Sunday, February 9, 2020

My failed YouTube electric fan videos...

"THE VIDEO DIDN'T SAVE!!!"-Plainrock124
Based on that quote by that very popular YouTuber of smashing stuff there, I'm sure you may know about the annoying bits of my YouTube channel as well. For example, my YouTube channel of fans, such as I got interrupted by the owner of the place for not recording their own fans (especially for public places), the device that I've used it for recording them just had some problems on it, and so on... So, I referred them here as my failed YouTube electric fan videos. Without further ado with them, here are few short stories about my failed YouTube electric fan videos from the past until now...

Started off by this video that I took back in the late of 2013, which was a video of bunch of National industrial ceiling fans in a former large bookstore. Although I briefly recorded them, I got interrupted by one of the employees for not recording them. As you can see at the end of this video here, that's how she interrupted myself for not doing so. Well, at least I made a greatest hits remake video of those fans in 2015, yet the store itself was swapped into a large electronic store.
Then, in 2015, I was once attempted to record this obscure industrial ceiling fan at a drugstore. Unfortunately though, I got interrupted by the owner for not recording it, although the fan itself was turned off. Which means, I failed to record that anyway.
Then, I was attempted to record a greatest hits remake video of these old KDK industrial ceiling fans that I recorded back in 2015. Unfortunately though, the phone that I used for recording them both (which was my mom's Oppo Neo 7) got hanged, then the video itself didn't save. This was occurred in 2016, and I didn't know what happened to those fans, because the place that contains those just closed down recently.
And, one more example of my failed YouTube's electric fan video was this video, right on the top here. Even though clearly it's a normal video to you, that single jump cut on this video is the obvious reason about why I can't take a closer look of the other fans in that place besides the ones that are shown on the video... Okay, I'm gonna tell you about the story behind it: I was having some religion trip in various places in Central Java, Indonesia. Then, during I visited in Demak grand mosque in Demak (Central Java, Indonesia), I had an opportunity to record various of industrial ceiling fans in that mosque, including the ones that are installed inside just like on the video... I was recording several of industrial ceiling fans inside that mosque with my own phone, then while I was taking closer look at one of the fans that are installed near the imam's place, suddenly there was a person told me for not recording them for obvious reasons. So, I decided to pause the video recording to avoid further problems to it, then I continued recording the video from the far away to avoid that again, and that's it.

There are more of my failed YouTube electric fan videos, but I'm not sure if I remembered them besides the one that I listed them in here. Anyway, hopefully you can pay the attention about why this happens in various place while I'm doing it, and thanks for reading this post.