Thursday, June 11, 2020

"Wanna be friends?"

"Don't trust with X (name of the bot YouTube users), they're scammer"-Lachlan Potts
Yes... This is literally what I have seen on YouTube recently, including many of the YouTubers around the world. In case you've wondering, this comment was posted BUNCH, BUNCH, BUNCH, and again, BUNCH of times by those unknown users, yet they known them as a bot. At first glance, I thought they were just a normal YouTube comments like usual, but turned out if most of the YouTubers discovered them if they were actually bot users who hacked any YouTubers, even with millions of subscribers that they hacked too. For example, every time I upload a new video, those users always comments as soon as possible. I know if they praised me in the comments section as a bait like "Loved it", "Wanna be friends?" like this post's title said, or other else that they always scam on me... But nope! Instead of me rambling about this like nothing, let's prove this big problem by explanation by one of these YouTubers who investigates them, right here:

Yeah... Those bot users literally hacked thousand of channels around YouTube like what this guy said in this explanation video right on the top here... I have no idea why this some sort of mega exaggerated cyber crime happens, but those users were hacked through different bot usernames. From that video above here that he explained was the Logan one, then followed by Tom, Ted, Music, Song, Liam, Huddy, Bananarama, and the one that I took my own screenshot of it, which was the Olivette as for nowadays. I simply IGNORE them in order NOT to being hacked by those bots, but yeah, as long as they keep commenting every time I upload a new video, it's fine, I simply NOT respond them AT ALL, apart from me reporting them as an unwanted spams... If you want to ask to me about this mega serious problem that always happens on the YouTube platform lately, please let me know about the additional information about this in the comments section below here. Anyway, that's it from what I can say about this "Wanna be friends?" mega serious problem that recently happens on YouTube platform, and hope you can pay this attention against those bot users that you MUST get rid all of them away, so be VERY careful.

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