Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bad experience with my "new" (old) Dell laptop...

Okay, so... This was occurred since I decided to replace my old Samsung laptop with it. Unfortunately though, it has it's own flaws, and now it already has it's own issue that I couldn't even bother to fix it at all. I already sent it to the service place in order to fix it, but nope! Everything gone wrong with this laptop that I bought it online, especially for one of the vital parts that it should work just fine like my old Samsung does... So, without further ado with them, let's explain about why I've just embarrassed by this laptop that I bought it online.

1. General

In case you've wondering about the brand and the model of the particular laptop that I bought it online, it's just an old Dell Latitude E4310...  I bought it online from one of the local online shops, and I paid around 200 bucks for it. It has the earliest version of Windows 10 Pro (2015),  it has 13,3" screen size, and it has Intel Core i5 M560 processor... It also has 8 GB of RAM, and not much I can say about it. Speaking about the story about why I bought this laptop, it's because I thought I was impressed by how much the RAM that this laptop has, so which meant it would run better than my old Samsung laptop. There is also another reason about why I bought this, it's because my old Samsung laptop wouldn't do heavy things very well, especially for editing videos... Again, not much I can say about this particular laptop though, until there are few flaws that I discovered already in this laptop throughout many hours of me using it until one big problem happens to it.

2. Results

Well, what do you know... I thought this laptop would run better than my old Samsung laptop because it has a bigger RAM, but no! Apart from how old this laptop is (which was dated in 2012), there are few surprising results from this laptop. Here are my results of me using it (in terms of bunch of the software programs that I ran on this laptop's system operating itself), from the normal results until the bad results.
  • Web browsing on it is just fine to me. I can open the Google Chrome slightly quicker than my old Samsung laptop.
  • File exploring on it is also just fine, not much I can say about it.
  • Playing games on it isn't that great (I tested the original Plants vs. Zombies on it)... I have to download ThrottleStop in order to stop the throttles and stutters while I'm playing any games on it.
  • Google Earth on it seems to work just decently. Not good, but not bad either.
  • I also once installed BlueStacks on it, and it does open the app just decently. Even if I didn't even play any Android games on it.
  • Adobe Photoshop (newer version) on it does work just reasonably fine.
  • Adobe Premiere Pro (CC 2015), it does work but of course it has some problems while I edit videos on it every time... One of the examples is being the audio hardware interface keeps overloading at the most of the time; every time I play the edited footage on it and that message appears quite often on the events window, so I have to increase the latency in order to solve it, but nope, it doesn't work. Even the other options that I tweaked on it's own settings, but then again, nope!
  • Many more of the random programs (or apps), that I couldn't even tell about how well  they run on this laptop since I never run them nor I run them quite often... Either they do work properly, but also they don't seem to work (usually it has usual "... [program] has stopped working" message)...

3. Flaws

It's hard to believe if this laptop has it's own flaws as well... I thought I was like, "This old laptop would work as good as the ones in my current school would be. Although the ones in my current school are completely different models, unlike this one"... Well, yeah, but since there are flaws that keeps bothering me while operating it, so... Not much additional action that I will take to them because I always sick by them, so... Anyway, here are the flaws that this laptop has, right now:

