Sunday, January 22, 2017

My Plants vs. Zombies collection (part 2, SPECIAL)

Hi guys! I'm back with my other Plants vs. Zombies collection this time. First off, you may notice if this part has no history about these toys just like the part 1 (a.k.a original My Plants vs. Zombies collection) does, and also there are no final results for them from this part and the later parts as well. So, here is a picture about several Plants vs. Zombies toy figures that I collected on the part 1:
All of my Plants vs. Zombies collection that I collected on the part 1 (main part)
Just like the previous part, I'm going to collect it as much as possible. However, it depends on our money, our family's economy, and also the stock about these things on the online stores where I buy them. Also, the word "SPECIAL" on the title means these toys are also featured in "This is what happens if KFC provided PvZ toys", and you may know what I got in this part. So, here are new Plants vs. Zombies toys in this part, let's check this!

1. KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Peashooter on Pumpkin

KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Peashooter on Pumpkin
Finally, one of the toys that was featured in my "This is what happens if KFC provided PvZ toys" has been arrived in my collection! I got this from the local online store in my country, called The only reason why I bought this one, it's only the used 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies that was sold through that online store. Since it was NOS*, I had a chance to get it. I liked the style alot, and a performance of how it shoots the projectile, even it looks a bit weird, it shoots through the Pumpkin instead of the Peashooter, since there are no any matters inside the Peashooter itself. Also, there were 2 more of these things that I wanted so badly (the Sunflower and the Cabbage-pult), even though I can't even afford them, but none of the sellers on the local online shops sell these toys.

  • The design looks pretty nice and neat.
  • It shoots pretty well, never fails.
  • Even though it shoots very well, it doesn't look too powerful like my little K'NEX Snow Pea was.
  • Since this Peashooter was joined with Pumpkin, the stem looks not sensible (due to it looks like an absolutely stretched sand timer to me), and it does look like a fat looking Peashooter.
  • There are some of the screws placed on the side of the figure instead of the bottom due to place where you put the projectile in, make it slightly less interesting for the back side of this figure.
  • There are some red scratches on the mouth, since this is an old and used toy figure.
  • Sometimes it has the same fate as my old Cabbage-pult was, the eyes are easy to vanish, so must be careful if you want to touch the eyes, and don't ever scratch them.
* means New Old Stock

2. Bootleg Winter Melon popper

Bootleg Winter Melon popper
Yes, another bootleg Plants vs. Zombies has been featured on this part (which is personally don't like for a little, also it was listed on my wishlist of my Plants vs. Zombies collection that was featured on final results of the last part) which is my actual first popper toy. It's a Winter Melon, a lobbed shot plant that is most powerful at all of the Plants vs. Zombies game series. I bought this from too. However, it came without the blister, so this toy was used before. If you want to play it, just squeeze the body and it shoots backwards (since this is a popper toy, it won't lob projectiles just like my K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Cabbage-pult). Also, this figure also came with an articulated zombie. The only reason why I bought this instead of the other chinese bootleg poppers, because I think it's bad if I only had one lobbed shot plant on my collection (in variant, I only got Cabbage-pult), so I decided to bought this one as the other lobbed shot plant.

  • Decent moulding, and rubberized well-made.
  • It shoots pretty far and powerful than the other Plants vs. Zombies toys that I have.
  • Since this is a popper toy, it shoots backwards instead of lob projectiles.
  • The zombie that came with this plant looks slightly poor than the shooter itself.
  • There are some little paint defects on the back of the body.

3. More KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys...

KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Sunflower
KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult (new one), and Zombies in Skull (Dr. Zomboss), followed by Peashooter on Pumpkin and my Plants vs. Zombies collection on the background
Turns out if I was able to get more of those things that I wanted so badly... Hoorraayy!!!! Here we are, for more of those KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys, and featured on my "This is what happens if KFC provided PvZ toys" blog, especially the plants. These are just the rest of them besides the Peashooter on Pumpkin that I got earlier, so now I got a complete set of them... I got them NOS from the someone who sold these toys on Instagram, not through the local online stores... I always liked them, but for the Zombies in Skull, I only liked it for a little. By the way, these are the best Plants vs. Zombies toys, including the Peashooter on Pumpkin one, and everything is all done for these toys...

