Monday, April 5, 2021

Another weird YouTube's bot comments...

"These particular comments like that have started couple years ago. So the culprit were creating the porn site via Google Sites, and after that, the culprit were buying the domain links (e.g. xy, etc.) and then spread it on YouTube through the comments box by post the video duration and certain porn site links. It's some legit and I really have no idea what purpose it is serving."-Risky Juliandief

Yes, really! As what I clearly showed in my 3 pictures of those of those weird YouTube's bot comments right there. It is pretty much similar to "Wanna be friends" bot comments that I encountered from a while ago in terms about how any of the random idiot culprit bots posted them right off the bat in every single of my latest videos that I uploaded on YouTube, sometimes. Except this time, any of the idiot culprit bots who commented like that are way too random, unlike the "Wanna be friends" ones that they did, which were less random (well, it was random but not too random like this one). For the way how they commented in every single of my new videos that I uploaded on YouTube, here's the formula about the weird comments that I'm talking about in here: 
(random timestamp of the video)

(random S*** site) 

I know if this type of bot comments looks even more sketchy than the previous one that they did, but from what I discovered through some YouTube videos that explains those bot comments, those wild site URL links are leads to some sort of a S***** hot dating porn "sus" site (well, majority of those wild links are leads to them, but the rest of them are just leads to something other than those "sus" sites, like an online shop or something different). Here are few YouTube videos from the channels who explained them, but not all of the links that they discovered, because all of the links that one of the guys clicked are always leads to the same site from one way to another.

This one, yeah... It leads to 404. Good!
And here's the guy who clicks one of those wild porn "sus" sites directly. 

WARNING: There are some F****** nude S*** pictures or images in those links of these videos that he opened there.

Now, in relation about this issue, how about the same bot comments that also appears in both of my YouTube channels that I have? Well, I've just let them be like that without any certain action by replying them, because I've just don't bother to reply to them anyway. All I have to do with them when that occurs next time is obviously report them as an unwanted spam, and that's literally it. Just like what I did to those "Wanna be friends" mumbo-jumbo that got solved, either I deleted them immediately or reported them as an unwanted spam per each of those comments, I also treat these bot comments similarly to that one as well, but slightly more improved due to the fact how random they are (again, more random than the "Wanna be friends" ones).

Well, there you have it for this post that explains of another weird YouTube's bot comments that appears lately, especially when I upload every single of my latest videos, sometimes. I hope you can pay full attention for this, and thanks for reading this post.