Tuesday, March 8, 2022

No more for one of our electric fan enthusiast legends...😔

Pretty sure you may enjoy any of my electric fan videos on my own YouTube channel, hey? Yet you also enjoying our fellow fan enthusiasts by watching their YouTube contents of them too. However, as of these days, I and our fellow fan enthusiasts suddenly lost one of our legends by all of the sudden. It was one of my best fan enthusiasts that I ever met since almost 8 years ago, yet he was known for uploading and publishing his own electric fan videos (mainly ceiling fans) that caused him received almost close to 6K subscribers on his own channel. Without further ado, let me explain about him right now.

He was an electric fan enthusiast that lived in Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. He was well-known for uploading a LOT of electric fan videos since he made his own channel since 2014, mainly for ceiling fans like I and my other fellow fan enthusiasts would do. He was also famous for collecting electric fans too, yet his mini ceiling fans that he collected were the ones that made me and my other fellow fan enthusiasts got attracted specifically by his own collection of them as well. Speaking about those mini ceiling fans that he showcased them on his channel that he used to have, here are lists of the brands of them that he specifically owned in his house:

  • Niga FC-08-70,
  • VDR,
  • Shukaku SKU MF-50 (just like mine, except he obviously bought it from 8 years ago),
  • Yuhiro*,
  • ATN (just like my 500mm Bright-G),
  • Timezone,
  • Visalux,
  • Taiwan Star,
  • HTC*,
  • Kyowa,
  • Kyzuku,
  • Sivicom (just like my 500mm version that I used to have, except it was one of the newer ones [y'know, the ones with blue blades])
  • Ogata*, and
  • GMC,
* means oldie mini ceiling fans...

Well, there you have it for his mini ceiling fans that he showcased them on his own YouTube channel of fans (and air conditioners) that he used to have. Speaking about his channel in general, when it comes of how many views that he received on his videos on his own channel, the most popular ceiling fan video that he uploaded was one of his remake video of some ceiling fans in a mosque that had an old Alaska decorative ceiling fan with just 3 blades only instead of 4. Not just that, there were his other fan videos that were also popular, especially for his well-known "Ceiling fans in a mosque" series besides that one he made earlier. He even visited two famous mosques in Padang that had ceiling fans inside, which were Taqwa Muhammadiyah and Gantiang, respectively. He even visited several places in Java island too (including his grandparents house that contained a lot of fans in there), which was located somewhere in Bekasi (West Java, Indonesia), and even certain places that contains some fans in Jakarta as well... He also even had other videos of non-ceiling fan ones too, such as his video of a broken National stand fan with a broken blade which was the most popular that he ever uploaded on his whole channel, and some more of them too (including his own air conditioner videos), which were less popular than several of his ceiling fan videos that got a plenty of views. Overall, this particular fan enthusiast got attracted by a lot of other enthusiasts like I am, and many other audience who would subscribe to his channel until he got almost close to 6K subscribers.

I pretty much proud about how this particular enthusiasts constantly uploaded and published a lot of his own ceiling fan videos based on how he encountered any of them through many years, no matter how many views per each of the videos that any of them that were being watched by any audience... IMO, I know he was a bit better than me when it came to comparison between views, subscribers, and even revenue (if I guessed it correctly), but then again, it didn't matter for me though for watching his own electric fan videos that he published them on his channel. It was so enjoyable for me watching his own videos through several years thanks to how fairly overrated he was... Until somewhere in this year, he suddenly just lost into an oblivion by all of the sudden which caused some geeks out there just wondered about what happened to him. According to one of my other fan enthusiasts (which was one of those enthusiasts that had less than 1K subscribers),  it's because he had a long hiatus from any of his social medias including YouTube, yet he also did that due to he had an examination too... I just really have no clue about what happened to him now, and it's completely unknown whether he will come back or not. Speaking about that, in the same location where he lived in, there was another electric fan (and air conditioner) enthusiast that was once existed too and I subscribed him... But, his channel got hacked recently by some random crypto crap hacker, anonymous culprits by "mining" them for the NFT, and I ever caught if that hacker who hacked his channel uploaded something that was being set to live about it, and even though that channel is still existed there, but the hacker did delete all of his old ordinary videos of his own electric fans (and air conditioners) too. Instead, the hackers who hacked his channel just left with nothing but an empty channel nicknamed of that one particular crypto currency that is still present until today. Well, that'll be another story about that then to explain about why it occurred.

Anyway, that's pretty much it for what I could say to this particular legend that was once existed, but now it's simply lost by all of the sudden. I felt bad for him about why he stopped making his electric fan videos, but I would pretty much appreciated about how this legend did cheered certain of my fellow fan enthusiasts and any audience up by watching his own content, including me. Sure, I still do have some of my other fan enthusiasts that are still exists until today (including two of my other legends that has more than 10K subscribers), but it doesn't matter for me though for helping each other whether I do have some problem that occurs on me, for example... I think that's pretty much it for what I could particularly say to him with his own famous content that was once existed for several years until he finally gave up, and thanks for reading this post. 

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