Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Didn't win the "giveaway", yet total waste of money...📨➡💸

Courtesy: that authors this picture

Okay so, let me tell you about something that may feel cringe for you, it's because this was occurred since somewhere in the last month until today. It's basically some sort of so-called giveaway that was being held in sake for an annual promo by that one shady "online" shop by sending them some physical mails to my mom's name on them in order to win those grand prizes (including some of their bonus prizes too). But, instead of exactly what I and she expected about, they kept doing it's own rules by buying their own cheap, overpriced products 5 times in a row that made both of us wasted our money really badly... Well, without further ado with this particular problem, let me tell you about the overall story about why this occurred by all of the sudden that already wasted her money.

1. First glance_📨

At first glance, that mail looked exactly what I and my mom would expect, which was winning their own grand prizes from that "online" shop's annual promo. FYI, I ever received the same kind of mail from several years ago, but I didn't even reply it due to I didn't know what kind of procedure in order to win it by the way... Until somewhere in the last month, we both decided to follow their own rules that they printed on the sheet of ordering form that they provided, alongside with the catalog that they sent them to both of us too. We both decided to buy a small kitchen pan set that costed around 29 bucks by transferring her money into the company itself, then we both decided to sent it back using it's own reply envelope that came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office. 📤

2. Another mail...📨

After we both waited for least 2 weeks to send it, apparently they sent both of us another mail from them if we both would want to win their grand prize that they provided... Instead, she must buy another item that they provided on another ordering form that they sent them to both of us, alongside with another catalog that they provided on them too. Not only just that, they also sent both of us some sort of certificate if she would won that grand prize, so I had to save it. Anyway, she decided to buy a stacking meal basket for around 36 bucks by transferring her money into them, again. Then, we both decided to sent it back using another one of it's own reply envelope that also came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office, again. ðŸ“¤

3. Yet another mail...📨

After 2 days I sent the last mail, they sent both of us yet another mail from them if we both would want to win their grand prize that they provided... Instead, she must do another repeating task in order to win it, even though she already wasted a lot of money from her bank account. The only difference between last mail that they sent them to both of us; this time, they also sent both of us a receipt if we both also won a bonus prize, so I had to save it also. With yet another form and catalog that they provided, she decided to buy a bros that costed 29 bucks by transferring her money into them, yet againThen, we both decided to sent it back using yet another one of it's own reply envelope that also came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office, yet again. ðŸ“¤


Again and again, after around 2 days we both sent the last mail, they sent both of us ANOTHER mail from them we both would want to win their grand prize that they provided... Instead, they received both of us ANOTHER form and ANOTHER catalog! Even though she wasted her money even more due to this, she decided to buy some sort of needle set that also costed 29 bucks by transferring her money into them, again and again. With ANOTHER repeating task in order to win it (again), we both also decided to sent it back using ANOTHER one of it's own reply envelope that also came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office, again and again. ðŸ“¤

5. YET ANOTHER MAIL!! But... 📨

Yet again and again, after few days we both sent the last mail, they sent both of us YET ANOTHER mail from them if we both almost won their grand prize that they provided. But, they sent to both of us with incorrect home address that was printed on the mail itself, due to the address that they printed on there was my old home's address, and we both obviously moved into our current home since several years ago. Things were getting intense due to the fact she already lost a lot of money from previous purchases 4 times in a row that made her didn't want to process it this time. Even though they claimed if she almost won it, judging by the particular form that they provided (that also included some sort of winning card that also they provided to glue it on the form itself), but she decided to cancel it due to she worried if we both would do this again and again, they also would send even more of those mails infinitely per each of the row... Well, because of this, she already lost a lot of money due to previous 4 purchases that she did in order to win it, but eventually, she also got a SMS from them if her grand prize just got stalled in their place due to the fact we both didn't send it back ASAP... I had no idea whether if this was true or not, because I also worried if I sent that particular mail back to the company itself, they would sent both of us even more of those mails all over again, not rewarding the main thing itself instead which made me really frustrated too, regardless of how many times yet how much that we both would pay into them, so.

