Sunday, April 28, 2019

You => stuff destruction videos on YouTube...

As you may think about these picture collages there, yes, I'm enjoying many videos of the stuff destruction videos on YouTube lately... From very popular ones, into less popular ones, and many reasons about why I watching many YouTube videos about those... "Why you just watch any of those stuff destruction videos on YouTube?" Well, I'm gonna share the reasons here about why I'm doing so, from my story about why I just watching them, frequently asked questions about me with them, and list of YouTubers of them and I've watched them already (although there are more of those destruction videos on YouTube that are exists). So, here's my big bucket of story, FAQs, and list about them, and let's start reading them right now:

1. Story

Since I liked electric fans, I decided to screw around on YouTube and searching some of local electric fan videos on it. From the Indonesian local ones, into some of the foreign ones. During I was wandering some of both electric fan and ceiling fan videos on YouTube, I "accidentally" watch my very first stuff destruction video on YouTube, which was this one:
Yes, this was my very first stuff destruction that I ever watched on YouTube. Then, I watched several more of the fan destruction videos on YouTube, and (unfortunately), I went watching even more stuff destruction videos on YouTube rather than just fans, such as destroying TV, computer, speaker, game console, and many more items that they destroyed per each of their YouTube channels. As the time goes, the ones that I watched are even more crazier. In 2015, for example, rather than standard stuff destruction videos, I've just watched certain of stuff destruction videos that looks and sounds too excessive, such as Angry Grandpa shows, TechRax, McJuggerNuggets, or even HowToBasic (albeit most of them were staged). However, I can balance them by watching some other YouTube videos such as my usual things (electric fans and toys), and those standard stuff destruction videos. There are many alternatives of stuff destruction videos out there on YouTube, but it depends on what channels that I'm familiar with, so... From 2016 to present, I still watch many kinds of those videos on YouTube, but again, it depends on what channels of those kinds of those things that I'm familiar with, but in way wider range of what kind of items that they destroyed in each of videos.

2. FAQs

Q: Who was your very first YouTube channel of stuff destruction videos that you ever watched, and you still subscribed it to now? 
A: Garret Claridge.

Q: Who's your favorite YouTube channel of stuff destruction videos?
A: First off, it was Garret Claridge, but now I also enjoyed certain more of those guys, such as Shawn K (S&M Destruction), and recently, Plainrock124.

Q: What's your favorite electric fan destruction videos?
A: First off, it was  "removing" a ceiling fan video by Garret Claridge, but now I prefer it to Shawn K's ceiling fan destruction trilogy. Also, I enjoyed some more of electric fan destruction videos, but as long as they don't destroy anything that looks rare or vintage.

Q: What's your favorite tools in most of those destruction videos?
A: I used to hardly determine this question at the start against those though (especially in my very early days with them), but since I'm too much watching them nowadays (sometimes), probably my favorite tools for those purposes are axes and sledgehammers.

Q: What are the things that do you hate in those destruction videos?
A: Anything that makes me enraged, for example, Angry Grandpa, "Parents who destroyed their kid's X" or it's vice versa, and so on... Unless they're staged.

Q: Do you ever seen any Plants vs. Zombies toys or it's stuffed things being destroyed on YouTube?
A: Recently, I found few of them. First one, it was a Threepeater toy being sliced by 1000 degree hot knife. Secondly, it was few of cheap Plants vs. Zombies popper toys being destroyed with a shredder. Thirdly, somebody destroyed very... very cheap bootleg Angry Birds Plants vs. Zombies sets by simply ripping and cutting the sets off into many pieces. Not sure about some official ones being destroyed by any means, though.

Q: In your opinion, mention some of very popular YouTubers that are identical to this purpose!
A: HowToBasic (very obviously, especially for newer ones that involve tons of jump cuts), TechRax (including some of his rivals like GizmoSlip, and so on), and recently, Plainrock124 (albeit he looks like some sort of best alternative to me).

Q: How do you know those YouTubers of stuff destructions by subscribing them?
A: There are plenty of my reasons about how I did subscribe them. For instance: I subscribed Garret Claridge due to the way how he destroying stuffs are looks impressive (although I used to be mad with him by disliking some of his videos), I subscribed Shawn K (S&M Destruction) due to the way how they both destroying stuffs makes me laugh yet heals my bad days, and I subscribed Plainrock124 due to I was impressed by one of his 50 WAYS TO BREAK A ... series, including many of his Bored Smashing series.

Q: In your childhood, did you ever watch some of stuff destruction videos before you finally enjoyed them as for now?
A: Probably yes. Especially for that very old video of a man tried to beat "the world's hardest game" thing on a computer, then there was a jumpscare that caused him scared by punching the computer's monitor straight through. For the rest of them, I don't know... Probably the ones that somebody featured them in many compilations of them on YouTube (for example, a man in office enraged and destroyed a whole computer set).

Q: Did you ever post some of your hate comments on them?
A: Well, I used to do so. But now, I'm partially neutral at them, depends on how the way they destroying those items in each of the videos.

Q: Okay, since you enjoyed any kinds of stuff destruction videos on YouTube, how about TheOriginalHDChannel?
A: Hmm... First off, let's read this quote here:
"... I think they are trying to copy that one guy that use to post videos all the time smashing vintage vacuum cleaners and electronics... From what I saw, he died... It was kinda comical when he did, he would always complain while smashing something call it something ultra deluxe or the fancy model LOL.. He would torture it with the golf club, while you saw sparks coming out of something, then the words that came out his mouth would crack me up..."-Adam D. from's forum
Yeah, that's the traits about him that he explained to other fan lovers on that forum website there. Now, I watch some of the alternatives that are similar to that, such as smashthings1 (Robert Burgin), HPad, and probably more, but I don't know. However, I already found that guy on YouTube with those special traits that he shared them to those fan lovers in there, it's called "smashstuff31" (if I'm not mistaken). Although it has less views on each of his videos, but it's still saves a lot of memories to somebody who ever watched them by judging by those mumbo-jumbo texts on all around his videos and the way how he says and destroys stuffs on camera.

Q: Do you ever watch some reviews (or some sort of it) that involves it's destruction? If yes, mention some YouTubers who does that!
A: Yes, I do. The YouTubers who does that are: Ashens, The 8-Bit Guy (including his other channel, The 8-bit Keys), Techmoan (although only one), Rerez, and Retro Core (also only one, albeit he only destroyed one of the parts of an item just with his bare hands).

3. List of YouTubers

Here are list of YouTube channels that are well-known for stuff destruction videos. Most of them are the ones that I subscribed, and some of them aren't... So, here are list of them:
  • HowToBasic,
  • TechRax (including his rivals, such as GizmoSlip, JerryRigEverything, etc.),
  • Plainrock124 (main alternative, including his alternate channels, such as aznguy.mp4, Ada08, etc.),
  • Garret Claridge,
  • Shawn K (second alternative besides Plainrock124, although his subscribers are way less than him, but his videos are pretty entertaining due to their laughs on most of his videos),
  • Anything that looks identical to TheOriginalHDChannel (such as smashthings1, HPad, etc.), and
  • Some channels of stuff destruction videos that has least of subscribers (or views) yet they have interesting ways to destroy items.
So, that's it about why I enjoyed them on YouTube instead of just electric fans and toys, and thanks for reading.

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