Sunday, March 8, 2020

FAQs: K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies on me...

As you may recognize about anything Plants vs. Zombies related on me around this Blogspot here, I'm gonna spot one official toy brand that is well-known with their own Plants vs. Zombies sets in here... Unfortunately, they weren't distributed somewhere in my country that I'm living in here, but it's very common to see them in North America and United Kingdom. I know if I actually have them, but then again, I got them from e-Bay for slightly expensive price per each of the toys (except few of them)... Well, that's my bit of story of this toy company that made their own Plants vs. Zombies toys, except it's getting more difficult to find them online anymore, because they're no longer producing them, from what I e-mailed to the toy company itself. Although they do feel so cheap (sometimes they feel so nasty too), I personally like most of the characters, especially for the plants. Speaking about the toy company itself, yes, it's one of those Lego competitors that is well-known with  their own additional building sets like those typical rods and connectors (instead of just typical Lego-style bricks), and it's not very authentic if it's not made those sets by the company itself, K'NEX. So, since this toy company no longer producing them, I will make another "I'm sorry, our Pla-" wait, wait, wait... I mean, frequently asked questions about me with K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies sets, in terms of how I discovered them, and some extra stuffs about me with those. Anyway, without further ado with them, here are bunch of essay questions about them, and here are bunch of these questions right down here.
  1. What's your very first YouTube video of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies that you ever watched in general?
  2. What's your very first YouTube review video of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies that you ever watched? And also, who owns those videos?
  3. What's your favorite K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies sets?
  4. What's your favorite years of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies's existence?
  5. For some reason, you just don't like K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies's zombie figures. Why though?
  6. When did you discover those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies review videos on YouTube?
  7. How did you comment on many of those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies review videos on YouTube?
  8. Did you discover anything online about K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies outside YouTube and Instagram?
  9. How did you buy some K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies online, despite the fact you obviously aren't live in any regions of North America or UK?
  10. Mention few of your favorite moments from YouTubers who reviewed K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies!
  11. When did you obtain your very first K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies sets? Also, what kind of the set itself was that?
  12. According to one of your post in "More reasons about why I bought K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies", you owned them due to their trend in their days. Is it true?
  13. Is it true if any Peashooter figures (such as original, Snow Pea, Fire Peashooter, PVZGW/GW2 Peashooter, and Plasma Pea) are the ones that you always excited the most? And how about the other plants though?
  14. On the scale from 0 to 10, how much score that you give to those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies's plant figures?
  15. On the scale from 0 to 10, how much score that you give to those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies's zombie figures?
  16. On the scale from 0 to 100, how much score that you give to those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures that stays in your collection?
  17. To be honest, do you always hang around with your K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures, regardless of the time and other stuffs?
  18. Did you ever break one of your K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures by accident, even very tiny damage that did you do so?
  19. In your opinion, since K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies are no longer producing them as for now, how do you feel about it?
  20. What's your final summary and your bottom line about K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies?


