Thursday, April 1, 2021

I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers 4... No more for my favorites... 😭

(Original picture's courtesy: Twothless [YouTube])

Oh dear... I can't believe it if I made this "I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers" post yet again. It's because there's no update of what Plants vs. Zombies stuffs that I will hunt as of nowadays. Speaking about what I explained in my previous post of the same title that I made from a while ago, I couldn't even get those missing figures that I STILL wanted until now. But, because of how broke I am, yet the pandemic destroyed their existence, I COULDN'T even get those things AT ALL! Enough for my mumbo-jumbo rant about what I kept remembering those figures that I couldn't get them in my hand yet, so here's my continuation story about how I STILL COULDN'T even get those things, right away.

Yet again, I keep featuring that one particular figure that I wanted, which is that one.  I know if that one was existed since mid-to-late of 2017 until somewhere in very late of 2019.  FYI, it was  featured in two of the blind bag series that featured it, which was Series 5 and 6 that K'NEX released them in those days. But, the thing is, I still couldn't able to get them as soon as possible, it's because they costed so darn expensive on e-Bay or Amazon, which made the matters about this even worse than before... For the sake of this post about the YouTube reviews about the blind bag series that featured it, here are bunch of them that I showed them below:

Not being like a complete toy-savvy idiot, but look at those reviews that I clearly shown in here! So many reviews about how they excited to get one (or some) of those things in every toy reviewer's hand! Except for me, in fact. Even though I also have few other figures that exactly what they reviewed, but still... I can't have that! I've tried so many ways to get at least one of those things, but the answer is a giant NO! Here are my conclusions about why I still COULDN'T get that figure:

  • I e-mailed to the K'NEX company itself to request that figure. But, due to how retarded I did to them, they are no longer producing and distributing any specific OEM figures for them anymore.
  • You may recognize that local online shop that connected to the e-Bay that was once available for few years that I told to you in my previous post that I mentioned it few times before. Last time, I just simply didn't bother check any of those from e-Bay through it anymore due to bugs and server errors that it had... Due to that, that local online shop got shut down completely in September of the last year, which was a big unfortunate for that.
  • Somebody who also a fan of Plants vs. Zombies told me if I could do it by asking somebody who specialized about this issue in Discord. I tried to search it, but none of them found.
  • I even e-mailed to most of those toy review YouTubers who reviewed them in those days, including that popular YouTuber who sent 4 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Series 4 figures as a giveaway gift to me in November of 2018. Only one of them replied, which stated if they already gave them away after they reviewed all of them, sadly.
  • I was even tried to get one of those by asking it to one of the YouTubers who have 4 extra figures of those (shown clearly in one of the videos above),  but he just simply replied me with a 💓 on my YouTube comment about it on that video. Oh, come on man! This is NOT just as an appreciation, but rather requesting it as a free giveaway to me! S***
(Original picture's courtesy: Twothless [YouTube])
Well, there you have it for why I still COULDN'T get that particular figure that I wanted from a while ago. There's also 2 more of those, but it's unknown if I'll eventually get those missing figures too or not. As what I clearly stated in my particular Instagram post about that particular figure that I still missed until today (shown above), only the time will tell... Again, it's unknown if I'll eventually get those or not, I have no idea about them at all... You know what? Because of this, fine! I'm gonna get anything directly from China for now on, as long I'm not gonna pick some sets that are NOT make any sense at all! I know if those figures or sets that are being on sale only based on main Plants vs. Zombies series, but whatever... That's how I supposed to collect them by the way, all the way from my very early days thanks to those Plants vs. Zombies KFC toys that I wanted the most in 2013, until I got even more of those figures that I have in my collection through nearly 7 years after that particular year, preferably from late of 2017 onwards that I did.

I think that's it for this post of yet another "I'm sorry, our Plants vs. Zombies lovers" thread. I don't think if I will make yet another post of this again, it's because I'm entirely sick for seeing those figures that I STILL missed until today, unless I already forgot them already as of nowadays though... And once again, only the time will tell, whether I can get those figures that I always needed or not, so who knows. Anyway, that's it for the RANT for this, and hopefully you can pay the attention about this post.

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