Monday, August 20, 2018

Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX: My comments of those moulding goofs

Yet another K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies's Identify a specific brand thing. But this time, I will answer about most of the sentences that are from it's said game's wiki. You may know somebody added the Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX on it? If yes, go read it first before you continue read this here, scroll down to the Moulding Goofs section, and check List of Goofs. I only comment most of them, of course because I only have most of them based on those statements there. So, I'm going to comment them here, exactly on the ones that I have (I only put my favorite ones here though, so NO for zombies, they are already bad as you may expect), not in general like what the said game's wiki have on there. So, here are the statements of them:
"The stem of a Peashooter figurine can be loose from the body or leaves."
Yes, I have all 3 of them in different elements, and unfortunately, one of them doesn't come with it's own stem. Stupid person who packaged that in it's own original blind bag, ugh... And yes, the stem of them are can be loose, either from their own body or their own leaves. I experienced at 2 of them, and because I was too much love with them, those parts are loose like mad. I mean come on, everybody who made these in China must be proud by this goof. Quality is kinda 50:50 to me, but not that bad for these, I've seen worse than these. Being the results of this goof, I fixed them with different methods. One of them I fixed it with a superglue, so turns out I can't take it off due to how strong the glue is. And the other one I fixed it with a tape, and I twisted it around the bottom part of the stem, to prevent loosing it out.
Here's the one that I fixed it with a tape twisted on that part...
"Putting Cabbage-pult's head onto Cabbage-pult's cabbage peg part takes strength due to the whole inside of the head mould being more closed."
I do have that Cabbage-pult came out from the K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 blind bag. Although I did connect the Cabbage-pult's head onto Cabbage-pult's cabbage peg normally, but it has a bit of minor goof based on the statement above here. I connected them for very first time, and it has some noises during I tried to connect them, though. For the quality, even though just the same kind of material as the Peashooter or it's frozen counterpart, it's not that bad, and it's a tiny bit heavier than them. However, this issue has been solved, due to I kept removing those parts out. Unfortunately, this lead to another problem in terms of painting, instead of this goof. Just like the Peashooter ones (exception for the transparent ones), if you have too much playing with them, their body themselves started to blacking out for a tiny bit, so there's no way to fix it, unless I have to paint it over.

So, that's my comment about them, and thanks for reading.

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