Wednesday, November 16, 2022

I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers 5... No more for my favorites (again), but...

Ugh, for f**k sake! I can't even believe it if I was able to make my fifth message about this issue associated with my Plants vs. Zombies stuff all over again. Even though I clearly stated an ultimatum in order not to continue this issue, but nope! I decided to break that statement by explaining on this particular article about what's going on between myself and those of my Plants vs. Zombies collectible items these days. Well, here are my results about why I keep saying more than just "sorry" word about those things, so it's time to explain an update about what's going on between myself and those of the said things that I wanted since around 5 years ago, as well as my latest update about what's going on with me with these of the said collectible stuffs based from this particular franchise in general.

Well, there's nothing difference between what I could say since I made my last titular article about them, because I still simply can't even afford those of my favorite figures that I wanted since more than 5 years ago... Even if I occasionally watch any old review videos about them, including that one YouTuber who sent me those of my favorite Plants vs. Zombies figures for free (yes, but that's not the one that I keep explaining about), but I still couldn't even resist about how I still miss those of my missing figures, even if I ever asked to him about why (yes, he clearly had them in most of his videos, but he obviously didn't have any extra figures for themselves)... I mean, it would be better if I should get those of the said figures by myself, right? No. The fact if I do feel broke these days, and considering those figures are even harder to come by makes the matters even worse than ever, which causing me forced not for getting any of those things forever, no matter how old I am... Besides, imagine if I recklessly purchasing any of them (no matter if it's still NIB or used), it would cost insanely expensive for paying them including international shipping fees and taxes for obvious reasons from anywhere from the US or Canada to our country, unless if there's an online marketplace who "bridges" this in order to buy them with ease, but I highly doubt it after that particular marketplace that was once existed in our country, but then it got shut down due to various issues that I already explained in my previous titular articles of the similar topic.

The fact the manufacturer and distributors who mass produced and mass distributed those figures were no longer in production respectively, it also made the matters even worse as well. In case you wondering about this, I ever e-mailed the company who made and distributed them from few years ago, but of course if they clearly stated if they are no longer mass producing and mass distributing them anymore... Sure, I can casually search about what's left about them on any international online marketplaces, but I simply won't dare to buy it, even if there are most of the missing ones that I keep talking about there. So, there's no absolute way to acquire them, unless there's another sudden miracle that might happen to myself in the future like what that particular YouTuber did to me by simply offering most of his figures that I wanted by sending them to me for free, albeit it wasn't all of them that are literally on my bucket list, yet they weren't based from standard Plants vs. Zombies games that I know (even though he also sent most of them that were based from the standard games anyway). Not being like a typical selfish person in order to do this repetitively, but this is the actual truth if I still couldn't even able to get those anyway, even though this may looks and sounds so silly for you (unless you already get them since the first days right after they mass distributed them).

🆗, back to the latest update about what's going on between myself and those of my Plants vs. Zombies collectible stuffs in general. Well, after a while I didn't receive my Plants vs. Zombies collectible stuffs since those days before the dreadful pandemic times began, I recently got these of my brand 🆕 set of these figures that looks exactly like these:

Definitely not the most wanted one like what I explained earlier, but at least I got some fun with these of my newly acquired figures. It's basically the same figure sets that I got from very early of the dreadful 2020 (packed in surprise eggs containing both plant and zombie figures). I acquired these particular figures from an online marketplace from one of the most popular online marketplaces that is available in my country where I'm living in, and it costed me around 12 bucks for all of them by paying them using a cash-on-delivery system (thank goodness, that was definitely my best way to buy them without wasting my bank account's credit all the way to the zero). Yes, these were clearly another one of those figures that I got straight directly from a seller in China, and it took just a week for shipping from China to our country. After I got some notifications from the marketplace where I bought these from, a random courier delivered the mail bag that contained them inside. Anyway, the characters are:

  • Sunflower and Flag Zombie,
  • Fume-shroom and Peasant Zombie (Dark Ages),
  • Cactus and Neon Zombie (Neon Mixtape Tour), and
  • Cob Cannon and a zombie from one of the worlds that exclusively exists in Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2.

Well, there you have it for yet another one of my messages associated by how come if I still couldn't able to get those of my favorite figures that were existed from 5 years ago, until the way how I was able to get some of their alternatives from themselves like those figures that I recently acquired there... Would you believe it about how come if I kept making one of these articles like this? Well, this is still definitely the prime reason about why I still don't acquire those figures that I always highlight them, specifically for those plant figures that I also referred them in my previous titular articles about this since my first one. I feel like I'd love to rant it over this for the umpteenth time, except I only said that for just once in this particular article for time reasons (yes, just that one word on very beginning of this particular article). I don't think at the end of the day, there will be another one of those unexpected miracle that might happen in the future in relation for those figures that I kept showcasing them for umpteenth times. As for how the time passes since those figures were newly sold everywhere in the western part of the world until how the manufacturers decided to stop producing and distributing them to those of the specific toy companies that used to license this particular franchise, I obviously feel the pain about how come if I still couldn't able to get them in my hands.

As for how I recently got those figures from China like what I clearly showed there, I don't think if I will make my fifth installment of "My Plants vs. Zombies collection" series. Unlike what I did in my previous four parts, I already found a lot of difficulties about which toys and figures that I will get soon. It's because I literally have no clue about which toy and figure sets that I will get, mainly due to the fact majority of the ones that they usually sell on every single online marketplaces are the ones that are intended for kids anyway. Again, if I recklessly buy certain figures like what I clearly stated earlier, it would cost insanely expensive in order to do so, including shipping fee and taxes...... So, that concludes about how I still couldn't able to get those figures that I always wanted for so long, even though they are a lot harder to come by these days. I don't think if I will make yet another one of these articles for the umpteenth time again, although I do understand about how come it they decided to fully "axe" the production of those figures, even before the dreadful pandemic times began. Even then, I always wanted all of those of the said figures that I keep spotting them many times about, yet they aren't based from the standard Plants vs. Zombies games that I know since my first time playing it from a decade ago. Well then, I think that's pretty much it for what I could say to this due to the fact I always totally sick for explaining this so many times, and hopefully you will learn the lesson related to this particular article.