List of video games that I've played...

As title's promised, here are list of video games that I've played, from my childhood until now.

NES/Famicom console games:

  • Super Mario Bros,
  • Pocket Monster (a Pokemon platformer-type game, pirate original),
  • Tetris,*
  • Contra, including it's sequel,
  • Duck Hunt,
  • Battle City, including it's pirate version,*
  • Dr. Mario,
  • Side Pocket,
  • Lunar Pool,
  • Lode Runner,
  • Various of certain official Famicom games (Field Combat, Formation Z, etc),
  • Magic Jewelry, and
  • Some more of the games of this system that are pirate originals but I don't remember them anymore
* means the ones that I played the most

Handheld games:

  • Same NES/Famicom games yet again but on GameBoy Advance, bundled in a pirate cartridge
  • Mario Golf Tour Advance (GameBoy Advance)

PC games (not PC Engine, just computer or laptop, literally)

  • Zuma
  • Some built-in Microsoft Windows games (such as mainly solitaire games, Minesweeper, Purble Place, and some more)
  • A wonderful bundle of many GameHouse games, from around 2003-2004 (however, many of them doesn't work as they should in Windows 7, they just stopped working)
  • Plants vs. Zombies*

Mobile phone games, all in different operating systems:

  • Snake (Very old Nokia phone game)
  • Nature Park (Old Nokia phone game)
  • Bounce (Old Nokia phone game)*
  • City Bloxx (Old Nokia phone game that involves building a city by stacking the parts of a building)
  • Bounce Tales (Probably a sequel of a Bounce, and again, it's still an old Nokia phone game)
  • Block'd (Old Nokia phone game, same aspect as Collapse)
  • Fruit Ninja
  • Track My Train
  • Angry Birds
  • Angry Birds Seasons
  • Angry Birds Space
  • Angry Birds Rio
  • Several cheapo Android games
  • Plants vs. Zombies
  • Plants vs. Zombies 2
  • Plants vs. Zombies Heroes

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