Friday, October 14, 2016

FAQs for my Youtube channel

Hi guys! I'm back again with a common purpose to you. You may know about my Youtube channel that has a same profile exactly like the ones that I used on my Google+? That's it! Also, the ones with lots of electric fan videos? Exactly! In this page, you will explain the frequently asked questions about why I'm using my Youtube channel right now.
Q : At first, what's your purpose about your Youtube channel, and ended up you loving electric fans alot now?
A : It was purposed for my boring things, like playing some "crap" toys and also some sort of it. Since my childhood I liked fans alot, even in a little circumstance, I decided to continue it loving fans, like larger fans.

Q : Mention the recording equipments that used on your Youtube channel from the past!
A : My recording equipments are: Spectra Digital Camera (I rarely used it due to it's quality), D-ONE (it's screen is now dead, also it has most worst quality ever), Nokia 6630 (I don't have it anymore), my Samsung laptop's webcam, Samsung Galaxy Y (my old smartphone, but I sold it to someone due to something went wrong with it), Advan T1Ci (I destroyed it down with a hammer, because there are lot of extraordinary problems on it), Nokia C5-03 (I used it again, as a spare camera for now), Oppo Joy (my mom's first Oppo phone), Asus Zenfone 5 (my current smartphone), Asus Zenpad C (my current tablet), and Oppo Neo 7 (my mom's second Oppo phone).

Q : What is your very first Youtube video on your legend?
A : My very first video was entitled (Newest!) Iklan Gery Bischoc. But now I set that video to unlisted because it doesn't look too matching with my newer videos.

Q : Hang on! Did you ever make your first Youtube channel with a profile picture of your childhood's face?
A : Yes, I did! That's the one that you mean. Before I made this channel, I just made that one first for the concepts, back when I used that channel on my old house, also my connection access is also limited compared to nowadays, using the modem instead of the router...
Q : Mention the users that you subscribed besides the electric fan-related channels from the past to now!
A : The users are: Plants vs. Zombies (of course, for my favorite game), Rfm767 vs Zombies (now Rfm vs Games), IULITM, Shawn K, TikiTrex, Techrax, ashens, and a lot of those related channels that you may be noticed on my Channel section.

Q : Why your old videos has a bad quality?
A : Because I just lazy to set it on highest video quality (for time to upload to Youtube purposes), back when I'm using devices like Samsung Galaxy Y, D-ONE and Advan T1Ci.

Q : Did you ever upload some videos that doesn't make any sense?
A : Yes, I did. Trust me, I ever upload some videos that doesn't make any sense, like slideshow of someone's pictures that I edited on my computer, and then I set them to unlisted after some years later.

Q : Besides electric fans, what is your secondary purposes on your Youtube channel?
A : Of course, toys. But I only made some videos of my toys that I ever collected on Youtube, however on Instagram, I made it alot much like an opposite of my Youtube channel.

Q : In one of very old videos in your old channel with profile picture of you in a childhood, I see a video about a windmill. Did you liked windmill before this thing?
A : Yes, I did! I liked the windmills back then, but since the popularity of windmills on the rice fields has been decreased over and over in my hometown, also placed in my old house's environment, I decided to continue loving electric fans. There are some videos of these things too in my channel, but I set them to private.

Q : Did you ever got replied by someone that was bullying you? Or you ever opposed your rule in some of your comments?
A : Yes, I did, and I really hate them. Once there are someone that was bullying, especially the ones that mentioned my name, I would reply that with a same manner as the person who bullying myself, or even do nothing. Also, once there are someone that opposed our rule (like I'm wrote a rule on a different social media page, such as don't post comments like jumbled nonsense letters), I would do the same thing as I do on the someone that bullying myself.

Q : What is your first profile picture in your channel?
Here is my first profile picture of
 my Youtube channel
A : My first profile picture in my channel was this, some Plants vs, Zombies plants that was obtained in a Day level, just like picture that shown here.

Q : Why your newer profile pictures in your channel has a slight difference compared to the first ones?
A : Because I was inspired by something on Instagram, so I decided to make it much different than usual.

Q : What is your favorite Youtube videos that you ever watched besides electric fans?
A : My favorite non-fan related Youtube videos are smashing stuff videos, especially from Shawn K due to their behavior, toy review based on my favorite game videos, and a gameplay of my favorite game, of course.
Q : Does your videos has dislikes?
A : Of course, yes. Especially my videos with a bad quality. My video entitled KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 toys review is one of the highest amount of dislikes.

Q : Did you ever upload some videos about something that sounds foolishing?
A : Yes, I did upload videos about something that sounds foolishing. I can't tell you what is the name of these videos, because they are top secret about my hobby with my cousin, also I set them to private.

Q : Mention the video software on all of your devices for Youtube purposes!
A : These are VideoPad Video Editor, Kinemaster (Android, but now I rarely used it due to annoying little green bar every I edit the video), and Studio Film (Android).

Q : I see an Asus logo at the end of your "Ade Firmansyah's trailer #2" trailer video, what is the name of the Asus app that providing that?
A : It's called MiniMovie. I sometimes used it for making best things like trailer for sure.

