Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Experience about me living in a house complex...🏠

Some of you may recognize if I actually live in some sort of house complex... Yes! However, as of these days since pandemic started from roughly 2 years ago, things getting worse and worse that caused me and both of my parents literally failed to do an obligatory objective in order to survive in this particular place much longer, or else we will evicted out soon in much less comfortable places soon... Speaking about that, let me tell you about the overall summary of me living in this particular place since almost a decade ago until today, until where I eventually ran into that huge problem that literally occurred for obvious economical reasons.

In case you've wondering about how come if I was able to settle in this particular place, I actually moved out from my old house that I also used to live with my grandma in 2012 (until she passed away in 2017). FYI, my old house looked way more traditional than this particular house where I'm currently settling in, it's because according to her, it was built somewhere in 1942. Even though I'd love to live in my old house because my old neighborhood were kind enough to meet my whole family (even down to how the house it looked), but I decided to move out from there due to that one problem that I couldn't even tell to you all... Anyway, back to the topic of this post. Even though I'd love to choose any other houses around my hometown that were affordable in those days, but I decided to buy this house on this particular house instead, it's because the fact it is located just close to my dad's main workplace... Simple as that.

This place has been worked quite well for several years about how I'm settling in this particular place, except the fact the neighborhood in this place is quite closed compared to my old neighborhood. Even though my current neighborhood are doing so, I occasionally visit few of them for certain stuffs to them (such as helping myself to fix my items, solving problems [which is rarely], and etc.). It's also located a bit further from the town center of my hometown too, unlike my old place, which only located just around few hundred meters from it. Also, judging by how you were able to hear some passenger trains passing by on few fan videos of my own YouTube channel of fans, I also live just close to a railway as well, which makes it easier to search this particular house complex through Google Maps of my hometown (if you're able to find it though). Not really a big house to settle in, but it's quite perfect for me and both of my parents to simply doing so for daily basis of all things in general. Moreover, this particular house where I'm settling in also featured as the first picture that they featured in their website of the whole house's complex itself in it's days too.

You may probably think if this particular house where I'm currently settling in has no certain rules unlike my old house would be? Well, you're completely wrong. Remember that "obligatory objective" that I was referred to? Yes, that's the one that I was talking about, which is some sort of monthly installment that the owner of house complex decided to do it on us. But before I'm talking about that for later, I'm gonna tell you about some flaws that occurred on this particular place aside from that one huge problem that we're dealing these days. Well, here are flaws of it:

  • Even though I ever mini-renovated this particular place in 2016, it has some physical problems on most parts of the place, such as peeling wall paints, leaking issues when it's raining, and even horrible mold on one of the rooms.
  • This place also ever invaded by some random snakes as well (albeit it was rarely per each of the row), it's because before they built this whole house complex, it used to be some sort of a sugarcane garden.
  • The squat toilet in my own bathroom of this house sometimes refused to flush every s***, especially every time there's a heavy rain happening on my hometown, it literally floods the underground gutter, which is located right behind my back porch, exactly under someone's house that isn't even part of the house complex.

Well, that's the flaws of my particular place in general that I could discover to you. So, in somewhere in early of 2019, things getting worse about how we couldn't even pay the monthly installment due to certain reasons. And it makes even worse when the pandemic begins a year later, which causing us completely couldn't do it anymore which resulting to a penalty from the owner of the whole house complex. Even he did that to us, we still couldn't even do it yet which resulting to more tougher penalty, which is doing that particular objective thrice times as the regular one per month... Unfortunately though, we still couldn't do it yet due to how totally broke we are! So, there is no absolute way to survive in this such place like this anymore, apart from the fact we must evicted out from here soon to those locked and loaded places, which are obviously less comfortable than this place would be. Yes, it is located on another house complex of the same name, but way more further than where I'm currently settling it right now, yet the size of it is way smaller too (if it actually happens soon). Or else, we would simply evicted out from here to part of my dad's main workplace by converting it into a roadside cabin.

As of today... Yes, I still live in this particular place even with that one huge problem that we're totally dealing to death these days. I just really don't know what happened to us, yet I ever tried to sell this house to everybody who would interest to it. However, it didn't help at all; not only the fact nobody would buy it anyway, it's because it didn't meet it's own requirements to do it either way. So, we literally having an "arcane enigma" right now, whether if we actually have a better place aside from those ones or not. Only the truth and time will actually tell it sooner, but it's highly unlikely.