Tuesday, January 2, 2024

New year's eve in your hometown❓ πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽΊ

This time, I'll tell you about something different, which is sharing about my own story about how I watched any kinds of new year's eve in my own hometown, ranging from basic firework show that were usually held near certain buildings or places by certain small communities, until the way to how my own hometown's whole government celebrated it back in the day per each of the year in those locations that they chose for. I know if there's not much else that I could particularly say about it since the last one that I watched from the very beginning of the dreadful 2020 (oh yeah, f*** that year of pain). Without further ado, it's time for me to share my own short stories about how I watched it back in the day per each of the year, right away. πŸŽ‰πŸŽ†

Since I was born until few years later, I simply didn't watch it due to the fact I obviously didn't have a clue specifically about what was the actual purpose of how everybody set their own fireworks together (most commonly were the roman candle sticks) in their own places every single of the aforementioned eve itself every beginning of the year. Until somewhere in the very beginning of 2009 (I guess), I was able to watch the said eve itself due to I suddenly heard all of that firework explosions on the sky which caused me to wake up from my sleep, and then I decided to go out from my childhood house and visited one of the nearest places that had one of those simple firework shows (no matter if I was yawning severely or not), for this case it was the bank nearest from my childhood house. Everything particularly about it was really basic when it comes to how some people set those roman candle sticks casually like so in there in particular, and this was occurred repeatedly 4 times per each of the year (2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012).πŸŽ‰πŸŽ†πŸŽΊ

Example of the new year's eve in my hometown, held directly by my whole hometown's government (judging by that concert stage at the back)... This was taken in very late of 2017 (or new year's eve 2018), right before they set all of those fireworks on the top of that sports hall there...

In 2013 and all the way to 2020 (except 2015*), I decided to watch the said eve itself in completely different locations, yet it was held directly by my whole hometown's local government, instead of just watching certain small communities with their own basic eve parties like I used to. Sure, I decided to do so because the firework show that they usually provided with them were way much superior compared to what I watched it per each of the year in prior, thanks to how they usually rented certain "pyro" enthusiasts and experts in order to set many of those roman candle boxes in one (yes, those boxes, not the usual stick ones), resulting in much greater show of themselves instead of the casual ones like everybody would usually do every new year's eve... There were 3 locations specifically about how they celebrated them, which those places were:

  1. Town center of my own hometown,
  2. In front of my whole hometown's main government office, and
  3. In front of the sports hall of my hometown (which they built the place itself back in 2016)

The first two following years, I watched the event itself specifically in the town center of my own hometown (2013 and 2014). The next two following years, I watched the event itself specifically in front of my whole hometown's main government office (2015 and 2016). Meanwhile for the last 4 following years, I watched the event itself specifically in front of the sports hall of my hometown (2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020)... These were definitely my best moments when it comes to how I celebrated the new year's eve by watching the said eve itself per each of the year, even I was able to record all of that amazing fireworks show with my old generic digital camera and my own phones, although I only uploaded few of them somewhere in part of my own social medias that I own. Of course, unlike how I celebrated it back in 2012 or prior in that particular location, I must dealt with the situation of the place around themselves, especially about how I literally dealt with massive amount of crowd who watched both music concert and firework shows respectively, otherwise I would pass out if I wouldn't strong and careful enough against this exact situation (especially when the firework show itself was over, and so for leaving the location itself). That particular crowd problems aside, it was really fun experience of me watching it in general per each of the year........... until the dreadful pandemic began after the last one that they celebrated.

* means I had a total health problem, but I couldn't tell you about the aforementioned health problem itself...

After the last one that I watched, there were no official announcement directly from themselves due to the pandemic that was occurred for roughly 2 years (including the car free night near them), even if the pandemic itself was over. For now, there is no aforementioned event from themselves anymore, which means I simply don't bother to watch it in person, no matter if I do bother to check it or not (even if I also check it on the certain social media account admins of my whole hometown as well)... Even I ever checked the place where they used to celebrate it before, and it turned out if there were no actual event itself from themselves. So, that was basically it, no more for those of the said events directly from themselves in general (AFAIK), apart from many of those basic eve parties that certain small communities with their own amount of budget usually do in certain locations outside those ones that our whole hometown's local government used to celebrate it specifically like so back in those days per each of the year. Even if both of my parents literally warned me in order not to watch it because it's so pointless to check it anyway (considering if I recently live in much further location between both my current house and those locations where they used to do so), they both also told me if I'd recklessly doing so no matter what, I would ended up in any of those unexpected technical difficulties specifically on the streets every single night.

Well, there you have it for my own short story particularly about the new year's eve in my own hometown in general, ranging from the basic ones that were usually held by certain small communities in their own locations, until all the way to how my whole hometown's government used to celebrate it specifically like so in those locations that they chose. If you have your own story particularly about this from your own hometown (or even your place where you currently settling in), feel free to share your own short story in your comments section if you're able to. That's it for what I could particularly say about this, and as always, thanks for reading this special article...πŸŽ‰πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽŠπŸŽΊ

Location of my hometown (in case you've wondering): Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia

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