Q : What is your video that is actually very popular, but it isn't related to your newer videos?
A : It's called something about one of my favorite things in my childhood memories, drum band. I can't tell you about the name of the drum band team that I recorded, as I set this video as private.

Q : Speaking about your electric fan videos, how did you can record it even most of the stores has a sign to not capture the picture or record the video?
A : I always record electric fans carefully, such as I recording just on one spot. If everything is good enough to record stuff, I will record them while walking around the building.

So, here are all of my frequently asked questions for my channel. And also, I hope you may know about the knowledge from my channel, so stay like and subscribe on my Youtube channel if you already liked these things.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

My Plants vs. Zombies collection: Final results

Before you read this, you must check the main page of this blog for introduction for each of my Plants vs. Zombies toys...

Hi guys! Did you know what happened to all of my Plants vs. Zombies toys? There are some damage around each of the figures, right? I would say, yes. Alright, here is a final results about what happened to all of my Plants vs. Zombies toys.

This page is only features several toys on my first part of Plants vs. Zombies collection, as the next parts won't show their final results of them anymore.

Also, this page is NOT including the KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult (May 2013, because it's unoriginal to my collection), several of my Plants vs. Zombies 2 trading cards, and some of my scrapped Plants vs. Zombies silly photos. So, here are the final results of them:

1. Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figures
Broken Bloomerang figure
Being the most ugliest Plants vs. Zombies toys that I ever bought, surprisingly it does last longer for a set of a static figures. I honestly hated them, except for the Cabbage-pult, Bloomerang, and Iceberg Lettuce. Although it's a set of static figure, eventually most figures would broke off easily, like other brands. Last time I'd much fun with those toys (before K'NEX versions of it came), the Bloomerang and the Ra Zombie broke off. The Bloomerang broke on it's connector between it's petal and the body, and the Ra Zombie broke on it's right hand holding with a kind of a sun stealer. Speaking about the quality of these toys, I would say, okay. Since there are no significant damage on the color of each of the figures, except the mould on each of them are so bad, but not too bad like most of the Lego Lele figures.

2.  KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2

This is our first actual Plants vs. Zombies toys that I bought from KFC, September 2014. Being the most semi-gorgeous toys that I ever bought, it does last longer as well. Like Bonk Choy, it's own ability is still works, followed by other 3 toys. Unfortunately, once upon a time when I had fun play these toys with my cousin, the Zombie toy broke. It broke because it walks insanely fast like a crazy than usual. I would manage to open inside of the toy, but I can't because I can't find the screwdriver for those rare screws. Anyway, I liked the style of them, even I just broke one of the toys in performance. The quality of them is good, since there are no significant vanish damage like the one from 2013, but I have no idea about the mould quality.

3. K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, both Series 1 & 2

Being the most rarest and gorgeous toy that I ever bought, apparently it has several bad results. It doesn't last long as the previous two brands than I expected, but the ability of them is still works well. Especially the plants. If you play them alot, it would left some kind of darking mark on the figure, also a kind of the paint damage. Even I have much appreciated with this brand due to the good style and good coating, unfortunately the quality of them are bad, like an opposite version of my Ancient Egypt figures. I tried to clean them with any cleaners, like glam oil, LCD screen cleaner, water mixed with a citric acid, and even the bath soap. Strangely, since they are the bad quality toys, they are the good shooters. Even the shooters like Peashooter, Snow Pea, and the Coconut Cannon can shoot as it should, sometimes it doesn't shoot very well. One more thing that I hate which is a missing piece on one of the figures, which is rarely happened. I got a figure that exactly like the picture shown above, sadly I got a missing piece on the stem, no idea why. It's kinda shame if that's the rarest one (or Elite) got a missing piece, based on the rarity on it's own set. Due to that, I wouldn't abuse them soon, since they're the neatest one that I got, and I would keep them alive. Even this is also not a bootleg (or ripoff) figure, like main chinese version of them, just like my Ancient Egypt figure set, I always kept them because it's my favorite one, due to how neat they are than I thought, so.

A perfect example if this brand are bad quality, even these are the good appearance: A paint damage on my Sunflower's stem (look closely at the leaves on the stem)

Results based on the game:

None of them are from original Plants vs. Zombies, all of them are completely based off Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time.


Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy brand so far? Why?
A : The K'NEX ones, because it looks a bit gorgeous to me, even though the zombies looks a bit ugly, and the plant's quality is bad like a bootleg.

Q : How did you collect these things?
A : I'm inspired by a TV commercial from KFC back in 2013, called "KFC Plants vs. Zombies". Since I didn't have any of them like the one that shown in the commercial, I just lately collect any of these toys like these as for now.

Q : Where did you get all of your Plants vs. Zombies toys, also your old scrapped photos of them too?
A : First off, I got them online, except my scrapped photos and all 4 KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 toys.  For my scrapped photos, I got them from the photo shop. Next, I got my Ancient Egypt figures from the local toy online blogspot called Lagoric. Then, I got my complete set of my KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 from KFC in September 2014. Next, I got all of my K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies (9 of them, one of them is from Series 1, and the others are compeletely came from Series 2) from eBay.

