Thursday, July 1, 2021

"Potato" video quality in my old fan videos...🥔🎞

Okay, so... Since most people in my YouTube channel of fans were asked about why majority of my old videos from 2013 until the late of 2014 had "potato" 144p video quality... I know if the question of this is truly simple, but it's quite tough to explain about why all of my old fan videos in my YouTube channel had "potato" 144p quality in nearly all of them. Without further ado with the main topic about why I did that in those days, let me explain about this crucial topic that represents this, yet I also included my old devices that used to record those videos in their days.

1. Devices_🥔📱📷

There were few of my old devices that I used to record all of those old fan videos that I made with "potato" 144p video quality. Here are list of my old devices that I used to do so:

  • Nokia 6630 (used in minority of my old fan videos, for example, that "CMC Flashycom industrial ceiling fan" that I recorded back in early of 2014),
  • Advan T1Ci tablet (used in minority of my old fan videos in somewhere in 2013 to early to 2014, you can tell by how inaudible the audio from this one was),
  • Cheap D-ONE brand (Slight Nokia E63 ripoff, yet used in minority of my old fan videos like "Elitesat mini ceiling fan [old video]"),
  • Nokia X2 (I somehow used it in minority of my fan videos in 2018 till it broke),
  • Samsung Galaxy Y* (used in majority of my old fan videos from 2013 till the end of 2014),
  • Nokia C5-03 (used in minority of my old fan videos in 2013, then I used it again for once in 2017 till it broke too), and
  • Spectra brand digital camera (used in minority of my videos in early of 2015 right after I sold my old Galaxy Y)

* means the one that I used the most

Yes, those were my old recording devices that recorded videos in "potato" quality. I know if each of the devices did record videos in slightly higher quality, like 240p or higher... Among all of those devices that I used, my old Samsung Galaxy Y was the one that I used the most. Judging by majority of my old fan videos from 2013 to 2014, I used that device for quite a lot really, it's because that was only the device that I used for this purpose in it's days, followed by other recording devices that I used to do that too... Yes, I still keep my old Spectra brand digital camera that I got from somewhere in 2009 until now, but I obviously never use it at all since my current phone has way better video quality than that, yet I don't want to waste my money by buying even more of pair of AA batteries for it anymore.

2. Main reason_🥔

The main reason about why I recorded those of my old fan videos in "potato" 144p quality was simple, yet it also sounded so silly for you. It's because I wanted to do so in order to upload it into YouTube a lot quicker in it's days. By mean that, I uploaded them into YouTube because they literally had smaller file sizes (approximately less than 10 MB), unlike my current fan videos that has least 1080p video quality, which takes quite longer than those old videos that I used to upload (well, depends on size of my videos then). I also uploaded them using the same phone that I also recorded them with, it's obviously because it had a built-in feature to upload them straight into YouTube, which wasn't ideal for me to do that nowadays... Even though majority of them were recorded with that particular phone, that didn't happen with certain other devices that I also used to have, because I obviously uploaded them using my laptop anyway.

3. Views_🥔

Speaking about views of my old fan videos with "potato" 144p video quality, none of them have least 10K views or more, except for few of them. For example, that "Panasonic industrial ceiling fan" video that I uploaded in 2014 has least 10K views. Not good obviously due to I recorded it with "potato" video quality, but it's okay to me. Same goes for my "2 old KDK orbit ceiling fans (broken)" video, it did have 30K views, which was surprisingly fantastic considered of the same "potato" video quality that I recorded to them both... On the other hand, there is my obscure fan video that only got less than 100 views too that I still set in public, until I decided to set is as private later on.

4. Monetization_🥔

Well, since my channel got monetized since last two years, I didn't monetize any of my old fan videos with "potato" 144p video quality, except for few of them too. Even some of them got demonetized anyway since I put a copyrighted music on each of them (which were those 009 Sound System songs).

5. The end of my old Galaxy Y...🥔

After I recorded my 2 following fan videos, entitled "3 KDK orbit ceiling fans" and that "Refresh perfume turbine fan" respectively, those were definitely my two last fan videos that I recorded using my aforementioned phone itself with "potato" 144p video quality in late of 2014... That phone got a weird Google Play app crash messages that would appeared bunch of times that I couldn't resist. So, I decided to sell it away to someone with fairly cheap price, and that was literally it... At least, it did it's job way better than my crappy Advan T1Ci tablet that kept crashing almost any of it's own apps, including it's own system apps that made me enraged so badly by smashing it with a hammer, which I did that after I threw it off from the window of a 2-story building.

6. Conclusion + extras_🥔

Recording my old fan videos with "potato" 144p video quality was really a bad idea to begin with. Even though it wasn't my intention to upload my very first fan video that I ever uploaded in my whole YouTube channel of fans, which was "Panasonic industrial ceiling fans" that I uploaded back in 2013. I did upload bunch of non-fan videos straight into YouTube just before, including the ones that I did in my forgotten abandoned channel that I made in 2011 (yet I already forgot both of my forgotten channel's e-mail and password already). I used to upload bunch of non-fan videos before (such as homemade windmills, marching bands, local attractions, etc.), but I did upload most of them with slightly higher quality videos than those "potato" quality videos that I did with majority of those fan videos in my YouTube channel of fans. Even though most of my old devices that I used to have for this purpose in it's days did record videos with higher quality (such as least 240p video quality or more), but I kept set almost all of those of my old fan videos into the lowest one as possible (except for few of them, which I did upload them with least 240p video quality, instead of my usual "potato" 144p video quality like I used to). For now, I'd love to keep almost all of my old fan videos that I recorded them with "potato" 144p video quality with all of those reasons that I mentioned here already, but not all of them that I keep due to the fact almost all of those videos only got so few views (less than least 1K), except for few of them that already got at least 10K views or more (There was one of them that got 30K views already). Overall, even though recording my old fan videos with "potato" video quality was really bad idea which would look like typical old YouTube videos from 2006 to 2010, it did worth something to upload them in my YouTube channel of fans by somebody said a sort of dead trend meme through the comments few years later after I uploaded them like this: "Shot with an iPhone", even though I clearly didn't record with iPhones at all... cause I'm too poor to buy any of those or better cameras anyway (especially for these pandemic days), even today with my current Android smartphone that I have, which works a lot better than my previous devices that I used to have, including that Galaxy Y that I featured it yet again in here too.

Anyway, that sums up about my big reason about why majority of my old fan videos in my aforementioned YouTube channel of them had "potato" 144p video quality. I think you'll obviously understand about why I did that in it's days, so you should know it better right after you read this instead of asking about why majority of my old fan videos in my own YouTube channel of fans had "potato" video quality all over again... That's it for what I can say about this crucial post that depicted this reason about why I did so, and thanks for reading this post.

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