Saturday, July 15, 2017

Bootleg Plants vs. Zombies games

Hi guys, and welcome back on another world of explaining more about Plants vs. Zombies games and merchandise stuffs. Do you know what happened before the real Plants vs. Zombies 2 by Electronic Arts has been released? Well, from what I saw them the Google Play on my Android phone, there were lot of obscure games pretended to be a Plants vs. Zombies 2 authored by those idiots, not EA (Seriously, these were pirates who made these crap apps, but it turns out they are piece of trap that made my device went something weird than usual). But now, these are gone once the Plants vs. Zombies 2 has been released for victory. For more further information about them, here are the ones that I remember:

1. Fake or ripoff Plants vs. Zombies 2 apps

Yes, just like the paragraph above this heading, there were lot of fake apps that pretended to be a Plants vs. Zombies 2 back in that day. Well, if the bootleg toys are bad enough, the idiot app makers also decided to make their fake apps as well (I mean not for the ones who made guide apps for how to play the game). From what I remembered and as well I ascertained before, those are very worst. Those are the apps that aren't contain the games that seems to be like the real one did. Instead, we just got a very confusing option like this (from what I remembered):

Install the game

Rate the app

That's the words from what I ascertain. Instead, I got an option like that, but after I tap the Install the game, strangely I just installed the app of overload ads, called SystemUI (System User Interface). I have no idea why this app just install the SystemUI rather than the game, or probably because those are very nasty as well. Just like what I expected, I installed the SystemUI, and the ads just appeared in random times every I operate the device. Due to that, of course I had to uninstall it down. There are some more of fake Plants vs. Zombies 2 apps but without that option, but every I tested them, they were crashed which is brilliant to me. And, one more thing, there is one more of fake Plants vs. Zombies but works almost fine as the real one does, but it is NOT clearly from the Plants vs. Zombies 2, just the original one. The graphics is very poor, and basically, there are no sound effects at all, literally simple as that. Since the graphics of the game is very poor, the plants and zombies looks pretty terrible. Also, sometimes the zombies takes alot of HPs to defeat them, even the basic zombies. So, that's the bad things from what I remembered.

2. Fake and mock-up ripoffs of Plants vs. Zombies apps

Turns out if the horrible ripoffs of Plants vs. Zombies has been returned when the Plants vs. Zombies 2 has been popular in the Google Play and App Store, even though the icon of the real app itself has been featured as cameo in one of the TV commercials that I saw it in my country. If the ripoffs of that sequel game has bad enough, the idiot pirate game makers decided to made them again, and it looks much worse as they mock-up the real apps themselves. From what I remembered, and as well also remembered from YouTube, there were lot of Plants vs. Zombies mock-up apps made by those damn pirates, such as Zombies vs. Tree, Hunter Plants, Angry Plants, and many more! Of course these games would not work properly, since the graphics are very poor as well, and sometimes they are crashes which is good for their pride. One more thing, those will be a piece of boo for those apps made from them, so.

So that's the bootleg Plants vs. Zombies games from what I remembered before. Please, if you want to play your favorite games, install the genuine apps, not the bootleg ones made by those pirates that doesn't seem best as the real one does. However, it depends from the storage and processor of your device that you are going to use it to.