Wednesday, June 20, 2018

How I officially started liking electric fans...

I'm sure you may enjoyed my YouTube channel of electric fans that I recorded from various places like my own home, my family relatives, public places and such more. This time, I will explain about the main key of why I liked electric fans alot as for now, so here is the story about me with them.

It isn't my intention to love electric fans like now because while I was on my childhood, especially when I was 7 years old, I was scared by certain types of electric fans, such as industrial wall fans that are larger than 10", industrial stand fans are larger than 16", ceiling fans that wobbled badly, decorative ceiling fans with light kits, and some orbit ceiling fans that blow ton of air. The reason why I dodged certain types of electric fans, because I was afraid if I would think the fan would "chase" myself with their excellent air delivery, and for ceiling fans, I would think they will fall. However, those problems were gone after I got several of the fans that I owned in my old house.

By the start, I collected few fans like wall fans, exhaust fan, and several of mini ceiling fans around 2008 to 2009, mainly the oldie style mini ceiling fans in one room, which is in front part of my old house, except for the exhaust fan (installed on my room). I operated them everyday back in those days, until I got bored by them several months later. I collected those fans because I was inspired by my old helicopter toy, every time I played with it, (probably) I played it in upside down, much like a tiny ceiling fan, from what I'd remembered many years ago. Then, while I started to bored by those electric fans that I collected many years ago, I moved some of my mini ceiling fans to their bedrooms (just for their temporary installs), and I still fascinated by them, until they broke the blades down.

However, in 2010 towards to 2011, I stopped loving electric fans for a while due to I was so fascinated by certain stuffs no matter what kinds are, especially Upin & Ipin and homemade windmills. The reason why I stopped it due to I was mad by them, back when I adored Upin & Ipin quite a lot, not sure why. For the homemade windmills, I loved them too because during I visited on the fishing pond near a rice field, there were few homemade windmills through the rice field. So, few days later I visited the same rice field with several windmills in them, I decided to took some pictures and videos about them, and imitate them by making some of them out from the waste, and placed it around my old neighborhood. So, my favorite things around those good old times on this era were Upin & Ipin and homemade windmills, until I got bored by them in 2012, back when I started playing Plants vs. Zombies.

In 2013 until now, I decided to love my electric fans yet again, but in WAY wider range, because of course involves the internet, so I can meet everybody who also loving electric fans too around the world. At first, I searched some keywords about electric fans in generic way, but it turned out great when I was messing around with YouTube about them, especially for who collected them. Then, I decided to record my first video of electric fans, which were ceiling fans. So, here is my video of it:
Although I recorded them only about few seconds, but this is where my legend was born. Then, I took some more pictures and videos about them in various public places that I encountered on my hometown, uploaded them, and it turned out great! Other than those, I commented few guest videos of electric fans, mainly collectors, although I commented in the silly way in my earlier days of me with them, but again, it turned out great as well! Also, it looks even more greater if I can find my favorite types of electric fans, especially those vintage industrial ceiling fan with flat motor's bottom portion and "ice cream cone shaped" canopies that I found them around internet. Until now, I still loved electric fans though, but it depends on my parent's activities to visit certain public places that has some electric fans on them. One more question you may ask, how about everybody who liking electric fans too? Answer is, yes. So, I can't believe it if I'm not only the one who liking, and collecting electric fans as well.

So, there you have it, guys, this is how I officially started liking electric fans... Hope you enjoy it!

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