vs. Zombies toys? There are some damage around each of the figures, right? I would say, yes. Alright, here is a final results about what happened to all of my Plants vs. Zombies toys.
This page is only features several toys on my first part of Plants vs. Zombies collection, as the next parts won't show their final results of them anymore.
Also, this page is NOT including the KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult (May 2013, because it's unoriginal to my collection), several of my Plants vs. Zombies 2 trading cards, and some of my scrapped Plants vs. Zombies silly photos. So, here are the final results of them:
1. Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figures
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Broken Bloomerang figure |
Being the most ugliest Plants vs. Zombies toys that I ever bought, surprisingly it does last longer for a set of a static figures. I honestly hated them, except for the Cabbage-pult, Bloomerang, and Iceberg Lettuce. Although it's a set of static figure, eventually most figures would broke off easily, like other brands. Last time I'd much fun with those toys (before K'NEX versions of it came), the Bloomerang and the Ra Zombie broke off. The Bloomerang broke on it's connector between it's petal and the body, and the Ra Zombie broke on it's right hand holding with a kind of a sun stealer. Speaking about the quality of these toys, I would say, okay. Since there are no significant damage on the color of each of the figures, except the mould on each of them are so bad, but not too bad like most of the Lego Lele figures.
2. KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2
This is our first actual Plants vs. Zombies toys that I bought from KFC, September 2014. Being the most semi-gorgeous toys that I ever bought, it does last longer as well. Like Bonk Choy, it's own ability is still works, followed by other 3 toys. Unfortunately, once upon a time when I had fun play these toys with my cousin, the Zombie toy broke. It broke because it walks insanely fast like a crazy than usual. I would manage to open inside of the toy, but I can't because I can't find the screwdriver for those rare screws. Anyway, I liked the style of them, even I just broke one of the toys in performance. The quality of them is good, since there are no significant vanish damage like the one from 2013, but I have no idea about the mould quality.
3. K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, both Series 1 & 2
Being the most rarest and gorgeous toy that I ever bought, apparently it has several bad results. It doesn't last long as the previous two brands than I expected, but the ability of them is still works well. Especially the plants. If you play them alot, it would left some kind of darking mark on the figure, also a kind of the paint damage. Even I have much appreciated with this brand due to the good style and good coating, unfortunately the quality of them are bad, like an opposite version of my Ancient Egypt figures. I tried to clean them with any cleaners, like glam oil, LCD screen cleaner, water mixed with a citric acid, and even the bath soap. Strangely, since they are the bad quality toys, they are the good shooters. Even the shooters like Peashooter, Snow Pea, and the Coconut Cannon can shoot as it should, sometimes it doesn't shoot very well. One more thing that I hate which is a missing piece on one of the figures, which is rarely happened. I got a figure that exactly like the picture shown above, sadly I got a missing piece on the stem, no idea why. It's kinda shame if that's the rarest one (or Elite) got a missing piece, based on the rarity on it's own set. Due to that, I wouldn't abuse them soon, since they're the neatest one that I got, and I would keep them alive. Even this is also not a bootleg (or ripoff) figure, like main chinese version of them, just like my Ancient Egypt figure set, I always kept them because it's my favorite one, due to how neat they are than I thought, so.
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A perfect example if this brand are bad quality, even these are the good appearance: A paint damage on my Sunflower's stem (look closely at the leaves on the stem) |
Results based on the game:
None of them are from original Plants vs. Zombies, all of them are completely based off Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time.
Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy brand so far? Why?
A : The K'NEX ones, because it looks a bit gorgeous to me, even though the zombies looks a bit ugly, and the plant's quality is bad like a bootleg.
Q : How did you collect these things?
A : I'm inspired by a TV commercial from KFC back in 2013, called "KFC Plants vs. Zombies". Since I didn't have any of them like the one that shown in the commercial, I just lately collect any of these toys like these as for now.
Q : Where did you get all of your Plants vs. Zombies toys, also your old scrapped photos of them too?
A : First off, I got them online, except my scrapped photos and all 4 KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 toys. For my scrapped photos, I got them from the photo shop. Next, I got my Ancient Egypt figures from the local toy online blogspot called Lagoric. Then, I got my complete set of my KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 from KFC in September 2014. Next, I got all of my K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies (9 of them, one of them is from Series 1, and the others are compeletely came from Series 2) from eBay.
Q : Are you the first person who got the Snow Pea from K'NEX so far in your country?
A : Yes, indeed. Even though I got a missing piece that made myself disappointed.
Q : Did you have a plan to collect more Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : Yes, I did. But it depends to my money, my family's economy, and the time.
Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy that isn't from your collection, also the one that you can't afford?
