Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Types of electric fan videos in my YouTube channel...

Well, it's time to explain about yet another explanation related to my YouTube channel of fans. Even though my YouTube channel of electric fans is relatively underrated these days (unlike most of my fellow fan friends), but I still able to upload any of my electric fan video sightings (mainly for ceiling fans) to my YouTube channel of them like it should be, albeit less quantity than what I used to be from around few years ago, preferably from 6 years ago... Speaking about that, this time I'll explain about types of electric fan videos that I ever uploaded in my YouTube channel, which also applies to my fellow fan lovers of their similar YouTube channels that they do have like I do. So, without further ado, here are types of electric fan videos in my YouTube channel, right away.

Before I started, of course I have to start with one of the most common type of electric fan videos that I ever recorded and uploaded, until all the way to the ones that contains electric fans in different types and brands in these categories that I made here.

A. Ordinary

One of the most common fan videos that I ever uploaded, which is the bog-standard ordinary one. It is obviously self-explanatory, which literally contains just a single electric fan that I recorded on camera.

B. Bi-ordinary

Similar to the Ordinary one, except only contains two of them that I recorded, but still the same identical types of electric fans and brands between each other.

C. Multi-ordinary

Again, pretty much like the Ordinary and Bi-ordinary one, except only contains three or multiple of them that I recorded, but again, still the same identical types of electric fans and their respective brands.

D. Same brands, different sizes

Contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos that contains electric fans of the same brand, but either one (or two or more) has (or have) different sizes.

E. Same brands, different models/generations

Contains either Bi-ordinary type, Multi-ordinary type, or even Same brands, different sizes fan videos that contains electric fans of the same brand, but either one (or two or more) has (or have) different models or generations (e.g.: Bunch of Panasonic industrial ceiling fans at a public place, which some of them are older models and where they made)

F. Same brands, different types

Contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos that contains electric fans of the same brand, but either one of them (or two or even more) has (or have) different types (e.g.: orbit ceiling fan and industrial ceiling fan of the same brand)

G. Different brands, same types

Complete opposite to Same brands, different types... Pretty self explanatory, it's obviously because it contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos of the same types of the fans themselves, but under different brands and their respective models.

H. Different brands, different types (Mix)

Contains either Bi-ordinary type or Multi-ordinary type fan videos that contains electric fans that have different brands between each other, and also they do have a different types as well, although at most cases, the brands of them (or even most of the types of the fans) are the same. This is also one type of my fan videos that usually gets more views on my particular YouTube channel of fans too (or is it though, as of this year).

Well, there you have it for this particular topic post that explains about the types of electric fan videos in my YouTube channel. Through many years of me recording any electric fans in any places (ranging from my place, my whole family's places, and public places), I already discovered bunch of types of electric fan videos in these categories that I categorized them into... Even though I keep doing so, there are actually even more of those, but I don't think if I can categorize them into these ones that I clearly listed here already, because in most of my fan videos that I uploaded and published in my own YouTube channel of fans, there are some of the "hidden" ones too (such as some cameo of the other fans that are also existed in the same place where the main fans are), especially for the ones that I didn't mention in every single title of each electric fan videos that I uploaded there (which also applied to my other fellow fan enthusiasts out there too, unless the description just explains them for a bit by the way). Other than that, it's pretty much anything else that I could say to this particular topic in general. I think that's it for this post that I made specifically for my YouTube channel for fans (for umpteenth time), and thanks for reading this post.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Archive: Worst experience with a cheapo, crappy "smart" watch...

This time, I will explain about something that was really bad exactly like what this person showed clearly in this particular video about the device itself, despite it was clearly a scam that pretended to be the real deal of it... Speaking about that cheapo device that he "reviewed" there, I also used to have one of those too, but it was under a different shape yet it also had the exact same cheap operating system as well like that one that he clearly showed there. Without further ado about it, let me take a look of my story about it, yet how I completely gave up using it anymore.

1. First glance of it...

Back in somewhere in 2018, my mom just told me about the "smart" watch itself that I planned to buy it online. At first glance, I thought I was like, "Oh... I can't wait to get an Android Wear for such a cheap price!" or some sentences that sounded quite similarly like that. So, I decided to buy it for roughly few bucks for it from a somewhere else online (which wasn't from any legit local online marketplace whatsoever). I waited it for probably 2 weeks for shipping for it, until I got a mail from a courier that contained the "smart" watch itself. So, I decided to open it straight away, until some sudden disappointment about it just hit really hard on my face during upon I unboxed the mail that contained the box of it.

2. Appearance

By the look of it, it was exactly what I suddenly disappointed into, which the box itself looked so cheap and bashed, until I decided to open it to reveal even more sudden disappointments of the device itself that I bought. It contained the "smart" watch itself, short microUSB cable, and instructions that was written in both Chinese and broken English... Yep, my disappointment about it was getting worse upon I turned it on (even when it only showed the battery icon during it's charging), but of course I had to charge it for at least 5 minutes for very first time to gave it some juice for it (if I guessed that statement right).

