Monday, May 18, 2020

I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers 3... :(

I know if my Plants vs. Zombies collection already has bunch of my favorite figures as for nowadays (as for late of 2018 and later), but I still miss some of my wanted figures that keeps cycling on my brain. Continued from my previous post of the exact same title, I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers 2... :(, it's still probably the exact same figures that I always mentioned in the previous post, and now it's still remains nothing. So, it's time to update to what's going on with me against those figures anyway, yet this is gonna be another apologize post for me with anything Plants vs. Zombies (non-series) related, which in this case, those figures that I still miss plus extras behind all of those.

Before I'm gonna tell you the reason about why I keep failing to get those figures since last 3 years, here's my Instagram post about those things:
As you can see, those 3 figures are the ones that I still miss there. Those are based from Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare, both original and the sequel, although it obviously based from the sequel version of the Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. I know if those were existed since mid-to-late of 2017 until the late of 2019, and yes, many of the YouTubers (including the guy who sent some of his figures to me back in November of 2018) reviewed them as well. In case you've wondering about what's the name of toy company who produced and distributed those figures, yes, it's another one of those from good old folks from K'NEX. I've already owned those K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures since 2015, and yes, I always enjoying those little Plants vs. Zombies figures until today. Along with 3 of my most beloved old Plants vs. Zombies KFC toys from May of 2013 (which those toys are always vital for my collection), those figures are also look great and legit, albeit the zombies aren't that good at all, yet there are lot of issues with each of those figures too (such as loosing parts, cheap painting, fragile parts, and so on)... Enough for the describing them in general, let's take a look at update of what's going on with me against those figures right away.

Exactly what I ranted in I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers 2... :(, this problem is still exists until now... I've been trying to get any of those figures in every methods, but again... failed. It also makes this problem even worse and worse, because not only the fact I still can't get those things yet until now, it's also got obstructed by other obvious things that happens since late of the last year, until this year. One, which is latest YouTube's policy. I used to comment them in each of YouTube videos of those reviews, but now, it's completely blocked for obvious reasons. Yes, they already set those videos as a kid-friendly videos! Which is good, and also bad at the same time. Good, which means no more of those trash comments that I mentioned in my post entitled Worst things that I ever done..., although it's still happens in several of YouTube videos that they didn't set them yet as a kid-friendly videos, including my YouTube channel of fans too... Of course on the other hand, bad means there's no more of me contacting those guys in order to send those extra figures that they have to me by simply requesting them. I already did few times to that one toy YouTuber who has 7 Plasma Pea figures in his 3 separate videos. One which was the one that he bought it from Toys R Us along with the other 7 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Series 5 blind bags that contained the other 7 figures that were bundled on that set. Unfortunately though, that figure has missing pieces, because the bag that lurked it inside had the hole on the side of the blind bag itself, which caused the other parts of the figure itself were lost already... Then, in another video by him of another complete set of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Series 5 blind bags that he got them from Dollar Tree, there's another Plasma Pea figure that he got in perfect condition... Lastly, in yet another video by him of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Series 6 blind bags, he got 5 Plasma Pea figures. I commented to him in all 3 videos that he uploaded, but he didn't understand about what I said to him in the second video, and ended up, there was no action taken to me apart from he didn't reply myself anymore in his latest videos, which is really stinks! I also tried to comment him on his latest video (the one that has 4 extra Plasma Pea figures), and nope! No action was taken, apart from he got the heart to my comment in that video. Which is odd, considering me always wanted it by commenting them in his previous two videos of those things. And then, somebody lately replied me in that video with this:

"K'NEX has lost their greatness since a few years now. They used to have great licenses theme, now they don't even have license themes.. The themes they have now is made by them which is really sad because they just lost their goodness that way..."
Exactly what he described to the toy company itself, same goes for the franchise that he likes, (which is in that case), obviously Super Mario... Again, they used to have a great license themes, but now it's completely depleting like crazy yet nothing, and there's no more chance of me getting those figures anyway... Although those figures also has a hit and miss features. Hit means exactly like what I wanted, and meanwhile for miss, obviously means they had a lot of goofs just like what I told to you before about those things that I have... So, in conclusion about this point, yeah... No more of those things because those two sub-reasons, YouTube's latest policy to those toy review videos, and K'NEX no longer producing them, which I knew it already by e-mailed the toy company itself before.

The other main reasons that causes me still can't get these figures is of course... Covid-19 pandemic. I know if this ultra extreme pandemic that strikes already on the entire world that causes many deaths isn't related to what I'm dealing with those Plants vs. Zombies figures anyway, but it affects on how much they cost on international online shops, especially e-Bay. I already saw them on the actual e-Bay, they cost reasonably cheap, but most of them obviously have quite expensive costs... But, when it comes to one of local online shops that connects to the e-Bay, they cost so darn expensive. Not much words that I can say about it, because I don't want to deplete my bank account's balance very badly due to that... Also, in case you've wondering about the aforementioned local online shop itself, yes, it does show anything about those, but they also got rid to the ones that may not ship into my country (Indonesia), which in results said: "This product was deleted by the seller", despite the fact they're still there on actual e-Bay... So, yeah... I don't bother to buy them for a moment, until there's another help by another kind person who will eventually send those missing Plants vs. Zombies figures for free to me. Even I already e-mailed to several persons already, still no action taken by any of them at all.

So, there you have it for yet another I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers thread. I know if I feel so sick already for not getting them as soon as possible, but eventually, if this still happens (unless I'm getting older and older as my parents, but not getting those yet), I will eventually make this again because I can't even stand it anymore. I know if those figures aren't that good quality just like the ones that I have, but whatever... I will never stop hunting those things until I actually got them in my hands... Anyway, hope you can pay the attention about this story about me and those figures that I still miss there, and thanks for reading this post.

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