Well, after we both did a research about all of those products that she bought them from, turned out if all of those items that they sell on there were freaking cheap! For example, that kitchen mini pan set originally costed around ONLY 5 bucks. What a total ripoff! Anyway, there you have it for this particular issue that recently occurred that made her lost a lot of money from her bank account really badly... I don't know if this is definitely the most deliberate scam that they did to both of us, because unlike that one Instagram illegal scammer that they did to her that occurred from almost more than a year ago, this one made her lost a lot of money just twice as that one, even though all of those overpriced cheap products are already in here..... Or isn't it though, by the looks of it unlike those naughty, illegal online scammers out there?

We both are broke now...💸💸💸💸

Friday, September 3, 2021

Annoying video ads... (🇮🇩)

Yes... Ads...... Every time I do certain online things (such as watching YouTube videos, visiting some websites, playing online games, etc.), those random ads always appears. For example, a (or few) random item(s) being listed at an online shop, popular apps, some sort of online jobs, and so on. But, I'm not gonna explain about those basic ones like the ones that are just texts, pictures or simple animations, so I'm gonna explain about those annoying video ads that always appears in majority of the online stuffs that I ever seen so far from the past until today... I did encounter every single of the random video ads in almost any sites, apps or games that I ever played from then until now, but I did spot few of them that are (or were) so annoying, because it always appears so often, yet I can't fix it by personalizing the ads as well. Without further ado, here are lists about video ads ranging from the average ones, till to the most annoying ones that I encountered.

I'll divide into 3 different categories for this topic, one which is for YouTube, the other one is for the ones that usually appears in any of my modern video games that I installed on my devices, and the rest are for the other sites that has any of those.

A. YouTube

Of course YouTube do have a lot of video ads that always appears at almost any of the monetized videos in every single of them that I watched since from a long time ago, unless I'm using an ad blocker to prevent it... Anyway, here are my lists of those video ads that commonly appears on YouTube, divided into 3 levels about how I react to them:

a. Average

Example of a random video ad that I watched on YouTube, yet I categorized as the average ones... Just a video ad of that Panasonic mini-split air conditioner, which was so relatable to my main YouTube channel that made me felt pity to skip it anyway...

Only encountered few of them so far, which are just some video ads that is related to my main YouTube channel that made me didn't skip them due to they're so relatable to both of my YouTube channels that I own (such as air conditioner ads, HVLS ceiling fan ad, etc.). Moreover, I did encounter them during I didn't sign in on either one of my Google accounts... Or did I (from what I remembered).

b. Annoying

There are plenty of the video ads that I encountered them on YouTube that I categorized them as the annoying one. Here are my examples of them:

  • Video ads of popular mobile games that are skippable (such as Rise of Kingdoms, Lords Mobile, Genshin Impact, Ragnarok, etc.). These are the most common video ads that appears randomly every time while I'm watching any videos on YouTube,
  • Video ads of cheap mobile games that are also skippable (such as Playrix games [Homescapes, Gardenscapes, etc.], and some unrecognizable ones too),
  • Certain video ads of popular apps on Google Play that are skippable (e.g.: popular online shops, trading apps [which my country's government just sued most of them though], and other usual apps that are also popular nowadays), 
  • Certain long video ads that are skippable (for example, a short movie ad that has 2 minutes of video length).

c. Very Annoying

Well, here is my most annoying one that I found them on YouTube. So, here is my dreadful list of those video ads that I hate the most on YouTube:

  • 5-second ads that ALWAYS appears way too often. Majority of them that appears are the ones that are based on those popular apps on Google Play (TikTok and SnackVideo are the ones that are appears way too often, as of today), followed by certain super apps that also popular in my country too...
  • Some video ads that I obviously CAN'T skip, yet they're based on the ones that commonly appears on TV's commercial breaks. Usually comes with either 15 second video ad durations or their shortest one, 5 second ones. While I visit on any following video ads that randomly appear, it directly opens to certain things, such as the following items that they sell on online shops exactly like what they advertised, or other things like some sort of giveaway (but it's rarely seen).

