Friday, May 4, 2018

My Plants vs. Zombies collection: mini feeds

Here are my mini feeds of my Plants vs. Zombies collection based on all parts, no matter what kinds of stuffs are.
  • I was not used to be collecting Plants vs. Zombies stuffs. Since I was mad playing the original game, I started it by collecting those crappy pictures, printed them from the photo shop.
  • Those crappy Plants vs. Zombies pictures were the oldest Plants vs. Zombies stuffs in my collection.
  • I used to be mad collecting those cheap Plants vs. Zombies toys from China since the Plants vs. Zombies from KFC in 2013 were discontinued, then I did one set of them (characters from Ancient Egypt).
  • The obscure Plants vs. Zombies 2 trading cards are the first Plants vs. Zombies blind bags that I ever owned the most, being a dozen of them rather than just one. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures of them before I ripped them off.
  • Sometimes I watch several Plants vs. Zombies toy videos on YouTube, rather than just the game itself, stop-motions and animations. The ones that I watch mostly are the most interesting ones, and super common cheap ones.
  • I ever made some plants made out from some origami papers, mostly lobbed shot plants.
  • September 2014 until a year later was the longest time there were no Plants vs. Zombies toys entered yet on my collection.
  • K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies is my most rarest, and most expensive Plants vs. Zombies toys that I ever own. It's also my first imported Plants vs. Zombies toys, which were from USA through e-Bay.
  • I'm only the person who collects Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX blind bags across all 3 series of normal games, meanwhile the other persons in Asia (there are few persons who own them through social medias including YouTube, live in certain Asian countries like Thailand, Vietnam, etc.) just only collect one or two series of them.
  • My K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2, Snow Pea looks a tiny bit elongated with the stem that originally from the Peashooter. Maybe due to the hole on the body itself is messed up (because I glued it on the homemade one), and it does look a tiny bit weird too, compared to those ones that somebody own them on YouTube.
  • 2016 and 2017 were the year with most Plants vs. Zombies toys that I received, being 4 of them each year.
  • Every time I watch K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bags on YouTube (despite I have some of them already), I always piss when they rip the blind bags, especially the ones who rip them so badly, due to I'm thinking there is a Peashooter inside the blind bag that being ripped by them. Nonetheless, if they rip the blind bags and it's actually a Peashooter inside (no matter what the series of blind bags are), I just pisses even more badly, and so wet my pants.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Finally survived for 5 years!

Some of you may remember my most loved Plants vs. Zombies toys, this time I have to restore them back on their maximum setting. These are Plants vs. Zombies from the KFC in my country, back in around May of 2013.

Just take look at my posts, called This is what happens if KFC provided PvZ toys and series of My Plants vs. Zombies collection, in fact these are the ones that I very wanted so bad, and I have to tell them again and again as the flashback story about the toys here. By the start, here are the following characters that were featured in KFC in their old days:
  • Peashooter on Pumpkin
  • Cabbage-pult
  • Sunflower, and
  • Zombies in Skull (Dr. Zomboss on a Zombot's head, literally)
I really like them very much on these toys, because other than they look very cool, the plants are look almost realistic as the game itself that made me jealous very badly. Meanwhile, I have no idea about the "Zombies in Skull" toy, because I'm not really keen on the zombies, so I only care about the plants, like what I collected usually... So, let's take look at those good old times of me where this commercial exists on the TV:
Yes, this was where I wanted to start my Plants vs. Zombies collection in reality (also during the early days of playing the original Plants vs. Zombies game), when I was mad collecting Angry Birds egg containers, and those crappy Plants vs. Zombies pictures taken from the photo shop. I really wanted them, but my parents don't know about those toys as I played the original game of it. After those reasons, those weren't exist on the KFC anymore, and they became scarce very quickly that made me cry. Although my parents recommended to buy the alternatives, but I wasn't keen by them, so.
Some KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys in my old friend's house. Notice for the Dailymotion player, due to somebody reposted it on this site
After a long time ago I felt sad due to no those things, in July of 2014 I found 3 of those my most loved things in my old friend's house, in one of the bedrooms. I found them because I was looking for their house by looking at several of the rooms, then during I explored one of the bedrooms, I found them! Even with Peashooter missed it's own Pumpkin part to shoot it's own flat projectiles, and so it's own projectile. The Cabbage-pult missed it's own projectile as well, and the Sunflower was still intact. There was no Zombies in Skull there, probably due to the owners lost it, so. Then, I borrowed the Cabbage-pult home for a review.
The Cabbage-pult that I borrowed from my old friend's house's owner
After I babysat it for 3 months due to the owner were searching it, I returned it back to them. Unfortunately, after I returned it not too long later on, those toys were destroyed by their kids by slammed them down from their 2-story house, right from balcony. I feel bad for those toys, as well hurting my ass off for not allowed to get my those of my most loved toys, due to a blatant evidence, those aren't mine. I was once attempted to borrow the other toys like Peashooter on Pumpkin and Sunflower, but I didn't due to that reason. So, it meant there were no more of the toys after all. However, some days later there were the sequel version of the Plants vs. Zombies toys from KFC, but they didn't interest me as much as the ones from 2013, and I owned them for the alternatives. Here are the toys that I mentioned:
KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 toys
But, after 2 years later with nothing from them other than the sequel ones, finally I found them from 2 separate persons who kept all 4 toys from a social media and an online shop. Here we are:
With all of my effort getting all of my loved Plants vs. Zombies toys from the past where the TV commercial of them were exists, finally those are came to my house for a relatively cheap price! Based on series of My Plants vs. Zombies collection, one of them was from the online shop, and the rest of them were from a social media who kindly kept them. Then, I had a chance of getting them with all complete parts and good conditions, then it's all done! I really loved them so bad, more than the other Plants vs. Zombies toys that I collect, and sometimes I want to sleep with them, so (well, not for Zombies in Skull). So, my most favorite from all of them, of course.......... Peashooter on Pumpkin, followed by Sunflower, Cabbage-pult, and Zombies in Skull (well, not really). More pictures of them (except for Zombies in Skull, yet again for similar reason):
So, that's all of the 5th anniversary of my most loved Plants vs. Zombies toys from KFC, back in May of 2013. Too bad if KFC didn't make them anymore, unless you really wanted them so bad like me. From what I can learn by during the time I visited my old friend's house, I will never abuse them due to their rarity, although I accidentally vanish the paint out from them for a tiny bit, like eyes, eyebrows and the stickers. Also, I would nominate it as the best Plants vs. Zombies toys in my collection, followed by K'NEX (although they're cheaper than these, but it does fall on the list of my most favorite Plants vs. Zombies toys), and KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2.