Anyway, back to the thing itself. It felt exactly similar to that guy who reviewed there, cheap and nasty crap, and both of it's own straps were also felt quite cheap too, but it did it's job just okay. Even though the one that I got had different shape, but it was basically the same thing like what he reviewed on that video there as well.

3. Usage and results

First off, you probably think if that thing would work exactly like what he reviewed there, but NO! It performed way worse as you may expect. Sometimes if I accidently drop it (but not too high), or I accidently tap it quite hard (but not too hard), it just simply shuts the thing itself off. It occurred just almost every single time if I did either the former or the latter, it kept shutting the thing itself off for unknown reasons. Maybe because the thing itself wasn't supposed to be shock-proof? Or device was naturally defective from the factory? Probably the latter, to be honest.

For the cheap operating system itself, of course I always felt annoying by that tune every time I turned it on or off, but I did able to disable it though settings that leaded to it, so. For the rest of the "apps" and functions of the watch itself, here are the results about them:

  • First off, the key function about it was obviously the clock itself. It did work just okay as it was, but of course if I removed it's own battery then I put it back in, it kept resetting it's own date and time in very early of 2017.
  • I didn't bother to send messages through it because not only the fact it was kind of obsolete in general these days, it was PAINFULLY difficult to type texts on that tiny touchscreen. That also occurred during I tried to do certain other things that involved typing texts on it too.
  • Using it as a remote Bluetooth media player through an app from my smartphone's app just worked decently. Even though it's own tiny speakers didn't sound that great, it did it's job just reasonably so.
  • Unlike the "smart" watch that he reviewed in that particular video, it had a built-in camera. The quality of the pictures that were taken by it was potato as you expect, yet slightly lower quality than that Nokia phone that my mom used to have in around 2006 to 2007.
  • Using it as a remote camera also worked just okay, yet also using the same app that functions it as a remote Bluetooth media player for it.

Even though it had those features, it also had another flaws besides that one major flaw that I mentioned earlier. So, here are some flaws for it:

  • Even though it had a camera, it didn't had a feature to record a video. Probably because the system itself was way too poor to implement it (unlike those old typical Chinese phones [e.g. my old D-ONE]), but I obviously don't know.
  • No default wallpaper on it's own watch face home screen, just plain pitch black.
  • It obviously didn't support any pictures or images that had larger file sizes. That also applied to the certain music files and their certain file formats of the same size traits too.
  • Some dud (false option) apps like Facebook, Twitter, and even Whatsapp that were present on it. I tried to open any of them, but none of them would do so.
  • No Wi-Fi, just some obsolete GPRS and WAP connections.
  • No headphone jack.

4. Final times with it...

With all of it's own features and flaws that it had, it did it's job just okay for certain things, such as remote Bluetooth media player (albeit it's own speakers sounded so tiny), pedometer (which I didn't think if that actually worked), and some other basic stuffs that I could do with it. Until at the end of the day with it, I was having a bad day about why that thing always malfunctioning like so, yet that made it even better because one of it's own straps broke off... During that time I decided to end it's life because how obviously crap it was, I was really mad about how it kept malfunctioning again and again, especially for that one major flaw where it still kept shutting the thing itself off by any certain hits to it, even with one of it's own straps broke off. Well, because of that still existed, I decided to do it even harder by simply drowning it into the saltwater first, but of course I had to rescue the SIM card (if I ever used it to send SMS or other communication stuffs that involved it, otherwise it was so painfully pointless) and the 2 GB microSD card that I used for it, so... After I drowned into the saltwater, the screen suddenly went all white, but for some reason, it didn't shut off if I dropped it or tapped it hard. It also made the thing itself felt a bit warm too during that occurred... Then, I hit the screen really hard until the protective glass got shattered, yet the crappy LCD itself also broken too, even though I obviously couldn't see anything from it anymore because it was shorted with the screen still went white... Finally, I finished the rest of it off by smashing the whole thing into a lot of small pieces yet I burned it too. And that was it, even though I rescued some of what's left from the "stupid" watch itself, I actually kept it's own battery for some reason until it got swollen by itself, which I ended up "hauling" it off later on.

