Saturday, February 12, 2022

Random infant vs. my electric fan videos on my YouTube channel...

"Ah yes. I know this user. The account was probably belonged to a mother of an infant. Hence the username. Many Indonesian AC and fan YouTube channels and videos always had their comments clogged with infants and autistics. Unlike the ones from US and etc. that had more fan enthusiasts than here..."-brothers.boy.88 on my Instagram account of fans and air conditioners

Recently, I received a lot of comments that are so weird on my whole YouTube channel of electric fans (and air conditioners). I know if I did encounter many weird comments from certain bad users that I encountered through many years, ranging from those hate comments, bot comments, dangerous porn "sus" comments that had some links that led into those "sus" sites, and recently, I received a lot of them from an user that belonged to a mother of an infant. Yes, and I'm not kidding particularly about that! But for some reason, she looks like she let the infant him/herself* to comment almost ANY of my own electric fan videos that I uploaded, yet also applies to most of my fellow fan enthusiasts too... Well, without further ado with them, I'm gonna explain about why this particular infant always doing so on almost ANY of my own electric fan videos that I uploaded on my whole YouTube channel of electric fans.

Before I explain about it, there are some of my possibilities about why this particular infant doing so. Here are my possibilities about it:

  1. Just like what I clearly stated for a bit just earlier, she looks like she let the infant him/herself* to comment almost ANY of my own electric fan videos that I uploaded.
  2. My own profile picture that I put on my whole Google account that I'm using right now, which probably the reason about how this particular infant got attracted on my whole channel by watching my own electric fan videos on my whole YouTube channel, AND commenting them in just THAT ONE word based on the name of the mother of the infant him/herself* for no reason.
  3. The username itself is probably fake, which means there is some random idiot behind all of those comments, but it's very unlikely or clearly not true.

Okay, back to my short story about main topic of this particular post that I'm explained about. In the meantime I encountered this kind of user, it used to post comments that exactly like what the particular infant is doing right now, but with bunch of random emojis right after THAT ONE word that he/she* usually posts right now. Even though if this particular infant still exists until today, it used to to so on completely different account that he/she* used in it's days, until I and most of our fan fellow enthusiasts forced to stop it (if I guessed that statement right, but I honestly don't have a clue about that anyway).

But, from what I could tell to it from at least few months ago until today, this particular infant literally never gives up! He/she* keeps spamming that with just a single word in EVERY SINGLE of my own electric fan videos. I tried to report it, and he/she* keeps doing that all over again! I mean, I'm not really angry like some people who can't stand with all of those hate offensive comments on their own contents, but the fact because this particular infant STILL doing so more than 10 times already, which is more than just a casual spam with all words and sentences that they usually do, but these ones just literally don't! Also, I obviously know if I honestly don't understand about what this particular infant expresses by just that SINGLE word comment of the username itself! (Sigh)

Although this isn't obviously my first time I encountered this kind of user, I also encountered some other users who being "abused" by their infants by commenting just a SINGLE word comments in my whole YouTube channel of electric fans before, but not as many as this one would be. Even then, those ones did annoy me as well, but not nearly as bad as what this particular infant constantly doing so these days, until I'll take an obvious action to force stop doing that entirely.

Well, I think that's pretty much it for the update about what's going on with this particular infant who constantly comments just a SINGLE word of the respective username of him/her* mother on almost ANY of my electric fan videos that I uploaded on my entire YouTube channel. I don't know about what else that I'm gonna say about this particular user though, yet this isn't one of the worst ones that I ever deal with, unlike certain ones that I already dealt from the past, which were ended up in obvious part of a cyber crime (for example). So, there you have it for my short story that explains about that particular infant who constantly doing so almost ANY of my electric fan videos that I uploaded on my entire YouTube channel, and hopefully you can pay full attention about it by learning some obvious lessons to them, if you're able to.

* means I obviously DON'T know the gender of the particular infant that I explained about