Saturday, June 3, 2023

after I moved out from my old house...🏠➡🏠

Well, after I clearly explained about how come if I ain't live much longer in my old house anymore, it's time to update about my latest story about how's going on with myself and both of my parents when it comes about the current state of themselves. Well, without any mumbo-jumbo ado, it's time to reveal the said topic about the said situation anyway. 🏠

Before I explain particularly about them shortly, let's take a look at the moment where I started to move out everything from my old house into two locked and loaded locations that I kept mentioning just before. One of them which is obviously the portion of my dad's main workplace (this is literally where I'm temporarily settling in until I officially move out from there), and the other one is obviously my new compact house... As what we already negotiated to the owner of the whole house complex where I used to live near them, they literally exchanged my old house to that aforementioned compact house on another complex, which is located just approximately 4 kilometers away from my old location. Looks and sounds kinda further isn't it? Sure, even if we already recognize about the route about the location of the house complex itself once we got hang particularly with it recently, it takes approximately around 10 minutes of riding (🏍) from my dad's main workplace to the aforementioned complex itself. 🏠

Right, in the moment where I moved out from my old house for real, I literally prepared everything in order to so, ranging from my outfits, my furnitures, my electronics (including all of my electric fans), my own gadgets, and so on. But first, I must transit them in portion of my dad's main workplace, it's because my compact house still lacks certain inventories in there. After I moved almost all of them in the said transit place, it was PAINFULLY exhausted after all of that effort (TBH), yet it also makes it obviously better with ALL MESS of stuffs that we clearly have, which we must organize them to make it slightly spacious. Even if it does have a bit of space in it, most of the parts of this particular place where I'm temporarily settling in still out of space anyway... For almost all of my own items that I own, I specifically put most of them in the "lair" of the aforementioned transit place itself that they already built since several months ago by simply adding a separation wall between it and the main part of the workplace itself. As for both of my parent's items, they both literally put them in the rest space of the place itself no matter how cramped it is once they both filled the said space with them, including those large wooden wardrobes that they both use them as their separator furnitures. Looks and sounds severely awkward to you, but this is only the available space in this particular place ATM.  🏬

As the time goes on, my mom loaned some money from a bank in order to build the mini back porch of my compact house. It took approximately 3 months of building it by 3 separate handymen, and it also costed around IDR 20.000.000,- for doing so, with a bonus about how they also built the separation bare concrete wall borders on both sides of the part of the compact house's front porch itself. It also benefits by how another group of handymen equipping the same awning that used to be installed in the front porch of my old house by modified the size of it to make it fit with the overall space of the compact house's front porch. Unfortunately, even if it does have a front porch with it's current state that it has, she can't advance it further obviously due to the fact she doesn't have enough budget for finishing it anyway. 🏠

To sums up this particular topic, you may ask me particularly like this, "How's the current state of you and both of your parents after you moved out from your old house?" Well, I temporarily settling in portion of my dad's main workplace. Simple as that, even with all of it's glaring weaknesses that this particular place has, but I somehow got hang with the situation and condition of the whole place itself by simply deal with it, especially for constant traffic noises from various vehicles and how my dad always play any kind of music tracks whatever he wants for his work using pair of his speakers as loud as he does (yet every single time when he presents in there)... and so for both of my parents of almost exact reason that I mentioned just before. As of today, it's also close to the time where we eventually moved out from here to that compact house where I'm permanently settling in soon even if still lacks certain inventories in there, but it depends about how well if I can deal with that soon... Only the actual time and truth will reveal about that once it occurs soon. 🏠

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