Friday, July 6, 2018

My childhood electric fan nightmares...

Most of the people may read my other post called How I officially started liking fans, this time I will tell you about some short stories about my childhood electric fan nightmares. In case you don't know what does it means, for example, I scared by it, and many other negative reactions related to that. So, here are my short stories about my childhood electric fan nightmares, based on that post.
  • When I visited a fair once a year in my hometown, I was used to be scared by industrial wall fans. No matter how big they are, I scared by them by dodging them, such as close my eyes, bow against them, and sometimes I walked backwards. Everything about this was even worse, especially during they're oscillating too. During they happened, I sometimes ran away against them, and I would think those would "chase" myself with their excellent air delivery. This problem only happened about twice times per year, if I remembered correctly.
  • Every time I visited someone's house with a decorative ceiling fans with their ordinary light kits, I was used to be scared by them too. I would think the lights would catch myself with their bulbs, and I would think the whole fan would fall as well.
  • There was an industrial ceiling fan on a course, that wobbled badly beyond the lowest speed. I thought it would be fall, and from what I'd remember, I just cried under it as well. Not only that fan on that place, there were some other ceiling fans on different places that had exact same wobbling issues that caused me to scare by them.
  • I was once visited someone's house, and I was fiddling around with a vintage desk fan. Unfortunately, it burned out and the smoke puffed out straight into myself, which caused other people surprised there, including me, as I was the one who made the fan itself burned out by itself, even though I was simply touch the front guard of the fan with my finger, then it smoked out.

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