Thursday, January 5, 2023

Unexpected moments with my Plants vs. Zombies 2...🎮📱

Well, it's been a while since I didn't explain about my Plants vs. Zombies video game series that I have in my own devices that I play, so I decided to explain about something unexpected that was once occurred on Plants vs. Zombies 2, particularly in my Android phone that I still own since few years ago until today. Yes, I did encounter some of my pure joy playing that particular Plants vs. Zombies video game since more than a decade ago, but I did spot one of them that almost made me lost everything on that particular game, but I did able to retrieve my whole backup data of it later on. Without further ado, let me reveal my short story about how come if I almost lose everything on it, right away. 👌

Basically, I had some stuff by looking at some junkies on Google Files. Upon I opened the app itself on my phone, I spotted many of the files which it referred as the ones that they need to delete them in order to free up my phone's internal storage space... Majority of them that it spotted were random files in various file formats, and random downloaded videos that are literally from some of those popular video sharing social medias that aren't YouTube based. There's also bunch of random video ads that also somehow downloaded in there too, which I also didn't surprise whether if I watched bunch of those random video ads from various apps that I used or any games that I played just before, they somehow downloaded them too without me noticing it until I realized by opening the Google Files to reveal the actual truth about them that lurks behind. 📁

🆗, back to the main topic of this particular article that I'm explaining right now... Right after I deleted majority of those junkies using that aforementioned file manager by Google there, I suddenly realized if I accidently deleted most of the core files that belongs to my Plants vs. Zombies 2 game that is clearly installed on my phone, including the kernel file of the whole game itself. Of course, I opened the game right after I did so, everything was reset into square one... yes, SQUARE ONE! Which means, I had to start all over again from very beginning of the game! I had a lot of trials and errors in order to retrieve my whole game's backup data back during this occurred accidently by myself using my phone's built-in file manager, but it didn't even work at all, unless I had to open another file manager in order to retrieve all of those back by simply replacing the existing kernel file of the whole game itself with a better one (instead of making duplicate with a number after the name of the kernel file itself, which clearly doesn't work at all), or even acquiring another kernel file that had everything unlocked to the max in the whole game itself online. 🤦‍♂️

During that happens, I almost lose my faith of me playing the particular game, until I decided to report this to EA website by showing myself my own player ID that is clearly stated on my Android phone by sending my own guest e-mail to themselves. Since I obviously didn't have my own EA account, I had to do so by sending it as a guest account in order to request it either way...  A few moments later, I decided to open the whole game itself, and it introduced me with a lot of duplicates of the player accounts on player list nicknamed myself. One of them was the one that had everything since I played it since early of 2015 (during the time I played it using my previous Android phone that I used to have), so I selected it then voila! There's my own backup data of the whole game that I was looking for! Not only the fact I was able to retrieve it back in general, I also shockingly surprised about how come if it automatically "hoarded" certain resources that I have in the game itself as well, ranging from approximately 8M coins, 10K gems, and even ~100* gauntlets! Well then, I was able to retrieve it back like so, even if I literally "hoarded" all of certain resources that I own there also, unless I already wasted any of them for buying certain stuffs in there. 😄

* means I had no clue if I counted that just right...

Well, there you have it for my short story that literally explains about that one unexpected moments that occurred sometime ago, particularly about the Plants vs. Zombies 2 video game that is installed in my Android device that I own since I acquired it few years ago until today. If you're also experiencing one of these unexpected problems like this on your mobile devices, feel free to let me know particularly about your story related to this particular article in the comments. Anyway, that's basically it for what I could explain the whole short story particularly about that, and pay attention when it comes to how you'll manage it without any accidents like what I unexpectedly did there. 🙏