B. Modern Video Games

Any of my modern video games that I ever installed and played, either on both my phone (most commonly) or even my laptop (which is barely seen any, because I never encountered any of them on it), I also encountered bunch of video ads as well... Just like what I mentioned on YouTube earlier, here are my lists of those video ads that commonly appears on my modern video games that I installed them on my devices, divided into 3 levels about how I react to them:

a. Average

Unlike YouTube, there are (or were) none of them... Simple as that.

b. Annoying

I did encounter bunch of annoying video ads on the mobile games. For example, majority of video ads like what they advertised on YouTube, except they associated them with Facebook. There are some other interactive type video ads that being associated by certain third-party domains as well (such as Iron Source or Vungle Privacy). Well, at least I can close them due to all of those video ads do have their own close button for at least 5 seconds after those ads appeared, although at most cases, I always tap the ad itself instead of closing it right away which is annoying! (sigh)

c. Very Annoying

Oh, lord... Of course there are some video ad variants that are so ANNOYING as heck! Just like YouTube with all of those video ads of the same level of very annoying they are; those makes me want to force close the whole YouTube app in order to get rid of them! For example, there is one variant of a video ad that I completely CAN'T close. No matter how it suddenly pops up like that on my phone's screen, there's absolute NO way to close it after 5 seconds or anything like that... Just like those ads on YouTube that I absolutely CAN'T skip (or I must deal with them anyway), I have to force close the whole game, then I re-open it again... Or, if I can play the game without this variant of the video ad, I just simply disable any internet connections, either from Wi-Fi or data connection.

That also counts for certain video ads that also appears (even though I can close them after at least 5 seconds at most cases), but it ended up just crash the whole game by itself! F***! It was commonly occurred on my previous Android devices that I used to own, yet also happens but lesser occurrence in my current Android smartphone that I have right now.

C. Other sites

For the other sites, I also encountered some of the annoying video ads that also appears in anywhere else. For example, if I didn't have the ad blocker on my browser during I opened the Fandom, there are few of video ads that caused me surprised by all of the sudden... During I explored through them, I suddenly heard a music or voices from those particular video ads that annoyed me at random times. There were no way to get rid of any of them though, apart from the ad blocker to prevent it to happen... For any of the random sites besides YouTube and those popular social medias, it's quite rare to encounter those annoying ads at almost any sites, so it's pretty average to encounter any of those though. Although there are few certain sites that I must disable the ad blocker on my browser for certain reasons, that doesn't affect about this anyway since I barely seen any of those annoying video ads anyway.

So, in conclusion... There are plenty of annoying video ads that appears in almost every single website that I visited them since from a long time ago. Ranging from not-so-bad ones which are passable, until to the most annoying ones that makes (or made) me feel so cringe against them. Again, there's no way to prevent any of the ads that appears in almost any websites (including YouTube), because that's how every single of the advertisers wants to do that for obvious marketing reasons per each of the websites. I mean, simple ads like just texts, pictures, or even simple animations are fine, but the video ads are the ones that I have to totally deal against, especially for the most annoying ones that I can't (or couldn't) even skip or close with ease, no matter what kind of those video ads are... IMO, majority of them are occurred on my mobile devices, so that's why there are many of those video ads that appears quite a lot compared to the simple ones. For the other platforms like for my laptop(s), as long as the ad blocker extension is present in any of the browsers that I have, it's all fine, although I must disable it in most of the websites though for certain reasons... No matter how I like or hate them with a passion, those video ads are always appears very often until today (especially for the ones that I can't skip or close them immediately or after 5 seconds). Anyway, that's it for the post that explains about some annoying video ads that appears in every single of the websites that I ever visited from a long time ago until today, and hopefully you can pay attention about this post by the way, if you can deal or get rid any of those though.