A : Of course, KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys from May 2013. Even I got the Cabbage-pult one, I still trying to find them to now, even I got many of my Plants vs. Zombies from different styles and brands.
Q : How did you have 8 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 set without any duplicates at all?
A : There is a way to choose which figure do you can get. You must look at the codes printed at the back of their blind bags. You also must look which one that you can get, by seeing the underlined number on each of blind bags. If the position of the underline is same, it would get a duplicate. By the way, here is a code about the Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX Series 2 looks like:
0515026 = ABCDEFG
0515026 = 0 = A = Cabbage-pult (Prospector Zombie, if underlined twice)
0515026 = 5 = B = Frozen Zombie
0515026 = 1 = C = Translucent green Bonk Choy
0515026 = 5 = D = Pirate Zombie
0515026 = 0 = E = Infi-nut
0515026 = 2 = F = Conehead Mummy
0515026 = 6 = G = Snow Pea
Q : Mention the Plants vs. Zombies toy brands that you hate most!
A : I hated bootleg figures, like Lego Lele ones, and many of these cheap chinese Plants vs. Zombies knockoff toys.
Q : How did you can collect any of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, even other peoples in your country doesn't have any of them besides yourself?
A : I was inspired by some Youtube users, like SquirrelStampede, FGeeTV, and many more. However, I liked the one that came from an user called Emerald Pikax (now it's gone and replaced by King Dedede the Great) since he has many of his K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies videos in many episodes, so that's the reason why I collect K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies.
Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy that is inside your collection at most?
A : Snow Pea.
Q : In your story in "This is what happens if KFC provided Plants vs. Zombies toys" blog, why you feel sad about those typical 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : Because the kids from my old friend destroyed them by slammed them down.
Q : At first, why you collect any silly photos of Plants vs. Zombies, even fanpage pictures?
A : Because I felt boring in that time, back when Plants vs. Zombies 2 game isn't released yet.
Q : In your Google search, about Plants vs. Zombies, what is the keyword that you typed much often?
A : As always, KFC Plants vs. Zombies.
Q : What is your actual first peashooter plant that you ever have in your collection?
A : My first actual peashooter was a photo of a HD Split Pea, even this isn't seem real like my K'NEX Snow Pea.
Q : Why KFC in your country did release these Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : I don't know why. Probably because KFC has a plan to made these toys, but the results is still unknown.
Q : In some of global online shops, there are lots of those Plants vs. Zombies sold through them. Mention the brand or styles that is your favorite!
A : As always, K'NEX sets that has a peashooter figure or some plant that seems neat inside, and the one that shoots bullets, that is from the chinese version of them.
Q : Is it true, if "Zombies in Skull" on the KFC Plants vs. Zombies is obviously a kind of wrong grammar?
A : Yes, it's true. Since KFC prevent the original character name of it, due to this character was the main boss of all Plants vs. Zombies game series, which is a kind of spoiler.
Q : If you a specialist toy figure collector of this game, why you didn't buy any of the doll plushies from that game?
A : Since I'm not a big fan of plushies, I didn't collect any of these, so that's why I don't have any.
Q : How are you feeling if you encounter the 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys on someone's house, especially if you found all 3 plants?
A : I felt surprised, but I'm so hilarious with it. Imagine if I saw them again and again, I decided to borrow one or few of those, or eventually I get them as mine.
Q : What is your most expensive Plants vs. Zombies that you ever bought?
A : The K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2, a whole set is most expensive one that I ever bought, about 60 bucks (or IDR 830.000).
Q : Mention the list of your Plants vs. Zombies toy brands to put in your collection, even the ones that you don't have!
A : Here is the list of it:
And here is a concept map of my Plants vs. Zombies collection from past 2 years to now looks like (click here if you want for bigger size):
The x means it isn't available in my collection anymore.
The y means it has a missing piece.
Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy that isn't from your collection, also the one that you can't afford?
A : Of course, KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys from May 2013. Even I got the Cabbage-pult one, I still trying to find them to now, even I got many of my Plants vs. Zombies from different styles and brands.
Q : How did you have 8 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 set without any duplicates at all?
A : There is a way to choose which figure do you can get. You must look at the codes printed at the back of their blind bags. You also must look which one that you can get, by seeing the underlined number on each of blind bags. If the position of the underline is same, it would get a duplicate. By the way, here is a code about the Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX Series 2 looks like:
0515026 = ABCDEFG
0515026 = 0 = A = Cabbage-pult (Prospector Zombie, if underlined twice)
0515026 = 5 = B = Frozen Zombie
0515026 = 1 = C = Translucent green Bonk Choy
0515026 = 5 = D = Pirate Zombie
0515026 = 0 = E = Infi-nut
0515026 = 2 = F = Conehead Mummy
0515026 = 6 = G = Snow Pea
Q : Mention the Plants vs. Zombies toy brands that you hate most!
