Wednesday, October 21, 2020

My experience with Plants vs. Zombies 3...

It's hard to believe if I finally play the latest Plants vs. Zombies game on my current smartphone, Plants vs. Zombies 3. Just like what I did with the previous Plants vs. Zombies games that I play, I will tell you about how's my experience of me playing it, yet how it performs well in my smartphone. Without further ado with them, let's take a look at my experience of me playing it.

1. First encountered it on Google Play...

Unlike the Plants vs. Zombies 2, there were no fake Plants vs. Zombies 3 apps on Google Play, so that was a good sign for me hyped this game before the game itself was launched on the Google Play, unless I downloaded some Plants vs. Zombies clones or rip-offs instead. Not much I can say about it as I downloaded it just properly, until I opened the game itself for very first time.

2. How it loads...

The way about how it loads the loading screen is similar to the previous two Plants vs. Zombies games, except it's possibly the slowest one that I ever encountered (takes around a minute [or two] to load the whole game), unless I also counted the Plants vs. Zombies 2 being loaded on one of my bad Android devices that I used to have (FYI, in my current smartphone, it only takes around 7 seconds to load, sometimes 20 seconds or more). It does load the game every time I open it on my current smartphone, but sometimes it refuses to load which makes me to force close the game then I open it again when that occurs.


Yes, in fact! Unlike the previous two Plants vs. Zombies which I used to play them in obvious landscape screen orientation, this game just plays in vertical screen orientation. Because of that, I sometimes feel uncomfortable while playing it, and it still needs both of my hands in order to play and interact with any user interface on it, except it's way worse.

4. Game modes

There are few of the game modes in there, but not as many as the previous two games though. Those are Devour Tower, which basically like an Adventure mode for this game but with that Dr. Zomboss's particular "tower building" involved in order to unlock those areas in the game's map, Breakout (classic game mode of the game itself, including the Brainiac mini-boss battles), and Arena (Player vs. Player mode). There's also a built-in chat room in this game as well, which also has an ability to donate seed packets between players as well (although nobody in this game did that yet, including myself).

5. Game mechanics

One of the most noticeable game mechanics that I ever seen on this game is how that particular Sunflower produce 3 sun costs overtime. I still prefer the good old way to produce sun as much as possible in previous two games, because I found out if this particular game mechanic is slightly harder to deal in certain levels with certain difficulties, for example, higher Devour Tower floors or most Breakout events. Not only just that, there are few more of the game mechanics that this game has, there are few more of those, such as the Plant Food, Tacobility (happens every time between two stages of every gameplay by powering up 3 of the plants with the said ability, or put them on the seed packets or add 1 sun cost on the Sunflower's meter just like the Plant Food), and so on.

6. 3D graphics...

Unlike the previous two games, this one has 3D graphics, which sounds a little iffy to me. I also still prefer the standard 2D versions just like the previous two games, but it's still okay to me. However, it also has it's own small problem as well on my current smartphone as well, relating to this feature. Apart from slight lag that always happens on most of the game modes, sometimes the game just crashes on me every time I begin the gameplay itself, but like Plants vs. Zombies 2 that I experienced with my current device itself, it rarely happens as of nowadays. Or, on the most cases, some sort of server error that happens on this game as well.

7. Pay-to-Win

Heh... This game is also no exception for including the Pay-to-Win feature (except for the original game), thanks to the EA... Although it's not as bad as the Plants vs. Zombies 2 which has a LOT of them, but still... I don't bother to buy anything on it due to I obviously don't have any credit cards or certain payment methods that I've must deal them into.

8. Conclusion

Although this Plants vs. Zombies game isn't the one that I expected due to the way how it looks, plays, and performs, but it does entertain me just okay. Not as much like what I did with the original game back in 2012, or the Plants vs. Zombies 2 back in 2014 with all of bad things happened to it (including the actual game itself on my bad Android device that I used to have in those days), but then again, it hyped me just okay until I discovered few of the flaws that this game has. One of the most noticeable one is being the vertical screen orientation. Sometimes I feel so uncomfortable while playing it, and it still needs both of my hands to interact anything on the game's user interface itself... Speaking about the overall gameplay of this game, I must completely GRIND levels of my plants that I have through certain game modes like Breakouts, just like all of my plants in Plants vs. Zombies 2 against most of it's own extreme difficulty game modes, including most Penny Pursuit's levels with buffed zombie's strengths. Because if I don't, I always overwhelmed so easily on higher floors of Devour Tower if I don't prepare my plants with stronger power than the zombie's team power on those Devour Tower floors... Overall, this game isn't the one that I expected due to somebody out there said if this game is like a rip-off from some Supercell mobile games, but still, it does entertain me just okay with all of this game's flaws that it has.

Anyway, that's it from what I can say to my experience with this Plants vs. Zombies game that I recently play. I'm sorry if I don't seem to play this game quite often, unlike the previous two games that I ever played before, hence why I don't tell anything detail about this game in here. As always, thanks for reading this post, and hope you can enjoy yet pay the attention about this game.