Friday, February 1, 2019

I almost get my favorite ceiling fan...

I'm not gonna tell this to anyone, but it was actually happened several months ago (maybe more), since that happened. It happened during I was messing around with one of the fan collectors via a social media's direct chat. Also, I know if this sounds so silly for you, but again, it actually happened, then I cancelled it, though. Let's prove it by this relatively short story that I made here:

Back in several months ago, I was meeting one of the fan collectors on that aforementioned social media's direct chat there. Although it was so normal at the start about the way how I meet anybody in several of social medias, I asked it by "requesting" my most favorite style of the ceiling fan that he had. In case you wondering what kind of ceiling fan that I wanted from him, here are some traits about it:
  • It's an industrial ceiling fan,
  • Made in England many years ago,
  • It was one of the cheap industrial ceiling fans in that era, around early eighties to late of the nineties,
  • The bottom part of the motor is flat,
  • Sometimes it has a blue color accent on the top part of the motor, or even plain white,
  • It has both typical stepped canopies,
  • The blades on them are straight, and plain, and
  • While it's running, it makes some typical whirlwind noises.
Unfortunately, I decided to cancel it. There are few reasons of why I cancelled it, despite I just wanted it before. It's because few reasons that he told to me. First, very expensive shipping from the country where he lives in to my country where I'm living in. Secondly, there are no best parts of the fan that I wanted, since they're in not-so-good condition, albeit they looked good in terms of their appearance based on what his YouTube channel showed those aforementioned fans that I wanted before. Thirdly, no enough space of my house to mount one of those, since that fan is too big for my house. And lastly, after I done the cancellation of it, his phone broke... And that's it, I didn't get that favorite ceiling fan that I wanted there.

I'm sorry if I did this way, because many reasons that I told to you here that caused me can't get that ceiling fan that I wanted there. So, that's my unfortunate of it, and hope you can pay the attention about this, though.

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