Thursday, May 9, 2024

in memoriam with that person from my entire family...🥀

Well, it's time to share some of my own stories particularly about my good old days with one of the members from my entire family (preferably from my mom's side) that was once existed since I was born, and then he recently passed away due to the fact he suddenly got a fatal disease. Without further ado, let me share my own stories particularly about my good old days with him in general, ranging from those days when I was a kid, until all the way to final moments with him before he passed away...

A. My childhood times with him...

Back when I was a kid, I was hanging around with him for roughly many times, including my grandma that was also once existed back in those days. Those were the sweet times overall, with an exception about how come if I ever broke his old Sony Ericcsson feature phone with monochrome screens that he newly purchased it in ~2006 by slamming it to the floor of my childhood house, especially when there was an incoming SMS with it's own ringtone. Sure, I was once got annoyed by the ringtone itself, but thankfully, he didn't feel really that mad on me when I particularly did that though.

Although I was able to meet him many times in my childhood house, he was once had some random jobs somewhere in Malaysia for few years right after roughly two years after that time where I broke his aforementioned phone, until he decided to return back into Indonesia, specifically in my hometown where I do live. He decided to do so in order to marry his wife in 2011, and then they both took a birth of their first children several years later, followed by how they also took a birth to their second children right after the previous one several years later too.

B. In relation of my YouTube channel of fans...

When it comes to the relation of my YouTube channel of fans, there's not much else that I could say to him apart from the fact he had fairly good treatment with all of the electric fans that they own around my entire family since past several years, specifically from mine and those that was once used to be in my childhood house (back when my grandma used to exist). He was also a relatively good helper when it comes to installing certain of my fans, including some of my mini ceiling fans that I ever installed in the back porch of my old house (and so for that one [not so] mini ceiling fan that he also installed it in my current compact house where I'm currently settling in nowadays since almost a year ago). Overall, he was a reasonably crucial person when it comes to this in general, and so for how he somehow able to fix some broken fans with his own hands quite well too.

C. His local jobs...

Believe or not, he also had another job during he decided to settle in my hometown where I do live since I was born, which was making lots of homemade TV antennas out from metal sticks, metal sheets, and PVC pipes... FYI, he used to work in a large house that was once owned by a Chinese couple, although his legitimate wife was passed away firstly in 2014. During those times, he made lots of those TV antennas in order to sell them for relatively cheap price to the legitimate owner of that particular house. Even though he didn't earn that much bucks from those, but it was worth his job in order to satisfy some customers who used to buy those TV antennas that he made in there, and so for how he was able to find some bucks for his own mini family too...  📺📡

After the aforementioned owner of that large house was passed away in the late of 2023, he obviously lost his aforementioned job for a moment, and then he decided to switch his job into stone worker, which unfortunately earned way less amount of bucks compared to his previous job. Because of that, his mental suddenly felt out of control, which led to his disease which just caused from all of his mental stresses that he had in that exact state, unfortunately. 

D. Final moments with him...🥀

Unfortunately, this particular section clearly explains about how come he passed away due to his fatal disease that he had... Before he got hospitalized, he suddenly felt some pain on his heart (and followed by how he felt really hard to breathe most of the time), and he decided to visit the hospital by himself with his own motorcycle. Then, after he entered the emergency department for few days, he immediately got sent into surgery room in order to have some surgery to his heart. After he did the aforementioned surgery, he eventually got sent into the ICU room for additional recovery from the said surgery. However, things weren't look and sound great when it comes to recovering him in general, although he used to look quite normal at first, considered if he had to wear an oxygen respirator right in front of his nose all the time during he took a long rest in that particular room. 🏥

Things were getting much intense once he had unexpected actions during he had those of the aforementioned recoveries of his health in that room, especially about how come if he was able to recklessly REMOVE the aforementioned respirator bunch of times by himself specifically with his hands, resulting in his worse condition of his health overall. This was occurred due to the fact he wanted to go home quicker, especially about how come if he would want to see his wife and all of their beloved little children too after this particular disaster occurring on him... It also made the matters worse, every single time certain visitors from my entire family (including my mom) were attempted to consume certain food and beverages on his mouth in that exact state, he would eventually threw up numerous times, thus it led to even worse condition of himself that totally harmed his health entirely. 💉💊

After almost two weeks of him being hospitalized, my mom and I got a bad news from most of those doctors who works in there. They said if he ran into a fatal state where he had some sort of heart stroke, followed by how his blood just clumped into his brain, which they also concluded if they were totally impossible to revive him back to his former state... Not too long after my mom visited him in THAT particular deadly state (along with my dad, my uncle, my aunt, and some members of my entire family)............ they also said if he eventually passed away................ After he passed away, they brought the corpse of himself into his funeral home using a corpse car from that hospital. Lastly, I, certain members around my family, and many of his neighborhood around that village where he used to live were brought and buried his coffin contained his corpse to the graveyard nearest from their current house where they're currently settling in. 🥀⚰

My deepest condolences to that particular section of my entire family who recently lost their dad, but that also throwbacks me to those times where I suddenly lost my grandma in 2017. She also hospitalized in the same place as him, except she had completely different disease before she lost it's life. Even then, she also even got hospitalized in different hospital in around the late of 2016 before that one occurred few months later... This is also one of my highly traumatic moments in my entire life ever, especially about what if it'll also occur to both of my parents anytime and anywhere soon, considered if my mental is still not ready for basically everything that I must do in the future for now on. 🥀

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