Saturday, June 1, 2019

Your electric fan videos on YouTube these days...

Just like what this post's title said, and here's your question about this post, "What happened to your electric fan videos on YouTube these days?" Well, I'm gonna answer it by telling a short story about why I'm doing so, and what happened to me with electric fans these days... Without any further ado to them, I'm gonna tell them right now...

Back in 2013, during my first time I recorded an industrial ceiling fan in a former electronic store (but now swapped with bookstore) and uploaded it to my own YouTube channel of fans, I never expected to be like what I'm doing nowadays with any of those things... I know if I ever enjoyed them in my childhood around in 2008, but it only lasted about 3 years until I decided to enjoy them back by uploading that video on my YouTube channel of fans. Although I did enjoy many of the fan videos on YouTube from various channels of fans around the world, I used to post silly comments on most of those videos on YouTube, but now it's not anymore... Although I did have some issues on them that caused the other person who also enjoyed them felt upset to me (such as I almost blocked by one of the fan collectors due to I kept "replying" one of the bad users in 2015), but I tried not to do that anymore by simply ignoring them, or solving them in my logical ways... As for the time goes on from those days to now, I have several of my friends who enjoying fans too, from my local ones, to the ones who live outside my country where I'm living in right now.
Speaking about my YouTube channel of electric fans these days, not much I can say about it, other than the fact I keep uploading electric fan videos on my YouTube channels, and so for air conditioners too (well, sometimes). It's because I always use my old ways to encounter them, such as if I encounter some electric fans in public places, I record them, and upload the videos of on YouTube with certain titles and descriptions based on the condition about them... There's no difference between what I did in the past and what I'm doing right now with any of those things, except for certain equipments like recording equipments, photo and video editing software programs (although it's nearly underwhelming on my laptop for video editing software, unless I have to edit it on a computer that has 8 GB of RAM [or more]), and so on. One more thing that you may ask, "How about my friends who still enjoyed electric fans, especially for local ones?" They still making videos of them to share them to us (including myself), but they also enjoyed other things than just fans, such as air conditioners, cars, and video games (just like what I'm doing right now too, other than just electric fans)... So, that's my results about my electric fan videos on my YouTube channel of fans these days, and thanks for reading... 

Oh, take look at this bonus part of this post here, on this review video of my favorite video game's building sets here:
Look around 1:10, and here's what he said on that to me indirectly:
"... Hey, before we get too far, let's check out this really cool fan shot from AdeTheFanToyGuy, over on Instagram... He likes to be watching one of my older Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX videos on his dad's work... And if you look up at the top there's always a ceiling fan going on in his videos... I absolutely love the concept of a ceiling fan video site, which he also has up on YouTube, so check those out; they're absolutely interesting, and is totally something the internet was created for... Thank you for that awesome location video watch pick, I wouldn't mind seeing more of those..." Dan from SquirrelStampede
Although this video was published in 2017, but thank you so much for featuring one of my main Instagram pictures on there! I can't believe it if he featured it due to he was impressed by that picture that I posted on my main Instagram account... Once again, thank you very much for featuring it on there! Not only because in fact I keep enjoying electric fans, but I also enjoyed this video's game's collectible stuffs, so no wonder why I collected them as much as possible (even my favorites like what he reviewed like in that video, for example), hence why I made the series of them in my blogspot here too... So, that's it from what I conclude this post about both of things here, like the main event of this post itself, and the bonus part of this post as well... And once again, thanks for reading them.