Sunday, June 3, 2018

FAQ: Plants vs. Zombies on me...

I'm sure you may seen those frequently asked questions of final results of My Plants vs. Zombies collection series... This time, I decided to list another frequently asked questions of Plants vs. Zombies yet again, but it's way more general and deeper than that one was. It's based on my epic experiences playing this game, and collecting the toys from this game for the extended update here. I'm going to list them as an essay format, so here we go:
  1. What was the previous franchises before Plants vs. Zombies?
  2. What was your favorite characters on those franchises before Plants vs. Zombies?
  3. How did you start playing Plants vs. Zombies even more than the others?
  4. Did you ever saw somebody played Plants vs. Zombies, yet you didn't love this game before you started loving it?
  5. How many times you finished the original Plants vs. Zombies game for first time?
  6. Are you got hyped by Plants vs. Zombies 2?
  7. What was your first Plants vs. Zombies collectible stuffs?
  8. What is your weakness of this game on your devices while the game is playing?
  9. How did you started collecting Plants vs. Zombies stuffs, even there were various of your random toys from different franchises that still existed yet?
  10. How did you collecting actual Plants vs. Zombies toys?
  11. Did you have any sad news about Plants vs. Zombies?
  12. What was the first devices to play both main series of Plants vs. Zombies games?
  13. Did you see the Plants vs. Zombies on the public?
  14. What was the first YouTube videos of Plants vs. Zombies that you've watched in general?
  15. What was the first YouTube videos of Plants vs. Zombies toys that you've ever watched?
  16. What was the first Plants vs. Zombies toy set in your collection? (Not from somebody else, just yourself)
  17. What was the first imported Plants vs. Zombies toy set in your collection?
  18. According to your My Plants vs. Zombies collection series, what is your favorite characters on them based on all first 3 parts?
  19. Do you have any haters of this game?
  20. How do you feel about this game based on these days?
  21. What was the first Plants vs. Zombies images that you've downloaded from internet?
  22. What is your favorite sound effects in this game?
  23. What is your favorite background music in this game?
  24. Do you have the console to play Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare? If not, why?
  25. Do you have your Plants vs. Zombies's toy collector's competitors?


  1. There were few of them, such as Doraemon, Crayon Sinchan, Tom & Jerry, several Walt Disney animations, Upin & Ipin, Shaun The Sheep, and Angry Birds.
  2. I'm not sure about all of them, but in Upin & Ipin, besides themselves, my favorite character was Fizy. However, in Angry Birds, my favorite characters was the yellow bird (a.k.a Chuck).
  3. It wasn't my decide to play this game. Like the other games that I ever played before, I didn't know how to play this game, and it turned out just great than the others.
  4. Yes, I did. In my primary school during a break time, I saw some of my old friends playing Plants vs. Zombies's mini-game Wall-nut Bowling on a computer in the teacher's room. Not only that, in somewhere else, I saw somebody played Plants vs. Zombies's mini-game Slot Machine as well, but I don't remember it anymore about the further information of it, or maybe it was just the same time as in my primary school. Also, I ever borrowed a fake console that has NES-on-a-chip architecture from one of my old friend's own, then I played a bootleg Plants vs. Zombies game there.
  5. At least 11 times.
  6. No, I'm not. Due to there was no internet in those days, I didn't hype that game though until I moved out from my old house.
  7. Those crappy Plants vs. Zombies pictures that I took them from internet, then I saved them on my flash drive, and I brought it to a photo shop. Simple as that.
  8. Lags and crashes.
  9. It wasn't my desire to collect those Plants vs. Zombies stuffs. Just like what I did on other franchises, yet they were cheaply made, I didn't know about why those are existed until I realized it later on.
  10. Check "This is what happens if KFC provided PvZ toys".
  11. Other than toys, yes it did. It was a Plants vs. Zombies Adventures on Facebook that got shut down in October of 2014. I was once played it, but I didn't play as often as the main game series due to lag almost all the time and horrible internet connection.
  12. Original game: It was my old Acer laptop, and my old crappy Advan T1Ci tablet. Sequel game: It was my old crappy Advan T1Ci tablet yet again.
  13. Other than that KFC commercial about those toys based on this game, again there was a smartphone commercial (probably) on the TV, featured Plants vs. Zombies 2 app inside. However, in my actual eyes, I rarely see it in here at all.
  14. The original trailer of the original game, and those Rfm vs. Games's Plants vs. Zombies's Zombies on Your Lawn audition failures.
  15. I'm not really sure, but those Jazwares's Plants vs. Zombies toys were my first YouTube videos of Plants vs. Zombies toys that I ever watched.
  16. Those Ancient Egypt figure set.
  17. You guessed it, K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies.
  18. Every peashooting plants are my most favorite. However, before those, I actually liked certain lobbed shot plants, which kinda silly until I realized it later on.
  19. Yes, really. I got spammed somewhere in YouTube in several videos of this game. Not only that, in my actual life, I also got bullied by certain person who doesn't like this game. And also, most of the person who doesn't like this game that I always play, they have fun about it that almost looks like this example: "Oh look, this dude has a X of Y playing Plants vs. Zombies while Z" and blah blah blah. In case you've wondering, X means object that has Y inside, Y means myself or anybody else, and Z, (no, it's not a term of a zombie like this game) means things that I or they will work with.
  20. Although this game is outclassed by those popular mobile games like Mobile Legends, Clash of Clans, and more, but I still play this game on my certain time to complete the Travel Log quests, leveling up plants, and much more, but in less time of the gameplay due to repetitive quests and other stuffs that I can't afford it with my real money at all.
  21. It was this: 
  22. Peashooter from Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, especially for his gestures.
  23. I'm not sure... But, my favorite one is Ultimate Battle, don't know why.
  24. No, I don't. Because it's so impossible to get them, as they cost so darn expensive.
  25. Well, yes, I do. There were few of them on YouTube, and the rest of them are on certain social medias.

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