The design looks nice, pretty neat, and well made. Compared to my other Plants vs. Zombies toys, these are the most nicest Plants vs. Zombies toys that I ever own (as for now), even down to the time where they released them back then (May 2013, in case you didn't know).
  • As usual, it dances nicely, never fails.
  • It is much nicer than the K'NEX one, which is also a kind of nice figure, but much cheaper quality and much expensive price as well.
  • Even though I already had the old one just shown on the first part without any advantages and disadvantages, it lobs nicely, never fails as the other KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys, also this Cabbage-pult still includes the original projectile, unlike the old one which I was borrowed from the kid of my old friend's own which is missing.
  • It is much nicer than my other two Cabbage-pults that I already have (except they're cheaper quality as well), and the basket doesn't bend like the old same one.
Zombies in Skull:
It works properly (like you push the Dr. Zomboss down to the Zombot itself), never fails.
  • It has some horrible scratches, especially Cabbage-pult and Sunflower, around their own pot, probably because they made a rough texture like that. Also, both Cabbage-pult and Sunflower got a hollow of their back side of their toys (for the Cabbage-pult, on the stem between basket and the body itself, and the Sunflower on the stem itself).
  • Sometimes they have the same fate as the old Cabbage-pult was (same thing), parts like eyes and eyebrows (for Cabbage-pult) are easy to vanish.
  • If you move it forward and backward, it makes some terrible noises.
  • It has a tiny bit bad painting, between the stem and the head itself, even though it looks good from the far.
  • The connection between the base and the toy itself is a bit loose.
  • It doesn't seem powerful enough to throw projectile, despite it is bigger than the K'NEX one.
Zombies in Skull:
The name of this figure is wrong. It should be Dr. Zomboss, probably they named it like that to prevent spoilers since this is the boss of all of the Plants vs. Zombies game series. Also, it has an improper grammar, it should be "Zombie in Skull" instead of "Zombies in Skull


a. KFC Plants vs. Zombies

Just check on the Part 1 or original of "My Plants vs. Zombies collection" on "KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult" section.

b. Bootleg Winter Melon Popper

Original product name: Plants vs. Zombies Winter Melon Popper (probably)
Total of the complete set: Not available, just one set only contains 2 different figures, not a whole set from separate packs
Material: PVC, rubber, plastic, ABS (zombie figure)
Year: 2015 (probably)
Factory: China
Popularity: Uncommon, but it's very common in online stores
Company/Importer: Unknown
Purchased from: (one of local Indonesian online shops)
Quality: Average
Type: Shooting figure or popper figure
Bootleg: Yes 
Delay of delivery: A week (probably)
Packed in: Blister (originally)


a. KFC Plants vs. Zombies

(C) 2013 Electronic Arts Inc.
PopCap is a trademark of Electronic Arts Inc.
(KFC logo, PopCap logo)

b. Bootleg Winter Melon Popper



KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Peashooter on Pumpkin's projectile
This is how to squeeze the Winter Melon popper to make it shoots...
KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult's projectile
A bottom view of KFC Plants vs. Zombies Sunflower, there are 3 wheels on there (one of them just as the normal wheel, and the other wheels operate the lever to make the Sunflower "dances")
A KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult's pot
Sunflower without the base itself
Two Sunflowers (the one from the left is from KFC, and the one on the right is from K'NEX)
(Unrelated) A Peashooter mini speaker seeing a commercial of the KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys
KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Sunflower's base


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Worst things that I ever done...

Hi guys! I'm back again. Do you know if I have a worst things that I ever done? Of course, yes. However, I mean the worst things that I ever done on the internet, not a whole thing in my actual life, which is too complex. So, here is a history of the worst things that I ever done on the internet, since I signed up to my account to now.

1. I got blocked on Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator Wiki

First off, do you know what is the Plants vs. Zombies Character Creator is? Yes, a wiki page that contains a fan made plants from my current game that I played. Since I'm interested by that page, I decided to sign in on that wiki using my Facebook account (unfortunately, now I'm totally inactive on Facebook, but I'll try to make a second Facebook account soon). Then, I commented to several pages on that wiki by "how to make a combined character based on real Plants vs. Zombies characters". However, the users upset myself and blocked my account (trust me, it's true). Due to that, I never sign in on that wiki anymore, except for viewing purposes. This was happened in mid-to-end of 2013.