Q : Are you the first person who got the Snow Pea from K'NEX so far in your country?
A : Yes, indeed. Even though I got a missing piece that made myself disappointed.

Q : Did you have a plan to collect more Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : Yes, I did. But it depends to my money, my family's economy, and the time.

Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy that isn't from your collection, also the one that you can't afford?
A : Of course, KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys from May 2013. Even I got the Cabbage-pult one, I still trying to find them to now, even I got many of my Plants vs. Zombies from different styles and brands.

Q : How did you have 8 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 set without any duplicates at all?
A : There is a way to choose which figure do you can get. You must look at the codes printed at the back of their blind bags. You also must look which one that you can get, by seeing the underlined number on each of blind bags. If the position of the underline is same, it would get a duplicate. By the way, here is a code about the Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX Series 2 looks like:

0515026 = ABCDEFG
0515026 = 0 = A = Cabbage-pult (Prospector Zombie, if underlined twice)
0515026 = 5 = B = Frozen Zombie
0515026 = 1 = C = Translucent green Bonk Choy
0515026 = 5 = D = Pirate Zombie
0515026 = 0 = E = Infi-nut
0515026 = 2 = F = Conehead Mummy
0515026 = 6 = G = Snow Pea

Q : Mention the Plants vs. Zombies toy brands that you hate most!
A : I hated bootleg figures, like Lego Lele ones, and many of these cheap chinese Plants vs. Zombies knockoff toys.

Q : How did you can collect any of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, even other peoples in your country doesn't have any of them besides yourself?
A : I was inspired by some Youtube users, like SquirrelStampede, FGeeTV, and many more. However, I liked the one that came from an user called Emerald Pikax (now it's gone and replaced by King Dedede the Great) since he has many of his K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies videos in many episodes, so that's the reason why I collect K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies.

Q : What is your favorite Plants vs. Zombies toy that is inside your collection at most?
A : Snow Pea.

Q : In your story in "This is what happens if KFC provided Plants vs. Zombies toys" blog, why you feel sad about those typical 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : Because the kids from my old friend destroyed them by slammed them down.

Q : At first, why you collect any silly photos of Plants vs. Zombies, even fanpage pictures?
A : Because I felt boring in that time, back when Plants vs. Zombies 2 game isn't released yet.

 Q : In your Google search, about Plants vs. Zombies, what is the keyword that you typed much often?
A : As always, KFC Plants vs. Zombies.

Q : What is your actual first peashooter plant that you ever have in your collection?
A : My first actual peashooter was a photo of a HD Split Pea, even this isn't seem real like my K'NEX Snow Pea.

Q : Why KFC in your country did release these Plants vs. Zombies toys?
A : I don't know why. Probably because KFC has a plan to made these toys, but the results is still unknown.

Q : In some of global online shops, there are lots of those Plants vs. Zombies sold through them. Mention the brand or styles that is your favorite!
A : As always, K'NEX sets that has a peashooter figure or some plant that seems neat inside, and the one that shoots bullets, that is from the chinese version of them.

Q : Is it true, if "Zombies in Skull" on the KFC Plants vs. Zombies is obviously a kind of wrong grammar?
A : Yes, it's true. Since KFC prevent the original character name of it, due to this character was the main boss of all Plants vs. Zombies game series, which is a kind of spoiler.

Q : If you a specialist toy figure collector of this game, why you didn't buy any of the doll plushies from that game?
A : Since I'm not a big fan of plushies, I didn't collect any of these, so that's why I don't have any.

Q : How are you feeling if you encounter the 2013 KFC Plants vs. Zombies toys on someone's house, especially if you found all 3 plants?
A : I felt surprised, but I'm so hilarious with it. Imagine if I saw them again and again, I decided to borrow one or few of those, or eventually I get them as mine.

Q : What is your most expensive Plants vs. Zombies that you ever bought?
A : The K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2, a whole set is most expensive one that I ever bought, about 60 bucks (or IDR 830.000).

Q : Mention the list of your Plants vs. Zombies toy brands to put in your collection, even the ones that you don't have!
A : Here is the list of it:

  • Plants vs. Zombies plushes*
  • Plants vs. Zombies bootleg toys that can shoots or throw projectiles
  • Funko Pop Plants vs. Zombies, especially the Peashooter and Sunflower
  • KFC Plants vs. Zombies
  • K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies^
  • KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2
  • Jazwares 6-pack Plants vs. Zombies figures
  • Jazwares Plants vs. Zombies 2-pack blisters (example: Peashooter & Ducky Tube Zombie, Sunflower & Conehead Zombie, and many more)
  • Jazwares Peashooter Popper
  • Jazwares Exploding Zombie*
  • Chinese poppers, especially Snow Pea popper, Fire Pea popper, and catapult plants
  • Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2-pack blisters, especially the Scientist Zombie & Gatling Pea, Marine Biologist & Toxic Pea, All Star & Shadow Flower, and Goalie Star & Sunflower*
  • Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, and Garden Warfare 2 Minimates*
The strikethrough words means it is not available anymore, even forever.
The bold words means the ones that I have.
The * symbol means I don't have a clue to get these toys.
The ^ symbol means there are some more toys that I don't have.

