Thursday, May 30, 2019

Things that I hate in collecting Plants vs. Zombies stuffs...

Okay, it's been a while since I didn't do some updates about my Plants vs. Zombies collection, this time I will tell you about things that I hate in collecting Plants vs. Zombies stuffs... I know if I'm not refer this post to my collection, or the games themselves, I only refer to the ones that are outside my collection, especially for YouTube reviews... So, without further ado with them, let's take look at the things that I hate in collecting this  video game's stuffs.

1. Some bootleg ones that has their package designs are actually ripoff from the original, yet official designs...

Take look at this particular YouTube video right here... As you may notice on that video from that link that I provided it here, those Plants vs. Zombies sets do fall on this subject. Not only because in fact they're bootleg in general, it's also they ripped the designs of their packages... For instance, that video of that guy reviewing those Plants vs. Zombies sets, versus some of typical K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies building sets (especially for certain blister packages)... If you look closely at both of them, they both do have typical yellow and purple background. While the K'NEX ones do have their own logo on the top-left on their packages on that black part of the packages themselves, while those bootleg ones do have their own company logo in the similar manner as the K'NEX ones do.

2. Some bootleg ones that has their mock-up characters...

Simple as that, so take look at this particular YouTube video right here... As you may notice on that video from that link that I provided it here, that Plants vs. Zombies set does fall on this subject. Again, it's bootleg, and they mock-up most of the characters as well to make them look poor than the official ones do. For example, this plant right below here:
I pretend this plant as the original design of the ones that being ripped off by various cheap Chinese toy manufacturers... So, what they have done to this plant here, they decided to make them look even uglier and poor than the original design. For instance, the ripoff of this plant has the weird helmets on both of the heads which doesn't resembles anywhere in the games themselves, and they produce them with very nasty quality on them instead of good materials on them, so... This trait does happen also on that YouTube video link of reviewing those mock-up Plants vs. Zombies characters in that set, and there's no way if any of them are good quality (except for the ones that look legit and almost similar to the ones from their games themselves, despite their cheap quality).

3. Total nonsense...

If the first and second subject was bad enough, how about this one? Those Plants vs. Zombies sets do fall on this accursed subject (also including the video that I provided on the first subject, I think). Yep, total... nonsense... Combined by two previous subjects of things that I hate in collecting this video game's stuffs here, this one is possibly the worst compared to the previous two. You can guess how very bad those sets are on that video, because it doesn't make any sense at all. Again, there's NO WAY to get those damn sets, due to those sets are basically a combination of ripoff package design things, mock-up characters, an total mumbo-jumbo things which made them look like the worst Plants vs. Zombies stuffs ever.

So, here's my thoughts about those subjects, in their respective numbers:

1. If the toys or figures are look decent, you can buy them, especially for the ones that looks visually close to the official ones as an alternative. However, if you encountered some of the ones that are matched to this subject, just simply avoid them.

2. Even though one (or two or more) of characters does represent well from their games themselves, it's up to you about those. Again, if you encountered some of the ones that  are matched to this subject, just simply avoid them.

3. Just never buy any of them that does fall on this subject. If you encountered them in front of you, destroy them if you hate them so much (if you can).

So, that's it from what I can say about the things that I hate in collecting Plants vs. Zombies stuffs... There are lot of this game's toys everywhere, but I picked most of them and brought them to here due to they do have some weird things happening on them, hence why I hate them with passion. Okay, that's it from what I sum up about this, and thanks for reading.