Thursday, March 2, 2023


This has nothing to do with both of my own YouTube channels that I particularly own due to the fact I never receive any kinds of mass spam comments like so. However, every single time I watch any contents from certain YouTubers with tons of subscribers (approximately more than 100K), I always bothered by all of that next-level MASS SPAM replies by EVERY SINGLE counterfeit accounts who commented on almost ALL popular videos from the said content creators. It also makes it even better, because every single on each of them who MASS SPAM themselves do have a word "Telegram" on themselves. Which means, they actually doing their mega perilous giveaway SCAM on Telegram in order to bait every single victims from YouTube out there to the aforementioned social media that they redirected into. Well, without further ado, let me explain about my short story about how come if this particular MEGA problem that recently occurs on YouTube with all of those wild perilous giveaway scam comment replies that ALWAYS occur on each of the random users who commented on EVERY SINGLE YouTubers with tons of subscribers.

As usual, I casually watched many of YouTube videos. Ranging from contents from various channels that has less than 100K subscribers, until all the way to the ones who have more than 100K subscribers. Until somewhere in past few months during I scrolled down to the comments section of a video by one of those popular YouTubers that I'm explaining about, I encountered MEGA TON of "sus" replies from MEGA TON of counterfeit accounts nicknamed of the same name as the name of the said channel that I watched, specifically from random people who "replied" them into. They "praised" to them if they won a giveaway based of the items that each of the popular YouTubers featured in any kind of forms per each of the channel's genre, respectively. Not only the fact they LITERALLY copy pasted both exact name and exact user profile that they stole, each of them also had word "Telegram" on majority of them as well. Again, they actually doing the aforementioned SCAM on Telegram in order to bait every single victims from YouTube out there to it in order to "win" the giveaway through their direct chats associated with them, even if most of the legit creators clearly stated if they NEVER claim any form of official giveaway like what they recently did.

According to somebody who investigated in one of these mega scams between YouTube and Telegram (even he wasn't a popular YouTuber who has more than 500K subscribers on his own channel), in order to win a "giveaway" from one of those anonymous culprits behind BILLION of those spam replies from MEGA TON of those accounts that they made on MANY of those videos from various popular YouTubers around the world, he would transfer approximately 113 bucks of the overall cost of their "items" plus shipping fee to themselves. Call me crazy, but I'm not really genius enough to binge guessing about what kind of "items" that they would "sent" to him, because of course I already guessed if they literally doing the said scams instead, simple as that. So that concludes if ANY of those YouTube-Telegram giveaway stuff b*****s are NOT F****** TRUE AT ALL!!!

Well then, there's not what I could particularly say to this, yet I would say this is definitely the biggest YouTube scams that I ever encountered in my entire life, even if I'm not involved by any of those yet since it initially occurred until today... As usual, pay FULL attention when it comes to how to deal with one of those accursed scam f*****s once you already commented on one of those videos from popular YouTubers. Once one of those scammers immediately replied like so, simply delete it at all costs. Or, just report them as an unwanted spam if you're able to, albeit they still able to reply them with their massive sets containing those of the spam and scam comment replies back with a vengeance... (Sigh)

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