Saturday, November 13, 2021

Annoying ads in PVZ 2... in my 📱......🎮

As what I clearly stated in my previous post, entitled "Annoying video ads" earlier, so it's time to explain this topic again as a follow-up, but specifically for one of the games that I still play from roughly 7 years ago until today, which is the Plants vs. Zombies 2. I know if almost any of the modern mobile video games do have some ads in there, but I do spot most of the annoying ones that makes me feel cringe about why they always appear like that, menacingly. There's nothing else that I can say about this anyway, apart from the way how I explain about it is pretty much similar to what I explained in my previous aforementioned post of them in general. Just like that aforementioned main post of them that I made earlier, I divided them into 3 levels of how annoying they are, ranging from average, annoying, and most importantly, very annoying one... I also include certain types of the ads that are just simple texts, pictures, and simple animations in this one too, yet I also tell about when those ads usually appear in that particular game that I play it as well.

Before that, I'm gonna tell you about when those ads will appear in the whole game itself, so let me explain about it first, then I'll show what kind of ads that usually appears in the entire game itself too.

1. The way how they appears...🎮

While I'm playing the game itself, they usually appear in certain patterns in the entire game, for example:

  • Win a level in Adventure Mode of the game (or losing it),
  • Win a daily Pinata Party events (or losing it),
  • Opening a store (or closing it, which is somehow rarely seen them),
  • Win every single of Penny Pursuit's events (or losing it),
  • Win (or losing) a PvP match in Arena (previously known as Battlez), and
  • Win every single of Epic Quest steps (or losing it)

2. Levels...🎮

Again, I divided them into 3 levels of how annoying they are, ranging from average, annoying, and most importantly, very annoying one. So, here are 3 levels of them about how annoying they are, as the way how they usually appear in this entire game:

a. Average 👌

Just bunch of ads that I can simply close right when they appear. Either just plain texts, simple pictures, or even simple animations. Even though there are built-in ads from the game itself (such as leveling up plants, featured premium plants, simple guides, etc.), but overall, it's not really that bad... Unless I accidently tap on the ad itself instead of closing it straight away.

b. Annoying 😠

Like what I explained to the main post of those annoying ads before, right on the "Modern Video Games" section, there are some variants of the ads that I refer them as the annoying one. Majority of them are interactive video ads that I can close them for at least 5 seconds or more. There are some of the variants of the same type of the ads that I can simply close them using the back button... if that works though. FYI, certain of the third-party advertisers (such as Vungle, Iron Source) that advertises those random ads do count as this one, as if I can close them for at least 5 seconds or more.

c. Very Annoying 😡

Yes, and of course I do encounter some variants of those ads that I refer them as the most annoying one that I ever encountered so far.  So far (specifically for this game in particular), I found at least 2 types of ads that I refer them as it, because let's face it... those ads are really stubborn to get rid of, or other else that makes me feel angry about why those very annoying ads always appear like, "Tap me! Tap me!"... So, here are 2 types of very annoying ads that I encountered them in this game:

  1. Interactive video ads that I CAN'T close it at all. This is one of the common ads that always appears in this game in general, yet one of it's variants are advertised by a third-party advertiser known as Ad Colony (if I guessed that right)... Although I can simply get rid of any of those ads by simply press the home button in order to exit the game with any of them, they will always come back with a vengeance for sure, especially when I tried to close any of them, I always tap the ad itself that leads to the aforementioned site (or online shop's promo) that they advertised. F***!!!😡
  2. Some of the Annoying level ads that will (or may) crash the whole game... Yes! Even though those ads themselves (mainly video ads) aren't look that bad in the first glance, but after I close them, they will crash the whole game. This problem commonly occurred in 2 of my old Android devices that I used to have, yet the majority of the ads that crashed the game were obviously video ads for sure (if I mentioned 2 of those aforementioned Android devices right, due to one of them performed so horribly, yet it kept crashed the whole game even there were no ads for that). Meanwhile, for my current Android smartphone that I'm using right now, I've seen them less than before, although I still feel bummed about why those following ads are able to do so... Contains malware or something "sus" to crash the whole game? I don't even know.
Well, there you have it for short summary of the ads that always appears specifically in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Once again, every single of the modern video games (including this game) do have ads that always appear no matter when they will do so, ranging from average ones, all the way into the most annoying one that you may deal or get rid of it by the way... I think that's pretty much it for this post of the same topic of it that I made earlier, but I made it again specifically for one of the games that I usually play from few years ago until today. As usual, thanks for reading this post, and hope you can pay the attention about this follow-up post too.

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