  1. Those 5 seconds and 15 seconds commercial videos of those sets by K'NEX themselves. Before those videos, I watched an announcement slideshow video of it by a channel called BrickUltraNews.
  2. Obviously, any of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies reviews by SquirrelStampede, especially for his K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 video, which turned himself into legend as for now.
  3. Unfortunately, I only familiar with blind bag sets, so yeah... Blind bags.
  4. 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.
  5. It's because they have lack of many things, apart from they're feel not so sturdy, and very challenging to put them together (unless the cheap Chinese alternatives of this toy brand will works slightly better to put their zombie figures together).
  6. Probably somewhere in the late of 2013, where I found that announcement slideshow video of it by a channel called BrickUltraNews.
  7. I commented them by mentioning one of the characters that I always excited the most (of course). Unfortunately though, due to YouTube's latest policy that caused most of those videos were set for kids already, I don't seem to do that often after all.
  8. Yes. There are plenty of the sites where I encountered them outside YouTube and Instagram, such as Facebook (back during I used to fiddling around with it), Twitter, Flickr, and some more unrecognizable sites that contained them.
  9. I obtained them from e-Bay. Sounds so easy to you, in fact it's actually not. Every single sets that I bought from it, it always costed so expensive, yet they took quite long time of delivery from North America to my country.
  10. There are plenty of my favorite moments of YouTubers reviewing them, such as SquirrelStampede showing his Peashooter figures that he owned, FGeeTV with all of their glory with them, and so on.
  11. I obtained my very first K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies sets back in September of 2015, and it was bunch of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 blind bags.
  12. Yes. But I'm not sure about these days, since I have no longer seen any latest things about them from YouTube so often.
  13. Sure is! I always so excited to see any of those figures, because not only the fact that they looked so different compared to the other plants, I adore them because they do look so cute, nicely detailed, and perfect for the size for each of the figures themselves that made me want to hang all the time with those figures. For the other plants besides the Peashooters, sure I also loved certain of those that looks cool too, such as Sunflower, Bloomerang, Cabbage-pult (well, I used to love it quite a lot before), and recently, Rose.
  14. 7 out of 10. Although they look so cool (which made me satisfied), but sometimes they suffer from usual goofs like loosing parts, cheap painting on most of the figure's parts, and so on.
  15. Only 3.5 out of 10, because why not. They look well-presented though, but then again, I don't bother to get any of them for obvious reasons.
  16. 75 out of 100. I know if they look so comfortable in my collection, but then again, they suffer from their own goofs that I can't even get it to repair it apart from little DIY repair of those figures that I own.
  17. As for the recent days, sometimes... Apart from me sleeping with themselves every night that is (especially for most of the plants that I always loved, especially Peashooter figures), to be honest.
  18. Recently, I cracked a bit of translucent plastic from Fire Peashooter figure that I own, exactly at the leaves of the figure itself.
  19. I was so disappointed because I actually e-mailed the company itself. Although I'm so disappointed by that, I recently messing around with any of alternative figures from China that almost as cool as K'NEX would be, as long as I didn't buy anything that is completely OUT from the game's concepts, which pains me in my ass for owning those ugly figures.
  20. K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies is one of the greatest Plants vs. Zombies figures that I ever owned. The best thing about this toy brand that produced those Plants vs. Zombies figures is of course about how they featured so much in many online medias, especially for YouTube. From what I discovered back then somewhere in the end of 2013, I was so satisfied enough to own most of the figures, especially for the plants. I'd love to buy them as soon as possible once the trend about those sets were everywhere on YouTube by many of the toy reviewers out there, but I still bothered by how I obviously don't live in the same country where those sets were released and distributed in the respective countries where they existed, so. Although I felt disappointed for not getting them as fast as possible for obvious reasons, at least I did obtain most of those for very first time back in 2015. Followed by the other figures that I got later on, I was so impressed by how they look, especially for the plants. Although they're look so cool to you, the quality of them isn't that great, however... Right now, I have bunch of those figures already, and they do look just great, just like what I've seen online by many toy reviewers, one of them being the popular toy YouTuber who sent most of his own to myself as a gift, which was a very great deal to me, because he was so impressed by the things that I enjoyed... Bottom line is, it's possibly one of my greatest Plants vs. Zombies figures or sets that I ever seen so far for me collecting my whole Plants vs. Zombies collection. Of course they do suffer from lack of things, such as cheap quality, loosing parts, bad paintings on each of the figure's parts, and so on.
Anyway, that's all of my frequently asked questions of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies on me. Unfortunately though, since K'NEX no longer producing them, this is gonna be the last post about K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies on this Blogspot here (or is it though, unless I will make it again if they're arrived again in my upcoming series of "My Plants vs. Zombies collection [part 5]" post, but who knows)... That's it from what I can say about this, and thanks for reading this post.

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