And here is a concept map of my Plants vs. Zombies collection from past 2 years to now looks like (click here if you want for bigger size):
The x means it isn't available in my collection anymore.
The y means it has a missing piece.

  • Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figure set : It doesn't look too good for specialist collectors, but it seems good for beginners who collected the figures from this game. Also, these types of figure sets are common everywhere at every online stores, especially the online stores that is close to the factory where they made them directly. And one more thing, the price of those things are fair enough to buy them, but sometimes they are too expensive.
  • KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2 : This is good for collectors, but since these were discontinued later on, I have no clue about them anymore.
  • K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, both Series 1 & 2 : This is very great for specialist collectors, however the quality must be controlled (especially plants), so it does look as good as the promotional pictures. Also, if you buy several of those and you live outside U.S.A, it is incredibly hard task due to you must pay a lot of bucks, like e-Bay, the only online shops which provides international shipping for those things.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

All of my tablets!

Hi guys! Do you like the gadgets? And do you ever using a tablet? If yes, what is a tablet? That is a phone with a larger screen, and it has a similar performance as the phone or the computer. There are some of them from Apple, and most of them is from Android. Speaking about the tablet. I have a history about the tablet that I ever used, also for our story to now. So, here is!

1. Advan T1C

This is my very first tablet that I ever used, back when my phone was my old Samsung Galaxy Y. I bought this from 2011 (if I'm not mistaken). This tablet uses an Android Froyo 2.2, which is a bit outdated than my Galaxy Y, which is Gingerbread 2.3. For some reason why I bought this tablet, because two reasons:

  1. The first one is because I'm interested to buy a tablet in that time.
  2. The other one is because it's the cheaper one that I got, as the other brands cost much expensive than this brand. 
By the way. I played some games in there, such as Angry Birds, and a Tic Tac Toe (if I'm not mistaken). I also played some other Angry Birds games, such as Angry Birds Seasons, and an Angry Birds Rio (my favorite one). But, there are some weakness on this one, such as:
  • Sometimes it hanged up during usage
  • The File Explorer on this device looks confusing
  • Charger on this device seems cheapos
  • The quality of the camera is bad
Due to those weakness, I sold it to someone as the second hand tablet, and I replaced it with my "crap" Advan T1Ci.

2. Advan T1Ci
My old Advan T1Ci
Alright, here is my second tablet that I ever had, which is the same brand as the first one, Advan. However, the model of this tablet is T1Ci. I bought this from 2012 (I think), when I replaced my old T1C with this one. This tablet uses an Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0, which is more awesome than my Galaxy Y, even the processor is a bit stupid. For some reason why I bought this tablet, because two reasons:
  • The first one is because I originally wanted the high quality tablets. However, my parents denied it and they decided to bought another cheapy tablet.
  • The other one is because this tablet has much larger internal memory (I think).
This is also the first time where I played the Plants vs. Zombies games, such as the original Plants vs. Zombies, and the PvZ 2. However, before original PvZ 2 has been released, there are some fake PvZ 2 games in there, and I downloaded them so bad in this device. There are several weakness of it, such as:
  • The worst one was the app crashes immediately so bad, without any report or message on Google+ that made me rage.
  • Sometimes it hanged up during usage.
  • The USB port on this device is messed up. When first time I plugged the charger with some force, the USB port just pushed inside the component.
  • Most of the apps doesn't work, such as HD apps.
  • The cover at the back is easy to peel
  • The quality of the camera is WAY badder than the T1C
Due to those weakness, I threw it off to the trash in end of the 2014, however my mom found it again back when I got my Asus Zenpad C. Then, I destroyed it with a hammer into pieces and I trashed them.

3. Asus Zenpad C
Asus Zenpad C
After 2 years later I didn't have any tablet, finally I bought this tablet as my current phone's brand (Asus Zenfone 5), which is an Asus Zenpad C. I bought this on early of the 2016. There is only one reason why I bought this one instead of some sort of it, because I wanted the tablet that has a better performance. By the way, here is my current tablet that I still used to now, even there are some weakness, such as:
  • The internal memory space on this device is seems low, only 8 GB. This is made the Play Store refused to download any newer apps or update apps with that reason so often, without any actions like deleting the data cache.
  • The camera is seems bad for a little, but the video is good.
  • It produces the weird noise when playing some sounds (like musics or videos), then it made the unexpected device reboot. However it was fixed due to there is a firmware update.
So, what do you think about that, guys?

Monday, May 16, 2016

My action figure toy collection

For my Plants vs. Zombies collection, click here

Hi guys, are you a kind of a figure toy collector? If yes, I'm going to list some of my toy collection. For some reason, I didn't list the Plants vs. Zombies again in this blog, because I already did a deep blog about it since it's my favorite game. So, here are some of my toys:

1. Angry Birds
3 of my Angry Birds figures (actually they are an egg chocolate surprise container)

This was my first figure toys that I ever collected, and these are from the Gery Bischoc, a kind of the chocolate biscuit brand. It came with a just an egg container with that theme. For the first time, I bought the first three (red, blue and yellow) back in 2012. It's due to commercial in TV that made me interested. Then, in early 2013, I just bought some more of it, such as the red and the new black one, since I'm also interested with them due to a new commercial about them in TV. Even I started to liked the Plants vs. Zombies more, I still kept any of them until I moved to my new house. Next, after several months later, exactly at the end of the 2013, I bought some of them, like the another black and the blue one. Last but not at least,  I also bought the bigger red one, in early of 2014. Each of the containers has a different toys, and also a Gery Bischoc pack as well.