A : I hated bootleg figures, like Lego Lele ones, and many of these cheap chinese Plants vs. Zombies knockoff toys.
Q : How did you can collect any of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, even other peoples in your country doesn't have any of them besides yourself?
A : I was inspired by some Youtube users, like SquirrelStampede, FGeeTV, and many more. However, I liked the one that came from an user called Emerald Pikax (now it's gone and replaced by King Dedede the Great) since he has many of his K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies videos in many episodes, so that's the reason why I collect K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies.
Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy that is inside your collection at most?
A : Snow Pea.
Q : In your story in "This is what happens if KFC provided Plants vs. Zombies toys" blog, why you feel sad about those typical 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : Because the kids from my old friend destroyed them by slammed them down.
Q : At first, why you collect any silly photos of Plants vs. Zombies, even fanpage pictures?
A : Because I felt boring in that time, back when Plants vs. Zombies 2 game isn't released yet.
Q : In your Google search, about Plants vs. Zombies, what is the keyword that you typed much often?
A : As always, KFC Plants vs. Zombies.
Q : What is your actual first peashooter plant that you ever have in your collection?
A : My first actual peashooter was a photo of a HD Split Pea, even this isn't seem real like my K'NEX Snow Pea.
Q : Why KFC in your country did release these Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : I don't know why. Probably because KFC has a plan to made these toys, but the results is still unknown.
Q : In some of global online shops, there are lots of those Plants vs. Zombies sold through them. Mention the brand or styles that is your favorite!
A : As always, K'NEX sets that has a peashooter figure or some plant that seems neat inside, and the one that shoots bullets, that is from the chinese version of them.
Q : Is it true, if "Zombies in Skull" on the KFC Plants vs. Zombies is obviously a kind of wrong grammar?
A : Yes, it's true. Since KFC prevent the original character name of it, due to this character was the main boss of all Plants vs. Zombies game series, which is a kind of spoiler.
Q : If you a specialist toy figure collector of this game, why you didn't buy any of the doll plushies from that game?
A : Since I'm not a big fan of plushies, I didn't collect any of these, so that's why I don't have any.
Q : How are you feeling if you encounter the 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys on someone's house, especially if you found all 3 plants?
A : I felt surprised, but I'm so hilarious with it. Imagine if I saw them again and again, I decided to borrow one or few of those, or eventually I get them as mine.
Q : What is your most expensive Plants vs. Zombies that you ever bought?
A : The K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2, a whole set is most expensive one that I ever bought, about 60 bucks (or IDR 830.000).
Q : Mention the list of your Plants vs. Zombies toy brands to put in your collection, even the ones that you don't have!
A : Here is the list of it:
- Plants vs. Zombies plushes*
- Plants vs. Zombies bootleg toys that can shoots or throw projectiles
- Funko Pop Plants vs. Zombies, especially the Peashooter and Sunflower
KFC Plants vs. Zombies- K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies^
- KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2
- Jazwares 6-pack Plants vs. Zombies figures
- Jazwares Plants vs. Zombies 2-pack blisters (example: Peashooter & Ducky Tube Zombie, Sunflower & Conehead Zombie, and many more)
- Jazwares Peashooter Popper
- Jazwares Exploding Zombie*
- Chinese poppers, especially Snow Pea popper, Fire Pea popper, and catapult plants
- Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2-pack blisters, especially the Scientist Zombie & Gatling Pea, Marine Biologist & Toxic Pea, All Star & Shadow Flower, and Goalie Star & Sunflower*
- Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, and Garden Warfare 2 Minimates*
The strikethrough words means it is not available anymore, even forever.
The bold words means the ones that I have.
The * symbol means I don't have a clue to get these toys.
The ^ symbol means there are some more toys that I don't have.
And here is a concept map of my Plants vs. Zombies collection from past 2 years to now looks like (click here if you want for bigger size):
The x means it isn't available in my collection anymore.
The y means it has a missing piece.
- Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figure set : It doesn't look too good for specialist collectors, but it seems good for beginners who collected the figures from this game. Also, these types of figure sets are common everywhere at every online stores, especially the online stores that is close to the factory where they made them directly. And one more thing, the price of those things are fair enough to buy them, but sometimes they are too expensive.
- KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 : This is good for collectors, but since these were discontinued later on, I have no clue about them anymore.
- K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, both Series 1 & 2 : This is very great for specialist collectors, however the quality must be controlled (especially plants), so it does look as good as the promotional pictures. Also, if you buy several of those and you live outside U.S.A, it is incredibly hard task due to you must pay a lot of bucks, like e-Bay, the only online shops which provides international shipping for those things.