Thursday, July 18, 2019

More reasons about why I bought K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies...

"Still, any YouTube videos of them are my most demanding things that I ever enjoyed in my lifestyle with my PVZ collection... I already know if they aren't that good quality, but one of videos on YouTube (especially for ...'s [name of that popular YouTuber who reviewed them]) got over 25 million views which made me super impressed..." Me from my main Instagram
Ugh, you aren't gonna believe it... It's time for more of my points of what I did on my post entitled "Reason why I bought K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies..."... This time, I will gonna share you about it way more throughout than the original post of me with those Plants vs. Zombies toy brand that is very popular in the west... Since there are some flaws on this Plants vs. Zombies toy brand from what I experienced on most of the ones that I obtained, I'll include them in here as well. So, here are more reasons about why I bought K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies...
First off, you may remember the Watching videos of them point on that original post of me with them? Well, if you're familiar with that, yes... I thought you may remember my statement on that point that I wrote on that, like this:
"Despite I wasn't expecting before if K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies ttoys was the good alternate of state of the art Plants vs. Zombies toys, it turned out it's a very nice toys to collect them all, unless you have two or more person to own them though..."
Well, turned out if K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies toys are also my main things to collect in my Plants vs. Zombies collection (especially for most of the plants). Doesn't matter how my country only have those cheap Plants vs. Zombies toys that are available (such as popper shooting toys, generic PVC toys, and some crappy, garbage Lego-based toys of the game itself), I always choose this one for that reason. I keep watching YouTube review videos of them by various toy collector, commenting them (especially for the ones that I wanted), and most of the users replied me with certain words. You may ask about this point like this: "How about you watching videos of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies on YouTube these days?" Well, not much difference between from what I commented about them first time back in 2014 until now. Although K'NEX released few of their Plants vs. Zombies blind bag series and building sets, it doesn't matter, I keep commenting on them, especially for my favorite characters from there. I also do so on other social medias as well, such as Instagram, but it's rarely seen that much compared to YouTube for obvious reasons. Unless I search certain users who have them, but still counts as a very hard task to search them, so. On the other hand though, for YouTube, there are lot of videos of them by various YouTubers, but only few of them that got so many views compared to the others. In conclusion, I keep watching YouTube videos of them, and turned out these Plants vs. Zombies toys are also my main things to collect in my Plants vs. Zombies collection as for now.
(This picture belongs to somebody who sold it on e-Bay, and now it's unavailable anymore)
Then, another reason about why I'm doing so it's because their trend in their old days. I didn't address this reason in my original post of me with them, so I'm gonna share it right now... So, back during I was searching about my favorite Plants vs. Zombies collection in both YouTube and few random online shops, then I came across those things. I was like, "That would be cool if I own those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies toys, especially for those characters" Well, I did, but not in a good way to start collecting them... Remember those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 blind bags that I obtained back in 2015? If yes, I obtained them back then due to I was totally impressed by those reviews of them on YouTube before. Also, remember those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 and 3 that I obtained back in 2016 to 2017? If yes, I obtained them back then with exact same reason.  You may ask like this related to this point: "How about bootleg Lego-based Plants vs. Zombies toys? Do you enjoy them due to their trend?" Well, no. Especially for those ones that doesn't make any sense at all (I feel bad for kids who already owned those garbage nonsense, though). Because all of that, there's no way if I choose K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies over all of those garbage bootleg Lego-based Plants vs. Zombies toys (especially for those nonsense sets that nobody wants), unless I already got all of the ones that I wanted from this toy brand, then I decided to get some bootleg yet decent alternative toys.
Lastly, another reason about why I'm doing so... Just take a look of somebody who commented on one (or maybe some) of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies videos on YouTube:
"These are so cool... loving the blind bags... and they're Plants vs Zombies, what more could you want?"
Exactly from what somebody commented like that on YouTube, what more could you want if K'NEX made their Plants vs. Zombies toys like so. In my opinion, yes, I always want them, because most of the characters are look pretty cool to me. Not a fanciest thing that I ever seen so far, but they're still looks pretty cool though... Again, based on one of my points on my original post of this, Watching videos on them, I watched several review videos on them on YouTube, and I collect them as much as possible. You may ask like this, "What's your favorite Plants vs. Zombies in this toy brand?" Well, mainly plants, especially for Peashooters. I like them, due to their pure design that they designed from there, and although they're made in China due to they sent their designs to some factories in China, it's still counts as a pretty cool toys for their small size. Since those are obviously Lego-based toys, you can mount them on Lego studs as their authenticity... Speaking about the zombies though, not much things that I can say about them; they're just basically a normal figure toys, rather than action toys like most of the plants do, which is also one bonus point that I like on them.
You may think if this Plants vs. Zombies toy brand doesn't have any disadvantages? Well, you're wrong, if you already checked most parts of My Plants vs. Zombies collection series. There are plenty amount of disadvantages in certain aspects from what I experienced on the ones that I have, such as quality on them, the way how I get them, and some more disadvantages related to this toy brand. So, here are summary of disadvantages of them:

1. General

  • The prices of them are sometimes expensive on international online shops, especially for building sets.
  • Some of the characters are repeated from one series to another. For instance, that Sunflower from Series 1 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bags are also featured again in Series 3 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies blind bags.

2. The way how I get them

  • Unlike those cheap Chinese original Plants vs. Zombies toys, it's insanely difficult to me to get them from USA (or other countries that sells them too) to Indonesia, unless I have to keep buying it through a local online shops that connects to e-Bay.
  • Everytime I buy it, the shipping price and taxes are always expensive, depends on how big the sets are that are being on sale before I buy it. This also applies on other stuffs as well with exact same traits.

3. Quality

  • They feel really cheap. For instance, if I bent the Sunflower's stem too much, it leaves a white stressing mark to it.
  • Lot of goofs that are always occurred in every single toys, from minor to defective. The goofs about them are mentioned in here.
So, that's the more reasons about why I bought K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies. I know if those still doesn't exist yet in my country in general, but I always wanted them for multitude reasons that I mentioned before. Once again, that's it from what I can say about this Plants vs. Zombies toy brand... I don't think I will post my "Yet more reasons" about why I bought them, and thanks for reading this post.

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