Friday, February 1, 2019

Plants vs. Zombies 2: Summary of my devices...

As you may read both of my certain post, called Plants vs. Zombies 2: results on my devices and it's updated one, here is a summary of devices with this game on them. Each of them has different story, just like those two posts that I made before. So, here's the summary of them:

1. Cheap Advan T1Ci tablet

  • Game runs very slow. In fact, the game runs five times (or maybe ten times) slower on this device, compared to playing it on premium devices. Playing any Endless Zone modes on this game was like a total nightmare, slow as hell, and the system didn't like it by crashing it down.
  • Loading screen sometimes took at least 40 second, or even a minute or more.
  • Since the game runs so slow, it had a lag during I pressed anything on it, about a millisecond, if I recalled it correct.
  • The way how it crashed the game numerous times was embarrassingly, extremely bad. In the middle of the game, sometimes the game crashed by itself without any message at all. Sometimes it did have the typical "Unfortunately, PvZ 2 has stopped." message, but it rarely happened, it's just simply crashed without that message. Not only this game, the other apps that I tested, such as fake PvZ 2 game, original Plants vs. Zombies game, some high-quality games, and so on... Well, they didn't seem to work properly on this piece of crap. They simply crash, or either it worked but then it crashed, so that's IT!

2. Asus Zenfone 5

  • Game runs slightly better than my piece of crap Advan T1Ci tablet. Although it did suffer from any slowdown. The tutorial of this game did work properly, but in the middle of the game, like Endless Zone modes, the game slowed down just like my old tablet there. In fact, it slowed down four times slower in the slowest speed of the game on this device.
  • Loading screen sometimes took the same amount of time as my old tablet... A bit faster though, but sometimes it took about a minute or more.
  • The lag during I pressed anything on the game is far less compared to my old tablet. However, it depended on how fast the device was, maybe relatively fast or slow as my old tablet.
  • Unlike my old tablet, the way how the game crashed numerous times on this device was far more pleasant, with typical application crash message. However, it crashed on few ways, such as the game crashed after I did something on the game, the game crashed after the video of advertisement, and the game crashed after the game froze for about few seconds.
  • In certain times of the game on this device, the game didn't open until I change the phone's language into English.

3. Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1

  • Game runs... FAR better than previous two devices since it has a bigger RAM, which was three times bigger compared to the previous device. Everything runs fast like it should be, but it has few slowdown, such as playing Endless Zone modes with too many zombies, the game slowed down just like previous devices.
  • The way how it launches the game, also FAR faster. First time I opened it, it has usual PopCap logo, then EA logo, loading screen... Boom, here goes for the game! After I opened the game for a second time, it instantly went to the game itself, which was amazing. Or, with EA logo and loading screen before, it also instantly went to the game itself. 
  • Tiny frame rate issues, but no lag while I press anything on the game.
  • No crash on many sessions of the game, such as random advertisement video, and so on. However, after I closed certain of some advertisement videos, it simply froze the screen until I manually close the game by myself, then I opened it back, and it launched the game immediately.
  • Bit of audio issues on certain amount of time while I play the game.

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