Tuesday, July 5, 2022

My childhood LCD games... (I mean, POP Stations... sort of)

This time, I will tell you about my own story about my childhood LCD games that I ever owned in those good old nostalgic days. There were plenty of my old LCD games that I used to have, ranging from the common brick games to certain units where it contained bunch of LCD game cartridges. FYI, Ashens referred almost any of these cheapo units as "POP Station(s)", it's because he literally reviewed plenty of those said cheapo units since 2006 right after he made his whole channel that is well-known for reviewing mostly useless "tat" on his iconic brown sofa... Anyway, let me reveal my own short story about what kind of LCD games that I used to have back in those good old days.

Started off with the most common ones which were those 9999 in 1 brick game units. There were plenty of them that I used to have, so here are my traits about them:

  • The most common brick games among all of the ones that I used to have were obviously the basic shaped ones. I used to have couple of them (I think it was in red and green ones, if I'm not mistaken), but I somehow kept my green one until I got rid of it later on.
  • That "POP Station" brick game + radio combo unit like what exactly Ashens reviewed there,  that looked literally just a typical cheap knock-off from a Sony's original PSP.
  • I used to have an unique looking brick game that shaped like a typical old budget PC setup from 2000s.
  • Another generic brick game except it was shaped like a steering wheel, and it was in blue color.
And now, here are couple lists of those particular units that contained multiple LCD game cartridges.
  • One of them was literally like what Ashens commonly reviewed them, contained any of those games that were also commonly encountered in almost ANY of them. Couldn't remember about the shape of the main unit itself sadly, but I remembered if that particular unit that I used to have did come with a mini controller for 2-player setup.
  • The other one was also like what Ashens recently reviewed sometime ago in his series of them, and it was literally a tabletop steering wheel thing that contained just 3 racing games that looked exactly the same between one way to another, except for the graphics.
Aside from those things that I clearly listed there, there were more of those units (either the brick game units or even those multi LCD game things), but I couldn't remember if I used to have more of those though. So, here are my short lists about my childhood LCD game units that I particularly used to have. If you know about your own experience about those cheapo things, please let me know about it in the comments if you're able to. That's it from what I could say to this archival article about them, and thanks for reading this (rather) short article.

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