2. I got blocked on Plants vs. Zombies Wiki

Again, I also got blocked on this page too. Just like the last one on the character creator ones, I got blocked by someone, even though I only sign in for sharing our interests there. This was happened in the same date as the last one.

3. Spammed myself with jumbled words

This was happened on my electric fan's section. Back in 2014, when I was busy with electric fans, someone with initials F-I spammed myself with his jumbled words, and one more thing that made it worst, he stole several of my Youtube videos on my main channel. And then, my friend help myself to block that user, and finally it happened, even though in my opinion, this is worst. But now, he's no longer upload any bad contents again that made me upset.

4. Spammed myself by calling us over and over

A proof of this spam
This is the latest problem that I very hate it for. It is a spam from a lot of unknown users who call myself over and over, and probably those are drunk, gibberish and rubbish persons who don't care of anything based on what's going on (for example, Youtube video). At first, I was commented on this video below:
You probably can't see the comment on this video due to a lot of people commented there, but this is where I got that spam for the first time. At first, I was commented on this video because of course how cool they are, but DAMMIT! After I commented there, those spams appears. I tried to stop it, but GODDAMMIT! It's still resumes! Also, they sometimes replied myself with words like this, "uwfeusdnf" or whatever that seems to be like that. Due to this spam, I reported it to my friends by posted this problem on my Google+ and my friend responses this to stop them. Unfortunately, after a while, this spam continues violently like a hell. This made me want to reply them with "blah blah blah" because how crap they are. Also, this spam now spammed on my friend's section, just like this screenshot below:
Proof of this spam on my friend's section including reply from us
Since this happened, I reply them with bad words due to how crap they are, so don't ever try this to everyone that is a bit smart than you, because you got a risk of that soon.

So here we are, for all of the worst things that I ever done. Please, don't post any bad comments here, because this is indeed, a worst things that I ever done to.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

My "scrapped" Plants vs. Zombies collection

 Not be confused with a main version of it, which much better.

Hi guys! Do you think my Plants vs. Zombies collection is good now? The answer I guess that, yes. Just let you know, before I started collecting some figures from that game that I often played with since 2014, I just started collecting some stuffs which is actually not good, or "scrapped" (broke so easily, like completely homemade one, or 2Ds like paper of pictures, or cards). Also, since these are weak, there are no advantages, disadvantages, and info of them at all.
And here is a collection of them:

1. Plants vs. Zombies printed pictures

Yes, these are very first Plants vs. Zombies that I ever collected. In case you didn't know, these are homemade, because these were printed from the photo shop, so. Also, these pictures are taken from the internet, especially from it's own wiki, so don't be rude about that. Since this is a paper that supposed to be used for a photo purposes to put them in a photo album, they break down so easily if they got some damage like fold damage, water, or heat, if you didn't put them on the photo album yet. So, here are list about some pictures that I used for this stuff:
  • Plants vs. Zombies, all Peashooters
  • Plants vs. Zombies, HD Split Pea
  • Plants vs. Zombies Repeater seed packet
  • Plants vs. Zombies Threepeater, and
  • Some Plants vs. Zombies fan arts
Unfortunately, since several Plants vs. Zombies figures has been entered on my collection, I burned some of them because they are look too dull to collect. Also, I just cut the picture of HD Split Pea one into the exact shape as the plant itself. 

2. Fake Plants vs. Zombies 2 trading cards

These Plants vs. Zombies 2 trading cards
Another set of the Plants vs. Zombies "scrapped" stuffs has been come to my collection! It is a rock-paper-scissors trading cards. They came with several blind bags, which is cool, but random (unlike the K'NEX ones which is manually select which one you can get by judging the secret codes). Also, there are some worst things on this stuff, such as some cards are repeated over and over, and not all of the characters are shown just like in it's own game. Overall, I still liked it though, and it's so worth it as the step up to collect more Plants vs. Zombies stuffs, such as figures which is now like a beast.

There was a Peashooter mini speaker in my collection. However, I didn't show it in this page because in fact it is a speaker portable, not a toy or collectible stuff.


Several of Plants vs. Zombies printed pictures in front of those Angry Birds
A trading card of Repeater sit near the Pokemon Pikachu that I bought back in those days at KFC

A couple of trading cards that I brought at KFC, just for fun
One of the Plants vs. Zombies printed pictures that survived for that long, but not quite (judging by the damage on the picture), followed by K'NEX ones on the back...