Sunday, February 4, 2018

Emerald Pikax: informations, explanations and FAQs

Hi guys! Welcome to another Plants vs. Zombies explanations. I know if I'm not totally bored enough to enjoy and collect characters are from this game, so. Although I'm started to faded for a little bit of the game that I always play in my devices, it's still awesome though to play these games in my spare time. Speaking about that, I will inform, explain and frequently asked questions about a dead YouTube user that I remembered, and yet it's related to My Plants vs. Zombies collection series, it's Emerald Pikax.

1. General information

Emerald Pikax (now it's Rascako Nantako or whoever heck it's called right now) is known for making YouTube channel for K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies. He was popular in 2014 until he gave up 2 years later. He's very specialist to make any episodes of his K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures that he collected from where he got the first 4 characters such as Peashooter, Sunflower, Bonk Choy, and the Basic Zombie. Since he's very enthusiast enough with this Plants vs. Zombies brand, he commented on a few videos on YouTube that featured those things from other peoples who reviewed them. Not only Plants vs. Zombies, he also put another characters in his episodes like Minecraft, Angry Birds, and Super Mario. Although he is a kid, but he's very satisfying enough to record his figures for his YouTube's sake, and everyone who subscribed him is relatively decent, goes up into 400. So, that's it for his information then.

2. Explanations

To me, he's best enough to make any of his Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX episodes. When first time I watched one of his videos, which is his 16th episode called Pirates! (Literally), I was so fascinated by how he had fun by role playing on his Plants vs. Zombies figures. Then, I checked his channel and subscribed him, because why not, his videos were awesome enough to enjoy in my mind. The best thing about him though, I was surprised if his 16th episode is the most popular of them, because it reached up to 90k views and much more! Also, back in those days when I got cowarded by him by his subscribers, during that time I only got 175 subscribers only, meanwhile he just got twice more subscribers as me in that time. Moreover, this is right where I was pumped enough to get any of his inspirations by getting several of Plants vs. Zombies figures in my collection (besides the users who also have those things, but they weren't like what he got. However, in 2015, he got a lot of improvements that made me jealous very badly. First off, he got some rare plants like Bloomerang and Snow Pea, and I was poor enough to collect more of my toys and figures in those times. Then, I increased my spirit to get those toys like he had, by using my money from Lebaran in 2015 to get several of those figures for my first time. Although I already got those few things, he started to down in 2016 until he gave up completely, which kinda little bit sad to me. At least, I got several of Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX figures that exactly similar to him, but with my advanced cheat to get which ones that are my favorite.

3. Frequently asked questions

> Mention the characters of Plants vs. Zombies that he featured!

  • Peashooter
  • Sunflower
  • Bonk Choy
  • Bloomerang
  • Cabbage-pult
  • Coconut Cannon
  • Wall-nut
  • Snapdragon
  • Laser Bean
  • Infi-nut
  • Snow Pea
  • Basic Zombie
  • Cowboy Zombie
  • Mummy Zombie
  • Conehead Future Zombie
  • Prospector Zombie
  • Pirate Zombie
  • Conehead Pirate Zombie
  • Pirate Captain Zombie
  • Jetpack Zombie
  • Peashooter Zombie*
* cameo

Friday, February 2, 2018

Plants vs. Zombies 2: results on my devices

Hi guys! Welcome to another Plants vs. Zombies madness from me. Do you ever played any of the Plants vs. Zombies game franchises right? To me, I would say, yes.. Although the game itself started to downhill for a tiny bit in their developer who made this game, in my opinion this game is still like a piece of nice things going on each of their Plants vs. Zombies games as for now, although it sounds so creepy due to there are lot of undead creatures in different ways to eat the player's brains there being defeated by the plants... Speaking about those things, I will talk about how my devices will perform Plants vs. Zombies 2, and there are 2 of them, in fact. The devices that I use are:

1. Advan T1Ci

The tablet itself...
Here is my first device to play the Plants vs. Zombies 2. This is a cheap tablet that I bought some years ago, but now it's gone because I'm so unimpressed by this device. The reason why I'm so unimpressed by this device other than it's own UI is so horrible like mad, I installed the Plants vs. Zombies 2 on this device, and it was painfully slow. Even I tapped the fast-forward button in the game, it's slow and jerky like those Chinese knock-off devices, even though this is an Android device. The thing that made it so worst, it keeps crashing during the gameplay, and 75% of them crashed without the notice at all, which is extremely unacceptable. Albeit there were several of updates in Plants vs. Zombies 2 back in those days with this device, the device is still slow, jerky, painful, horrible, and it kept wanted to crash the game. Also, despite the other "cheap ingredients" games such as Bridge Architect, Twist A Monkey, X Construction and sort of those games that I also ever played on this, they are worked just fine, except for the Plants vs. Zombies 2 for this device. Due to I was so enraged by this problem in fact that I can't play my favorite game properly as it should be, I threw it out from the window in a 2-story building during I visited something (I'm not gonna tell you the location), then it broke down completely. Then, after I had a decent replacement of it, like what I said on All of my tablets! post, I destroyed it down with a hammer.

2. Asus Zenfone 5

And now, this is a current device that I use it right now. It's Asus Zenfone 5 that I bought from early of 2015, right after I broke the Advan T1Ci by dropped it down from 2-story building. Since this is a quality device, it must work properly to play Plants vs. Zombies 2. The answer to me as for now is: Decent, but kinda little bit slow at some point. Despite it works properly as it should, sometimes it does suffer from any slowdown that always from it's own device, but not that bad, since I can fix it by reboot it up. Also, it does suffer from the crashing during the gameplay, which kinda same as the T1Ci, but again, not that bad too as I fix it after that problem occurs. So, basically it's like my T1Ci, but with huge total improvements to handle this game, no problems at all other than those two small basic problems that happens. Hopefully this device must be last longer and works better than the T1Ci, which was very bad like that device got a lot of virusses.

So that's it for the results of Plants vs. Zombies 2 on my device.