  • First, utterly crap battery life. I already suspected about how crap the battery life of this laptop is... For example, the battery's percentage was on 82%, but then immediately went down drastically by itself into 0% within a second. Before it got emptied like that, the battery somehow only lasted less than least 30 minutes...
  • It only has one USB port.
  • Annoying "date and time resetting"... This always occurs while the laptop itself isn't powered by either battery or the plug adapter, probably due to it doesn't have it's own built-in backup battery-ish thing like my old Samsung laptop does... It keeps resetting the date and time itself back in 2012. All I have to do against this problem is of course, I have manually set the current date and time in the BIOS settings itself... Freaking all the time when this happens!
  • Almost every time I turned it on from either hibernate or sleep, the display graphics driver just stopped working, but it does recover immediately by itself.
  • There's a little static electricity somewhere on the laptop itself, even I plugged one of the earphones into this laptop does have little static electricity as well. This always happens, especially when I plug it with a plug outlet all the time.
  • No 4 rubber feets on the bottom on the laptop itself, since I bought it used from online shop.
  • Some obscure stuffs are still present on this laptop... One example is being the obscure tray with an "EC" logo near it, don't know what does it mean. Another example is being the other obscure tray hole with a "SC" logo near it too. External sound card? If yes, no wonder why it doesn't sound good, yet it's a bit silent (in my opinion).
  • Since this is one of the old laptops, it will overheat quite badly if I use it too much, especially certain examples like exporting a whole video sequence from Adobe Premiere Pro, the centrifugal fan inside it runs so fast, yet it'll feel so hot around one on the sides on this laptop. I even poured a pinch of water on the part where it overheats, and it got boiled and dried just less than 30 seconds.
  • The speakers on it sounds not too loud, yet it only has standard HD Audio sound card from Windows itself... However, if I installed Equalizer APO on it, it does amplify the volume of it just like my old Samsung laptop (which obviously has dedicated Realtek HD Audio sound card, yet it also has SoundAlive feature too)... However, if I increase it even more on the aforementioned equalizer program itself, sometimes it overloads, especially for anything that sounds way too much bass... Even Adobe Premiere Pro that I installed on it says the audio hardware interface overload, I'm not sure if that always happens due to that, even I already seen that warning bunch of times just before I installed the Equalizer APO on it... Probably the very poor GPU that it has in order not to make it work properly? Presumably yes.

4. When the LCD screen's backlight dies... (and conclusion + extras)

Apparently, in it's peak day about when this laptop's LCD screen's backlight got stopped working, it used to work just fine like it should before that occurred... Although it used to work just fine, of course the flaws of this laptop were still present...... Until it's own LCD screen's backlight died... Yes, literally... It's own LCD screen's backlight gone wrong for some reason, it's just simply doesn't light up anymore. I could see anything on the screen with the flashlight that lights into the screen, but still, I can't have that... I already tweaked about the brightness of the laptop's LCD screen's backlight itself, even on the BIOS too, but nope! Still doesn't work! So which means, there you have it for this "new" (old) Dell laptop that I bought it online. For the additional action that I did to the laptop itself, here are two actions that I did to it:
  • I already brought it to the service center, closest from my old neighborhood. I asked some person in order to replace the LCD screen's backlight. Since it's one of the rarest size and models yet I would pay around 107 bucks for it, they didn't repair it due to there's no particular screen available for it's own size and model. Even they were already contacted the supplier who sells laptop's spare LCD screens, but then again, nope.
  • I also asked to the online seller who sells bunch of those laptops... The only thing that he can do with this laptop is of course I have to send it to him in order to repair it yet I would only pay 32 bucks for it, not selling it away to him... But, I still bothered by how guilty I did to this laptop, because I thought this laptop would work properly like what my current school has few of those laptops of the exact same brand (but different models though), but nope! It's just gone wrong by this LCD screen issue that got struck into it.
So yeah, there you have it for my experience with this "new" (old) Dell laptop that I bought online... Yeah, as if... Again, I thought this laptop would work properly like what my current school has few of those laptops of the exact same brand, but then again, nope! It's just gone wrong, and I felt so guilty about it... Right now, I simply left it without any usage at all, until I have to salvage the important parts that are left on it, such as RAM and the HDD that comes with it, so I hope I can transfer those parts into my old Samsung laptop... Speaking about my old Samsung laptop in it's current condition, I also tell about it's own current flaws as well, aside from one of it's own LCD screen's hinge got busted already. Those are:
  • It doesn't seem to charge it's own battery anymore. So which means, I completely force to use AC adapter in order to make it work properly.
  • It's still has old Windows 7 operating system, but it does work just fairly well since I activated it using third-party program that I did around 7 years ago, instead of activating it in the usual way using the product key.
  • Both of it's own internal speakers are busted already.
  • Since it only has 2 GB of RAM and weaker processor, it does have a lag while I'm doing certain multitasking stuffs. Unless I have to install certain programs in order to make it slightly better (such as CCleaner, ThrottleStop, and an old program entitled MZ RAM Booster). Obviously, no way for doing heavy stuffs, such as editing videos. It'll lag very badly if I do that, especially for playing the edited video on it. Or even on the worse cases, it'll stop the whole program entirely, yet there's no auto-save of it.
And yeah, that's what I can conclude about my bad experience with my "new" (old) Dell laptop, yet I already listed about some flaws of my old Samsung laptop as well. That's it for what I can say about this bad experience that I did to it, and hope you can pay the attention, yet you can learn the lesson about this experience that I did to it.

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