The weakness of them:

  • The quality of these containers seems low.
  • The black feather parts are easy to lost.

2. KFC Pokemon Pikachu
KFC Pokemon Pikachu 
Here is my other figure that I collect, and also this is my first actual figure toy that I bought from the KFC. Even I'm not a fan of this character, but I liked the performance alot. If you play it, just push the tail to lob the electro balls. Just let you know, if I bought this back from March 2014, and these things were gone forever later on.

The weakness of it:
  • There are no KFC mark, instead just a "Made In China" only.
 3. KFC Spiderman 2, Yoyo with Fins

I just bought a pair of those top spinners from KFC, from May 2014. These are from the Spiderman 2. Even this isn't one of my favorites besides Plants vs. Zombies, I still liked the performance as well. If you play it, just like what you do in the generic top spinner toys, except the fins will be released after you pull it down. For some reason why I bought two, because I gave another one to my cousin. Sadly, my cousin broke it some weeks later.

The weakness of it:
  • The quality of this toy seems a bit low.

Actually, there are many toys in my collection since our childhood. But, I only picked up 3 of them because they are one of the best besides the Plants vs. Zombies ones.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Top 3 our places with a huge amount of the ceiling fans!

Before you read this, you must check my Youtube channel here.

Based on my Youtube channel, here is our top 3 places with a huge amount of the ceiling fans. Even this is not too much like one of my friends who did same thing too (recording ceiling fans), but nevermind. For who don't know where I live, I live at Tulungagung, the city with a well-known as a marble art and crafts in East Java. Although there is only one that shows the pictures and videos of that, but it's okay, too. Here we go! Started with the lower, to the highest.

#3 KDK and Panasonic orbit ceiling fans, at a textile store

These fans are located at a textile restaurant, called "Wijaya", which is located at a Jln. Teuku Umar. There are 13 orbit fans in total. Actually, the Panasonic are the newer fans installed in there, and the KDKs are the old fans (were installed while the building was opened for the first time. However, from what I'd remember, one of the KDKs has unoriginal blades, which is red, because unknown. By the way, this is only the store that has huge amount of the ceiling fans, even in my "12 various of orbit fans at a shop" video almost reached this top 3.

#2 Uchida Milenium industrial ceiling fans, at a grilled chicken restaurant

These fans are located at a restaurant called "Ayam Bakar Bu Mamik", which is located at a Jln. Jaksa Agung Suprapto, just next to the shoe store that had a pair of 48" Alaska/Maspion industrial ceiling fans. There are 18 (probably), and 8 of them were installed in the hall of the restaurant, and the others were installed on the restaurant part. 

#1 Panasonic and National industrial ceiling fans, at an electronic store
So far, and so far, this is only place that has a LOT amount of the ceiling fans, and with a neat installation. These fans are located at an electronic store, called "Samodra", located at Jln. Basuki Rahmat. However, this place was the former of the bookstore, but it was switched places...

There are 26 of them, and they're branded National. Most of them the model of these fans are F-EY149-2s (PT. National Gobel made), and the rest are F-560A1s (a Japanese made, Matsushita). However, one of them has been replaced by a Panasonic industrial, model F-EY153. There are 3 columns of them, The first one contains 9 fans, the second one (which shown in this picture above) contains 11 fans, and the last column only contains 5 fans. Also, there is one more fan installed outside the store. Each column has a different models as well, the first column contains 4 F-EY149-2s, and 5 F-560A1s, the second column contains 1 F-EY153, 5 F-EY149-2s, and 5 F-560A1, and the last column contains 3 F-EY149-2s, and 2 F-560A1s.

Here are some other pictures of it:
The fans on the last column, at the back part
One of the F-560A1 on the first column
A Panasonic F-EY153 replaced one of the Nationals
A National F-EY149-2 installed outside (notice the KDK canopies)

Friday, February 19, 2016

My Plants vs. Zombies collection

For reason why I collect these things, click here. For non-Plants vs. Zombies collection, click here. Also, be sure to check the final results from them too.

Hi guys! Do you know if I'm a Plants vs. Zombies lover? Of course, if you familiar with this video game, you will say yes to us. Since I love the game since the first game to now (which are some sequels and Garden Warfare variants), I decided to collect the toys from this game as much as possible. Speaking about my previous post, called "This is what happens if the KFC provided PvZ toys...", here is a deep review of my Plants vs. Zombies toy collection. I collect some of them as much as possible, and it's kind of cool collection.

