Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The end of "My Plants vs. Zombies collection" series?

Oh dear... I can't even believe it if I actually made YET another one of these apologies related to collectible stuff from the said franchise that I'm enjoying since more than a decade ago until today. Well, this one isn't technically one of those topics that I usually expose about how come if I don't receive anything related to it, specifically by how I rarely acquiring collectible stuffs from them too. Instead, I'm gonna explain about the latest update about how come if I rarely enjoying anything particularly about it in general, which resulting by how I ended up making this particular apologize article specifically about it. 

Before I explain about how come if I somehow have enough with it, let me expose my throwbacks about it, except I also expose about what I've done with Angry Birds from almost a decade ago first... In my good old days with Angry Birds, I used to be mad enthusiast with it by simply playing those games in my bad Android devices that I used to have. Not only the fact I played the game until I was a big fan with it in general, I also expressed it by doing certain things, such as buying a random pirate DVD contained stolen YouTube videos with them, and even those egg container toys that used to exist in it's days. Those were my sweet days of me enjoying it, until I also decided to do it with Plants vs. Zombies later on, even without my intention of me purely enjoying it in the first place.

Throwback of me collecting Angry Birds toys (plus other stuffs), taken in 2014... Notice for those Plants vs. Zombies stickers though, even if I didn't start my actual collection of toys and figures of them yet in that time...

Just let you know, I enjoyed Angry Birds in it's days due to the trend by how everybody would play them on their mobile devices in it's days, so there's no question about how come if I enjoyed it from then with all of that stuffs that made me literally had a plan to do so... As soon as the time passes in it's days, the moment by how I somehow played Plants vs. Zombies for very first time slowly goes well, which resulting in by how I also expressed it by collecting my very first "physical collection" from themselves, which were just my pictures of certain characters from themselves that I printed them manually from a local photo printing center. It also made it even better, due to the fact I discovered several of the toys that I wanted for the next several years since I enjoyed Angry Birds in it's "bird" days, which causing it I had enough enjoying with Angry Birds in all of the aspects about how I enjoyed it just before. Even if I occasionally played it, but it was overly "outclassed" by the Plants vs. Zombies. Yes, the Plants vs. Zombies is older than the Angry Birds, but it was unexpected if I was able to play it more than the Angry Birds due to it's diversity, specifically by how the toys and other collectible stuffs from this game would look like (especially for plant figure and toy models), even the cheaper sets from them too.

With all of the toys and figures that I discovered through many years since I initially played the game, I encountered several of them that were exactly the ones that are in my bucket list, which most of them were reviewed on YouTube by those toy reviewer legends, including that one guy that I recognize the most when it comes about how he reviewed them until he literally gifted me some of those figures that I wanted for free from a while back. Those were the nostalgic days when all of the said collectible items were pleasing, especially for the ones that were nicely detailed that caused me grab several of them in my hands with a passion with a valuable price per each of them (even if most of them didn't have a good quality however)... Until several years later, I encountered a major problem where I ain't able to acquire even more of them with ease. Yes, almost all of the Plants vs. Zombies toys and figures that I got were acquired from any online marketplaces, including e-Bay. I was able to buy most of them from e-Bay by accessing one of our country's online marketplace that was once existed (until they decided to shut down the whole marketplace itself due to various fatal errors occurred on it). Even if I already got most of them, I still couldn't get most of my missing ones that I wanted the most until this day (which those aren't based from the standard Plants vs. Zombies series anyway).

During the pandemic started, it gets worse and worse, even if I also acquired several of my alternative toys and figures from themselves. This was also the turning point about how I rarely hunting any of those toys anyway apart from anything that are directly made in China, yet they're officially mass produced and mass distributed exclusively for whole continent of Asia (even if they somehow able to distribute them to the western part of the world as well). There are tons of options from them apart from most of them that I already got, but I just really have no intention about which one that I will acquire next.

Now, how's the results about how I somehow reached the end of me purely enjoying them these days? Well, because I can't even able to complete my collection without those of my missing ones that I wanted since those toys were newly released on the market, I literally lost my hope for getting apart from vast majority of those Chinese alternatives, which ultimately aren't my style... As for the games themselves that I play, I still play them though, even if the franchise itself is considered dead these days, thanks to how the game developers and publishers recently "ruined" almost all of their series from one way to another which resulting by how the loyal fans would call it as the dark ages of it. Yes, I play it on my current devices that I own, but it depends about which game mode that I play apart from one of them that I always play it briefly for almost every single day, or else each of my device's battery would drain quicker than it should if I play it for too long. This is also the prime reason if I somehow have enough collecting any collectible stuffs from them, unless I already found another one of those sets that may impress as most of the ones that I acquired before would be, but I highly doubt it at any reasons since I unable to complete my bucket list of themselves.

Well, I think that's pretty much it for my latest update of how's going on with myself and those things. Yes, the franchise itself may seem dead these days in general since last series of the games that they released (which were complete letdown from previous series), but I keep trying to enjoy it even down by how it particularly goes downhill recently. I literally lose a lot of my thoughts about whatever else that I would say next, because every single time I explain this instead of enjoying whatever else that I particularly own them, I always wanted to do this in order to complete my collection by getting those missed things that I always wanted for years since they initially designed, manufactured, and distributed them (even if that sounds so outdated to you, specifically for that one official toy brand who used to do so, until they decided to shut down their whole production of them). This may looks and sounds similar as what I've done with Angry Birds specifically like so, but I have no clue whether if I eventually leave this franchise for good soon...... Only the time will tell the actual truth particularly about this.

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