Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Types of electric fan videos in my YouTube channel...

Well, it's time to explain about yet another explanation related to my YouTube channel of fans. Even though my YouTube channel of electric fans is relatively underrated these days (unlike most of my fellow fan friends), but I still able to upload any of my electric fan video sightings (mainly for ceiling fans) to my YouTube channel of them like it should be, albeit less quantity than what I used to be from around few years ago, preferably from 6 years ago... Speaking about that, this time I'll explain about types of electric fan videos that I ever uploaded in my YouTube channel, which also applies to my fellow fan lovers of their similar YouTube channels that they do have like I do. So, without further ado, here are types of electric fan videos in my YouTube channel, right away.

Before I started, of course I have to start with one of the most common type of electric fan videos that I ever recorded and uploaded, until all the way to the ones that contains electric fans in different types and brands in these categories that I made here.

A. Ordinary

One of the most common fan videos that I ever uploaded, which is the bog-standard ordinary one. It is obviously self-explanatory, which literally contains just a single electric fan that I recorded on camera.

B. Bi-ordinary

Similar to the Ordinary one, except only contains two of them that I recorded, but still the same identical types of electric fans and brands between each other.

C. Multi-ordinary

Again, pretty much like the Ordinary and Bi-ordinary one, except only contains three or multiple of them that I recorded, but again, still the same identical types of electric fans and their respective brands.

D. Same brands, different sizes

Contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos that contains electric fans of the same brand, but either one (or two or more) has (or have) different sizes.

E. Same brands, different models/generations

Contains either Bi-ordinary type, Multi-ordinary type, or even Same brands, different sizes fan videos that contains electric fans of the same brand, but either one (or two or more) has (or have) different models or generations (e.g.: Bunch of Panasonic industrial ceiling fans at a public place, which some of them are older models and where they made)

F. Same brands, different types

Contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos that contains electric fans of the same brand, but either one of them (or two or even more) has (or have) different types (e.g.: orbit ceiling fan and industrial ceiling fan of the same brand)

G. Different brands, same types

Complete opposite to Same brands, different types... Pretty self explanatory, it's obviously because it contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos of the same types of the fans themselves, but under different brands and their respective models.

H. Different brands, different types (Mix)

Contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos that contains electric fans that have different brands between each other, and also they do have a different types as well, although at most cases, the brands of them (or even most of the types of the fans) are the same. This is also one type of my fan videos that usually gets more views on my particular YouTube channel of fans too (or is it though, as of this year).

Well, there you have it for this particular topic post that explains about the types of electric fan videos in my YouTube channel. Through many years of me recording any electric fans in any places (ranging from my place, my whole family's places, and public places), I already discovered bunch of types of electric fan videos in these categories that I categorized them into... Even though I keep doing so, there are actually even more of those, but I don't think if I can categorize them into these ones that I clearly listed here already, because in most of my fan videos that I uploaded and published in my own YouTube channel of fans, there are some of the "hidden" ones too (such as some cameo of the other fans that are also existed in the same place where the main fans are), especially for the ones that I didn't mention in every single title of each electric fan videos that I uploaded there (which also applied to my other fellow fan enthusiasts out there too, unless the description just explains them for a bit by the way). Other than that, it's pretty much anything else that I could say to this particular topic in general. I think that's it for this post that I made specifically for my YouTube channel for fans (for umpteenth time), and thanks for reading this post.