Since there are lot more of these Plants vs. Zombies toys that will be come into my collection, I will only put at least 3 to 5 toy sets in each of the parts, so this was the first part, and the next parts will be a different Plants vs. Zombies toys, not a same one (except for the cameo for the next parts). Anyway, let's check this!

Here are several of my Plants vs. Zombies toys (except for some of them that are shown on several of my pictures):

1. KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult*

Cabbage-pult in my collection (along with Angry Birds and Pokemon)
This is a very first Plants vs. Zombies figure that I ever collected. According to the previous post that featured this toy figure, this toy actually isn't original to my collection. This is because this toy is came from my old friend, while I still on the kindergarten. I like this style alot, however there is a weakness for this toy figure. If you play it alot, the eyebrows on this toy is almost vanished, not sure why. I tried to fill the vanished eyebrows with a green marker, but it doesn't work. Sadly, from what I said in the previous post about this toy, this toy was destroyed by the original owner.

Here is a little info about this toy: If you want to play it, press the stem to throw the projectile.
* not original for my collection

2. Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figure set

Ancient Egypt figure set (Note: only 4 of the 10 figures were shown)
Well, after the KFC Plants vs. Zombies Cabbage-pult toy is gone, and there is a Peashooter speaker (shown at the background of this picture), I just bought these bootleg Plants vs. Zombies figures. There are 10 of them, such as Cabbage-pult, Bloomerang, Iceberg Lettuce, Grave Buster, Bonk Choy, Mummy Zombie, Buckethead Mummy, Ra Zombie, Explorer Zombie, and Pharaoh Zombie. I don't like several of them, except for the Cabbage-pult, Bloomerang, and the Iceberg Lettuce. Although these figures are ugly-styled, apparently these figures supposedly to last longer without any problems like KFC Plants vs. Zombies Cabbage-pult did.
Advantages: Does last longer compared to the other toy brands that was literally made in China. Disadvantages:
  • The style on this set is always ugly and poor, as the other unknown bootleg Plants vs. Zombies sets too.
  • Since this set is ugly, they also have a bad moulding as well.
  • No articulation.

3. KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2

KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2, complete set
As what I wished on KFC's Facebook, finally these franchises are came back again, but in different style. It was released back around September to October 2014, after I bought the 10 Ancient Egypt figures. These are Bonk Choy, Snapdragon, Wall-nut, and a Basic Zombie.  I like them, especially the style of the Bonk Choy, and a performance of the Basic Zombie. Here is the info about these toy figures:
  • Bonk Choy: If you move it forward and backward, the arms are moving, like the Sunflower.
  • Snapdragon: Just like Peashooter on Pumpkin, except you must face it downwards, and push his head to shoot the fire projectile.
  • Wall-nut: Acts like top spinner, however it seems a bit harder than these generic top spinner toys.
  • Zombie: Spin the lever, and it walks like in the game.
In my opinion, the Zombie figure was the best toy in this set.
  • Less articulation.
  • The Snapdragon is the most worst toy, because it didn't shoot very well.

4. K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, Series 2

K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, Series 2 (only 3 of the 8 figures were shown,
and notice if the Snow Pea's stem isn't original)
It's a been a year later I didn't collect any Plants vs. Zombies figures, but finally, I just bought these rare figures that I found from e-Bay, K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, Series 2. It's supposedly to be a common figures in US, but I actually can bought them for a big bucks. There are 8 figures to collect for the each blind bag, and fortunately, I just bought a complete set of it. These are Cabbage-pult, Translucent Bonk Choy, Infi-nut, Snow Pea, Frozen Zombie, Pirate Zombie, Conehead Mummy, and a Prospector Zombie. I like the design of them, especially the Snow Pea. Unfortunately, the stem of the Snow Pea is missing, because unknown, and the bag that packed it was stapled. Here is the info about them (plants only):
  • Cabbage-pult: Pull or flick the catapult to throw the projectiles
  • Bonk Choy: Just like the one from first series (only the different color), you can spin the arms
  • Infi-nut: Flick whole of the toy
  • Snow Pea: Like Peashooter from the Series 1, you must pull the ice trigger on the back to shoot the frozen peas.
  • There was a secret code on each of the blind bags. Since I know these codes that contains these figures from Youtube, I did figure them out which figures you can get.
  • The Cabbage-pult looks pretty decent, compared to the one from Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figure set.
  • It has a "Approved for fun by PopCap" logo, which means this set is official, so don't bother.
  • Despite it was made from a proper material, the quality seems cheapos, especially the plants. If you play it alot, it would left some kind of the dirt that can't be cleaned by anything which is not good thing.
  • The projectiles are easy to lost, due to how small they are.
  • For the Snow Pea, sometimes it doesn't shoot very well (the projectile still inside the shooter).

5. K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, Series 1

Even though I got a complete set of the Series 2, I just bought the older ones too, which is Series 1. I only got 2 figures as for now. These are Sunflower and Bloomerang. So, here are two toys:

a. Sunflower

K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 Sunflower
Here is my first K'NEX Series 1 figure. After several months I didn't buy any of these toys, finally I just bought this toy. I bought this from eBay. For some reason why I got the Sunflower, because two reasons: 
  1. The first reason is because I originally wanted the Peashooter, but sadly it was sold out. Luckily, I got this as this toy was the last item listed on eBay. Even there is a Bloomerang one (the rarest figure in that series, or known as Elite), I choose this because it's the cheaper one.
  2. The other reason is because my collection is too bad without this toy, as the Sunflowers are main plants in the game.
The good thing about this series is it was included the K'nex blocks as the base of this toy. And one more thing, if you want to play this toy, just shake it's face with your finger.

