This ain't my filler or my main series of my famous Plants vs. Zombies collection that I'm currently enjoying these days with all of my collectible items that I own, because the fact I still don't receive any of my new acquisitions about them since 2 years ago... However, let me tell you about my short archive story about how I actually started enjoying Plants vs. Zombies franchise in general, although I think I already made some of my article partially about it from around 6 years ago. You may remember about one of my very first picture of my entire collection about them in 2013 that looks like this?
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with Angry Birds too, hey? |
Yes, although I also used to enjoy Angry Birds too in these days, but let me explain it about everything before I took this picture, preferably from around a year before (or two, if I remembered them correctly). So, here is my actual nostalgic story about how I actually started enjoying this particular franchise that somehow I almost able to do it for almost a decade later, albeit I literally express them with completely different but much better way (as of late of 2014 until nowadays, but getting out of control since 2019 until nowadays as well).
First off, of course I obviously played original Plants vs. Zombies on my old 💻 that I used to have in those days by beating the whole Adventure mode and certain other game modes (such as Mini-games, Puzzle, and Survival game modes excluding the Endless ones), which looked and sounded so normal to me. That also shared as well with Angry Birds series in one of my bad Android 📱s that I used to have, which I also beat a lot of levels in each of the game series as well (ranging from the 2009 original, Seasons, Rio, and somehow Space... but not at all for Star Wars series, Go, and the sequel of the original game)... Okay, back to the Plants vs. Zombies part. Yes, I kept replaying all of the game modes on the original game itself numerous times, except in those days, I never expected to do something out of the box from it by collecting any of the toys or figures from this particular franchise at all, until somewhere few months later right after I initially played the game since square one, I was able to express it for a bit by accessing on the internet in order to search my favorite plant characters about them, although the original game was the only game that was existed in those days. This wasn't an easy task to do that, because I kept struggled to do it on my bad old Android devices that I used to have, especially for one of them that kept crashing the browser by itself for no reason (including the original game itself that I ever installed on that thing), and I searched a bit of them too with the only support of mobile data connection that lasted about several moments until it got emptied out entirely (unless I was able to discover them way better using Wi-Fi from public places or visiting an internet center)... Until I was able to download my very first image about them, and it was this one!
Yes, it is clearly a Split Pea from the original Plants vs. Zombies game. Don't ask me about why I enjoyed this particular plant in those days, it's because I used to virtually stare at the image of this particular plant in my old Android devices that I used to have in certain situations about how I kept doing so sometimes. Not only just that particular image of it, I even able to download even more images about them, including someone's fan arts (albeit they were so pixelated because the fact I downloaded them directly from Google without opening each of them for details). With all of my images or pictures about them that I plucked them off from internet, for some reason I wanted to "enjoy" them by printing them out by bringing one of my Android devices to one of the local photo labs in my hometown in order to print them off as an actual "images" for them. It would be better if I would request by printing them into stickers instead, but I just stupidly requested by printing them into a normal photo papers.
With all of those printed, I finally able to enjoy them IRL, even though that wasn't suppose to be the way about how I enjoyed them without virtually looking at my old Android devices again, or even my old 💻 that I had at those times by playing it or looking at the images about them too. Things about those were getting better; due to the fact I used to "brag" those in front of most of my old friends during I used to study back in my old primary school along with them too, although most of my old friends would know about how to play it properly, but not nearly skilled like I do. Not only the fact I also used to "brag" them like so, I ever brought those for certain stuffs that I couldn't remember what they were, until most of them received bit of damage on them for sure (due to I obviously didn't protect any of them by either putting them into photo album or any other protective kinds). This kind of pure enjoyment between me with this particular franchise kept resuming until 2013, but I still never touch any actual Plants vs. Zombies figures yet. Until May of the aforementioned year itself where I finally found my first yet my most memorable Plants vs. Zombies toys that were released from KFC in our country, that was literally the time where I finally able to completely "switch over" from collecting my photos about those characters to collecting actual toys and figures about them, albeit I did that just a year later (yes, I still hanging around with those photos instead until I got my actual toys and figures of them).
Well, there you have it for my short story about how I actually started enjoying Plants vs. Zombies franchise in general, even though I still somehow left anything about them until today. As of bonus related to this, here are more of my short stories about them:
- During the time I still didn't play Plants vs. Zombies for very first time, I stared at some of my old friends playing a Wall-nut Bowling mini-game on a PC in a teacher room of my old primary school in around of 2011 (I think).
- I ever visited an internet center in order to browse tips and strategy guides about the game itself in Plants vs. Zombies Fandom for very first time.
- One of my old friends in my old primary school offered me to borrow his cheap NOAC (NES on a chip) handheld console that contained unofficial NES port of the original game itself. I played it for a bit, and of course I couldn't stand with the horrible music itself that kept looping endlessly until I had to mute it.
So, that concludes about how I officially started enjoying Plants vs. Zombies franchise in general, starting off from how I obviously beat the whole levels and game modes in the original game itself, then followed by how I initially expressed them out from it too, albeit that was honestly the weirdest one that I ever done so far until I got my actual toys and figures from themselves later on. Even though I do have a plenty of those toys and figures that I own, of course I still save some of what's left from what I've done from then (although majority of them were gone), and I just did making even more of the "things" like so later on too to "recreate" it back. Anyway, that's particularly it from what I could say to this archival moments with them, and as always, thanks for reading this article........ wait...
Actual topic about this aside, but how about Angry Birds?! Well, I just gave all of my Angry Birds egg chocolate container things to one of my family's relatives. Simple as that, even though I obviously don't hate it anyway. Yes, I do have one of the Angry Birds game series that is installed in my current 📱, but I just rarely play it BTW.
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