Sunday, September 22, 2019

Random Plants vs. Zombies KFC toy pictures in your ceiling fan sightings? How?

Well, some of you may recognize these ceiling fan slideshows that I made and uploaded on my YouTube channel of fans... It's called My ceiling fan sightings series. I was inspired by somebody else who also loves electric fans a lot, especially for ceiling fans. So, I decided to make it by starting it off by making one back in 2014. Until now, it depends on how many pictures of ceiling fans that I saved on my laptop (unless my laptop is broken already, and all of those pictures are lost due to that), and also it depends on how powerful my laptop is (I still don't replace it yet with slightly powerful one). Speaking about my ceiling fan sightings that I made like above here, you may notice some pictures that aren't ceiling fans... Yes, take look at each of my ceiling fan sightings that I made, you may notice them? To me, obviously yes due to I put those to each of my ceiling fan sightings by myself. Of course you'll be surprised if you keep staring at my current profile picture, and of course you won't be surprised if I'm a fan of Plants vs. Zombies, the game franchise that I always play almost all the time.

I would apologize to say this here to be honest, but those Plants vs. Zombies toy pictures that are featured in most of my ceiling fan sightings above here are the random pictures from Instagram by various users of their Plants vs. Zombies KFC toys from May of 2013. Obviously they got them back then from their closest KFC that they visited back then from a kid's meal bundle that featured them, so there's no question about it though, and so for making my post of "This is what happens if KFC provided their Plants vs. Zombies toys..."... Anyway, the reason about why I put them in those of my ceiling fan sightings that I made here other than the fact I put them because for fun purposes, it's also because that's possibly my best way to get those Plants vs. Zombies toys by "showing" their pictures of them, so. You may ask about it like this: "From what I could tell you about your channel of fans, you also did making slideshows about them. What happened to those now?" Well, because they don't make any sense about my YouTube channel of fans, I put those videos as private, if I'm not mistaken... "What was your purpose about making them?"... Um, good question. My purpose about me making them due to I was so pissed by how I didn't get them back then since the TV commercial about them existed, and after they replaced it with Spiderman toys (if I'm not mistaken), I was so pissed even more that caused me cried so badly over those toys, especially for all 3 plants that they featured. Just like what I told to you in my posts about them, especially for "This is what happens if KFC provided their Plants vs. Zombies toys..." (although I didn't tell you accurately on that, for a bit)... However, this problem that I experienced here got solved after I got those from somebody who kept them in a social media by contacting her, so everything about me with them was done since I featured them in part 2 of My Plants vs. Zombies collection that I made on this blogspot here. I also put the word Special on it, it's basically because what I got in that part, and I referred it into those of my most favorite aforementioned Plants vs. Zombies toys.

Okay, back to main point of this post itself. I also made more of my ceiling fan sightings that involved those pictures. Some of the ones that I'm not feature them in here, I only show them for a quarter of a second every pictures that I featured in each of my ceiling fan sightings, instead of few seconds like the ones that I featured them above here. Although I do have them already (especially for 3 plants that I always loved for a whole lot), I didn't feature them anymore in my latest ceiling fan sightings that I made to avoid some bad things that will happen to them, just like my first two ceiling fan sightings that I made earlier (just normal ceiling fan slideshows)... Anyway, that's it from what I can say about the reason why I put some random Plants vs. Zombies KFC toy pictures by various users from Instagram into my ceiling fan sightings that I made, and thanks for reading this post.