  • Since this was K'NEX's first Plants vs. Zombies series, it has several K'NEX blocks for build the base ramp.
  • It has a secret code on its blind bag, as this was the older series, and also it's a very first series of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bag line.
  • It has a "Approved for fun by PopCap" logo, which means this figure is official, so don't bother.
  • It has the same seizure like Series 2, material seems cheapos despite it was made from a proper material, and the projectiles are easy to lost due to how small it is. Also, the stem on this figure is probably the worst part, every I bend it, the color of the stem changed into white, which is annoying.
  • The connection between base and the toy itself is loose.

b. Bloomerang

K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1, Bloomerang
It's finally here! The rarest plant figure in this series has been arrived in my collection. I also bought this from eBay too, even the price is still same as the Sunflower one, for around 35 bucks. Only one reason why I bought this one, because it's only other Series 1 figure that still sold through eBay in that time, so I had a chance to get it. I liked the performance, and the style of this toy. If you want to play it, just flick the boomerang projectile. Also, you can spin the petals if there is no projectile loaded in there.
  • Since this was K'NEX's first Plants vs. Zombies series, it has several K'NEX blocks for build the base ramp.
  • It has a secret code on its blind bag, as this was the older series, and also it's a very first series of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bag line.
  • It looks pretty decent compared to the one from Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figure set.
  • It has a "Approved for fun by PopCap" logo, which means this figure is official, so don't bother.
  • The connection between base and toy itself is loose, just a tiny bit more than the Sunflower.
  • It's petals are loose, so that's why I tried to flick the projectile slightly powerful and I miss, the petals come off when I just hit the petals.


a. KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult*
Original product name: KFC Plants vs. Zombies
Total of the complete set: 4
Material: ABS, plastic, PVC
Year: 2013
Factory: China
Popularity: Common, but now is very rare
Company/Importer: KFC, Dufia Toys (probably)
Purchased from: KFC (May 2013)*
Quality: Good
Type: Mechanic figure
Bootleg: Unknown 
Delay of delivery: Not available, since it was purchased directly from the place where the toys provided by 
Packed in: Transparent bags for each toys  
* Even this is not original to my collection
b. Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt figure set
Original product name: PVZ 2 Mummy Set (probably)
Total of the complete set: 10
Material: PVC
Year: 2013
Factory: China
Popularity: Uncommon, but it's very common in online stores
Company/Importer: Unknown
Purchased from: Lagoric (a kind of a local blogspot of the local online toy shop)
Quality: Average (but it seems bad to me)
Type: Static figure
Bootleg: Yes 
Delay of delivery: A week (probably)
Packed in: Generic transparent plastic bag, with 10 figures inside their own small bags (originally)
c. KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2
Original product name: KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2
Total of the complete set: 4
Material: Plastic, PVC, ABS
Year: 2014
Factory: China
Popularity: Common, but now is very rare
Company/Importer: KFC, Dufia Toys
Purchased from: KFC (September 2014)
Quality: Good
Type: Mechanic figure
Bootleg: Unknown 
Delay of delivery: Not available, since it was purchased directly from the place where the toys provided by
Packed in: Transparent bags for each toys
d. K'NEX Plants vs Zombies, both Series 1 & 2
Original product name: PvZ Mystery Bags, Series 1 #53437, Series 2 #53007
Total of the complete set: 8 (for each series)
Material: Resin, plastic
Year: 2014
Factory: China (figure), USA (blocks for Series 1)
Popularity: Insanely rare (very common in USA)
Company/Importer: K'NEX
Purchased from: eBay
Quality: Cheap, but not too cheap as these bootlegs (figures), Good (blocks for Series 1)
Type: Building toys
Bootleg: No 
Delay of delivery: About a month (or even two months)
Packed in: Blind bags for each figures

Watermarks (Except for KFC Plants vs. Zombies, Cabbage-pult):

a. Unknown bootleg Ancient Egypt Figure set
b. KFC Plants vs. Zombies 2
(C) 2014 Electronic Arts Inc.
PopCap is a trademark of Electronic Arts Inc.
(KFC logo, EA logo, and PopCap logo)
c. K'NEX Plants vs Zombies, both Series 1 & 2
(CE logo)
Made in China
2014 (C) K'NEX LPG
(for zombies, they have a K'NEX logo on one of their parts)


K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 blind bag (before opening)

Another K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 blind bag, before opening

2 of the K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 blind bags (before opening), notice the left one is stapled, that's the one that contains the infamous Snow Pea
2 of the K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 figures, after opening for first glance
A KFC Plants vs. Zombies Cabbage-pult toy sat on my Peashooter mini speaker

All of my Plants vs. Zombies collection on my desk
All of my Plants vs. Zombies collection on my bed, without the zombie
Having fun with Angry Birds...
Inside of the K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 Sunflower's face
The other 6 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures series 2 blind bags
All of my Plants vs. Zombies collection, before several of the K'NEX versions of it came...

