Tuesday, February 2, 2021

My online items that were simply lost... 😞

Okay, so... I will tell you something different on this post. It's related to few online items from various online medias (such as marketplace or social medias) that I ordered through the years until today. In case if you don't understand about what kind of the title of this post is, it's basically if I ordered an item from aforementioned online medias, then I paid few bucks for it. Unfortunately though, either they cancelled it or there was a hideous scam behind it, those items just simply lost like nothing... I encountered at least 2 of the items that were lost for those reasons that I mentioned earlier. Without any ado with them, let's take a throwback to those items that I ordered, but those items were just simply didn't ship like nothing after I paid few bucks for it.

  • First, one of the good old Plants vs. Zombies K'NEX building sets that I ordered from one of local online shops, as shown in this review video right on the top here. They claimed if they sold it from somewhere in Korea (rather than the US or Canada, because that online shop wasn't the one which connects to the e-Bay), then I paid for roughly IDR 500.000 for it... And then, after at least 2 days of me waiting for it, suddenly the online shop cancelled the process of me ordering it for unknown reasons. I was really upset about that, so I had to refund all of my money back. After all of that occurred, one of my family's relative reported this problem to the online shop's customer service in order to troubleshoot that problem via phone call. Which means, they finally got rid of all of those fictitious products out there.
  • Secondly, which was one of the most common occurrence that occurs by somebody in my country, which was buying an expensive device for a VERY cheap price... But that, was an utter F****** SCAM! Recently, I ordered a very fancy Apple product from one of those counterfeit Instagram scam online shop accounts. I asked to one of those bastardized scammers who own one of those aforementioned online shops via a social media. I wasn't aware at the start during I had a conversation between me and that bastard, until I only paid IDR 500.000 for it plus shipping price to one of those hideous bank accounts that they had. After waiting for me ordering it, I got a message from that bastard if I had to call another bastard in order to resume the process of me buying that "goner" fancy product. During that occurred, I simply didn't call him, until I realized if I already lost some money to that bastard just for nothing, judging by the chat between me and that bastard was blocked by themselves. I didn't even report this crime to the local cops, it's because my parents were triggering me already for doing so. After I officially realized if I was being a victim for one of those scams few weeks later, I learned the lesson in order NOT for doing that s*** again.
In relation to the second one, I already tell the reason about why that occurred. Here are few traits and examples to those scam online shops, right here:
  • Usually appears outside any official online marketplaces, such as social medias like Instagram, being the prime example about why they appear so often there.
  • The pictures that they use to scam everybody is basically all stolen from somebody else. Between each of the accounts, majority of the pictures that they stole are basically the same, especially for the ones with white brickwork background behind those products themselves that they stole.
  • Comment sections are usually disabled or limited on those counterfeit online shops.
  • F.A.F. testimonials that they put on Instagram highlights.
  • Uses somebody's bank accounts rather than the official way to pay any fund to them. Since there are lot of people who reported those bank accounts, those scammers keep changing their bank accounts into another one to continue their s*** overtime to even more random victims, including me.
  • They claimed if majority of those products that they "sells" are black-market, which means... Yes, another F.A.F. claims! Which means, they actually want to redempt every victims by doing so over and over with such a nonsense amount of fund until they realized if they lost their money because of this F.A.F. claims that they ridiculously doing so overtime.
  • All of those nonsense reasons about why the items that they deliver to those victims aren't delivered as soon as possible, is yet again... another F.A.F. claims that they actually do, in order to get every single victim's money in order to do their s***
F.A.F. : "Fake as F***!"😠-ElectroBOOM

There you have it for my 2 stories about why those two online items that were simply lost. From what I conclude to both of those stories about why these occurred, the first one was due to the product itself was actually fictitious but they didn't even tell me about why they cancelled my order to it until I took my full refund back... For the second one, it was obviously a crime. Simple as that... Especially for these days while the pandemic is still going strong, those scammers are literally everywhere on those social medias, being the Instagram is the prime example for that by stealing every victim's money online. Anyway, hope you can pay full attention to this post (especially for the second one is obviously shameful), and thanks for reading this post.

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