Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Bad experiences in my Plants vs. Zombies stuffs...

Hello! I'm back on yet, another Plants vs. Zombies stuff explanations. You know what happened in the past time I played the game from the original to current versions? Also you know what happened in the past time I collected the toys that came from this game? Well, I would say, yes. But, there are some bad experiences that happened on me about this game, no matter what kinds of the things like the game itself or the toys that came with them. So, here are few bad experiences of my Plants vs. Zombies stuffs from what I remember here:

1. I didn't understand the main.pak file thing, then the game doesn't work...

This was happened on the original Plants vs. Zombies that I ever played on my laptop. While I was looking at the main.pak patch file thingumajig, then I tried to open the file itself. But, I was too lazy if the file itself is a kind of the patch thing, it means restoring the hacked characters into original characters, and the game itself is already 100% original, no hacks at all. Unfortunately, after I accessed the file itself, the game doesn't work that made me ran into a someone's house. Seriously, I ran it on the someone's house and cried out why I did broke my favorite game. Then, the owner of the someone's house said "Why are you came here? Why are you so sad?", then I said "Nothing, I only visited your house" until my mom came to the house that I visited due to my pair of slippers were left in front of the door. Then, my mom dragged me home and she said "Why you visited that house?!", then I was in tears. However, I had a way to fix the game itself, by removing the game that suffered by that main.pak file, then I downloaded back from the internet with the main files still intact (it means all 49 plants are still in place).

2. I got blocked on 2 of those Plants vs. Zombies wikis

Yes, based on my previous post called Worst things that I ever done..., I got blocked on 2 of those Plants vs. Zombies Wikis, such as it's own game wiki and the character creator of the game itself. In the character creator where you can make your own plants, I was not understand how to make your own plant, then I ended up blocked by those users due to I made something that sounds too rude, so. Also, on the wiki of the game itself, I also got blocked too after few days of log in to the wiki itself, no idea why. Due to that, I never log in on the Wiki anymore to avoid any further problems than those.

3. They destroyed my favorite toys...

This was happened in my early days of collecting my Plants vs. Zombies collection, right on my original post of My Plants vs. Zombies collection. Back in July 2014, I visited my old friend's house that had 3 of those of my most loved Plants vs. Zombies toys, which were from KFC in 2013. All of them were plants, such as Peashooter with it's own Pumpkin missing, Cabbage-pult, and the Sunflower. Then, I borrowed the Cabbage-pult home for a review. After I babysat it for 3 months, I returned it back, but the owner's children weren't happy... They immediately slammed them down from the balcony of their 2-story house, and all of my most loved toys were gone into small pieces! I feel bad for them, as well kicking my ass out for not allowing those to give them to my collection in those old times...

4. Threw my tablet away...

This was happened during I play the Plants vs. Zombies 2 on my cheap tablet. Based on my 2 posts, such as All of my tablets! and Plants vs. Zombies 2: results on my devices. In case you don't know the brand name of the tablet that I used it before, it was a cheap Advan T1Ci. First time I played the game on this tablet, I thought it was great to play on my tablet in that speed, but it kept crashes so badly. So, after few months of usage, I was so embarassed by the performance of this tablet, since not only crashed many times on this game, it also crashes on the other apps. Due to that, I threw it away from a 2-story building, then it broke completely until I pummel it down. Then, I replaced my device with my Asus Zenfone 5, yet it's laggy, but it works slightly fine than that.

5. Missing pieces on my favorite plant...

You guessed it again on my Plants vs. Zombies collection. It was occurred in the meantime of original post of it. It was this plant that blatantly shown here, my most favorite for a whole lot in that part. It missed it's own lovely stem, which kinda annoying. In case you don't know, it came from K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bags, Series 2, and it was an Elite plant. In the good old times during I opened the blind bags of those characters (including this one), the bag that lurked it got stapled, so I was curious until I snipped it.

6. Failed to get K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Wild West Skirmish set...

This was in the meantime of my post called My Plants vs. Zombies collection (part 2, SPECIAL). I was looking at the non-eBay online shop, there were few of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies sold through that online shop. I bought the Wild West Skirmish set, due to it was only the set that provided the Peashooter there. Then, I had to transfer my money to a followed bank that I had to pay it up, but everything gone wrong. I looked up the online shop to see the product itself got cancelled for unknown reason. This made my mom enraged due to that, so I had to refund. Well, at least I got the Peashooter from K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bag after 10 months later from a different online shop that is eBay joint venture, so it's all fine.

So, that's the bad experiences that happened on me. Hopefully, there are no more bad stuffs going on in my Plants vs. Zombies stuffs.