The other side about my Plants vs Zombies collection on my desk

This is where I keep some of my K'NEX projectiles... (not including those pen connectors)
Homemade stems for my Snow Pea... Unfortunately, the left one broke down and I recently using the one on the right

All of the K'NEX projectiles (from the left: Sunflower, Bloomerang, Cabbage-pult and Snow Pea)
Some of my K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures taken apart... Notice if 2 of them has a dark color on their body, one of them has paint damage, and the Snow Pea has no original stem found...
A closer look of a base ramp (K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies, Series 1, Sunflower)
Instructions for both K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 and 2
All of my K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies toys in this part, just how to shoot or flick projectiles from these figures with their triggers
"Approved for fun by PopCap" logo


There is a little bonus clip on one of these videos below (after the main clip for the toy itself):
Skip to the bonus clip which contains these toys for videos below here (due to main clip of these videos here are supposed for my main thing, electric fans):
This is where I began collecting these things by inspiring this commercial video:

My mini ceiling fan collection

Alright, another post on my blog! This time I'll show you all of my mini ceiling fan collection from our childhood to now. Just let you know, if this hobby isn't popular yet.

Here is a little info about mini ceiling fan:

Mini ceiling fan is a type of the fan that uses a synchronous motor, so it doesn't work with a dimmer, or a regulator. Originally, the mini ceiling fans were always made in China with frequency about 220v 50Hz, and also there were 110v version of them.

Here we go! Started with the oldest one to now.

1. Unknown (probably Viar or HTC) oldie-type mini ceiling fan

Unknown oldie-type mini ceiling fan

This is my very first mini ceiling fan, even this is originally not mine. Originally, this is came from my cousin that now lived in his own house as for now. Before it broke, this fan runs fine, however this fan only lasted for around 7 years (probably). After this fan broke off, he replaced with a Shukaku mini ceiling fan. Then, I took this from his house, even this fan isn't working anymore to my mini ceiling fan collection, and I hung it as the ornament only (as for now).

2. Pair of Elitesat mini ceiling fans
One of the Elitesat mini ceiling fan, notice the blades isn't original
These are one of the first mini ceiling fans that I bought back in 2009, while in my old house. Each fans has cost around IDR 20.000. I installed them in my living room of my old house. These fans runs fine, and blow decent amount of air. Then, some months later, I moved them to the bedroom (formerly that's my bedroom) of my old house. Unfortunately, after I took them down, I lost one of them, and the other one (that shown in pictures above here) survived. But, the one that survived has the blades broke off. Then, back in 2014, I just put this fan in my collection (along with my Sivicom), and I changed the blades of them with a better one, even the motor is a little bit inhibited.

3. Extend mini ceiling fan

Along with these Elitesat mini ceiling fans, this fan was also bought in 2009. It cost IDR 35.000. It's also the first mini ceiling fan with a bigger diameter. It works fine, however, the blades are cheaply made so that's why it broke off so badly, and it didn't last longer as the Elitesats. Sadly, in 2014, this fan was trashed, so I wasn't able to rescue it.

4. MEET mini ceiling fan

I'm not joking about this fan's brand. After 4 years later I didn't collect any mini ceiling fans, I just bought this fan with cost about IDR 20.000. This fan works, however, there is a problem for this fan. When turned on, sometimes it acts like this fan inhibited like this: startup-on-startup-on. At least, this fan blow good amount of air. Unfortunately, after some months later, one of this fan's blades was broke. For some reason I didn't rescue this fan. Instead of it, I just destroyed it with a hammer and the fire, and saved one of the blades.

5. Sivicom mini ceiling fan
Sivicom mini ceiling fan
Along with my MEET mini fan, I just bought this fan, with cost about IDR 18.000. This fan is most cheapest mini ceiling fan, among with the other ones that I have. This fan runs pretty well, even it has some buzzing noise.

6. Pair of Bright-G mini ceiling fans, in different models

Bright-G mini ceiling fans in different models

Well, after 2 years later I didn't collect any mini ceiling fans anymore, I just bought a pair of the Bright-Gs, even in different model. The first fan's model is BG-500, and the other one is FD-50-10E.  The first fan costs about IDR 30.000, and the other one costs about IDR 25.500. Both fans works pretty well, even the second fan wobbles a bit.

7. Niga mini ceiling fan

Niga mini ceiling fan
After some months later, exactly near the end of the year 2015, I just bought this fan, and it cost about IDR 30.000. This fan works well, however it's a bit wobbly.

8. GMC mini ceiling fan
GMC mini ceiling fan
Last but not at least is a GMC. After a new year 2016, I just bought this old-style mini ceiling fan. It cost about IDR 20.000. It works pretty well, and it's very quiet for an old-styled mini ceiling fan.

At least, these fans are the fans that I collect, with an exception for the Extend, one of the Elitesats, and a MEET mini fan.