Well, there you have it for my experience with that cheapo "stupid" watch. Exactly what the title of this post says, this was obviously the worst experience of using it, not only the fact it's way too obsolete, it also because it was utterly painful for using it as a sub-daily driver device... This was also definitely the scam almost similarly like what he discovered in that particular there (but under different reason), because I thought it was some sort of cheap Android Wear watch that looked quite unique, but it turned out that was one of those cheapo generic "smart" watch with their own cheap operating systems that they embedded them into that, which didn't work that well... I think that's pretty much it from what I could say to that cheapo crap that I already got rid of, and hope you can pay full attention about what I experienced with that, or even other cheap techs that you may feel often disappointing with any of them, so.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Annoying ads in PVZ 2... in my 📱......🎮

As what I clearly stated in my previous post, entitled "Annoying video ads" earlier, so it's time to explain this topic again as a follow-up, but specifically for one of the games that I still play from roughly 7 years ago until today, which is the Plants vs. Zombies 2. I know if almost any of the modern mobile video games do have some ads in there, but I do spot most of the annoying ones that makes me feel cringe about why they always appear like that, menacingly. There's nothing else that I can say about this anyway, apart from the way how I explain about it is pretty much similar to what I explained in my previous aforementioned post of them in general. Just like that aforementioned main post of them that I made earlier, I divided them into 3 levels of how annoying they are, ranging from average, annoying, and most importantly, very annoying one... I also include certain types of the ads that are just simple texts, pictures, and simple animations in this one too, yet I also tell about when those ads usually appear in that particular game that I play it as well.

Before that, I'm gonna tell you about when those ads will appear in the whole game itself, so let me explain about it first, then I'll show what kind of ads that usually appears in the entire game itself too.

1. The way how they appears...🎮

While I'm playing the game itself, they usually appear in certain patterns in the entire game, for example:

  • Win a level in Adventure Mode of the game (or losing it),
  • Win a daily Pinata Party events (or losing it),
  • Opening a store (or closing it, which is somehow rarely seen them),
  • Win every single of Penny Pursuit's events (or losing it),
  • Win (or losing) a PvP match in Arena (previously known as Battlez), and
  • Win every single of Epic Quest steps (or losing it)

2. Levels...🎮

Again, I divided them into 3 levels of how annoying they are, ranging from average, annoying, and most importantly, very annoying one. So, here are 3 levels of them about how annoying they are, as the way how they usually appear in this entire game:

a. Average 👌

Just bunch of ads that I can simply close right when they appear. Either just plain texts, simple pictures, or even simple animations. Even though there are built-in ads from the game itself (such as leveling up plants, featured premium plants, simple guides, etc.), but overall, it's not really that bad... Unless I accidently tap on the ad itself instead of closing it straight away.

b. Annoying 😠

Like what I explained to the main post of those annoying ads before, right on the "Modern Video Games" section, there are some variants of the ads that I refer them as the annoying one. Majority of them are interactive video ads that I can close them for at least 5 seconds or more. There are some of the variants of the same type of the ads that I can simply close them using the back button... if that works though. FYI, certain of the third-party advertisers (such as Vungle, Iron Source) that advertises those random ads do count as this one, as if I can close them for at least 5 seconds or more.

c. Very Annoying 😡

Yes, and of course I do encounter some variants of those ads that I refer them as the most annoying one that I ever encountered so far.  So far (specifically for this game in particular), I found at least 2 types of ads that I refer them as it, because let's face it... those ads are really stubborn to get rid of, or other else that makes me feel angry about why those very annoying ads always appear like, "Tap me! Tap me!"... So, here are 2 types of very annoying ads that I encountered them in this game:

  1. Interactive video ads that I CAN'T close it at all. This is one of the common ads that always appears in this game in general, yet one of it's variants are advertised by a third-party advertiser known as Ad Colony (if I guessed that right)... Although I can simply get rid of any of those ads by simply press the home button in order to exit the game with any of them, they will always come back with a vengeance for sure, especially when I tried to close any of them, I always tap the ad itself that leads to the aforementioned site (or online shop's promo) that they advertised. F***!!!😡
  2. Some of the Annoying level ads that will (or may) crash the whole game... Yes! Even though those ads themselves (mainly video ads) aren't look that bad in the first glance, but after I close them, they will crash the whole game. This problem commonly occurred in 2 of my old Android devices that I used to have, yet the majority of the ads that crashed the game were obviously video ads for sure (if I mentioned 2 of those aforementioned Android devices right, due to one of them performed so horribly, yet it kept crashed the whole game even there were no ads for that). Meanwhile, for my current Android smartphone that I'm using right now, I've seen them less than before, although I still feel bummed about why those following ads are able to do so... Contains malware or something "sus" to crash the whole game? I don't even know.
Well, there you have it for short summary of the ads that always appears specifically in Plants vs. Zombies 2. Once again, every single of the modern video games (including this game) do have ads that always appear no matter when they will do so, ranging from average ones, all the way into the most annoying one that you may deal or get rid of it by the way... I think that's pretty much it for this post of the same topic of it that I made earlier, but I made it again specifically for one of the games that I usually play from few years ago until today. As usual, thanks for reading this post, and hope you can pay the attention about this follow-up post too.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Didn't win the "giveaway", yet total waste of money...📨➡💸

Courtesy: that authors this picture

Okay so, let me tell you about something that may feel cringe for you, it's because this was occurred since somewhere in the last month until today. It's basically some sort of so-called giveaway that was being held in sake for an annual promo by that one shady "online" shop by sending them some physical mails to my mom's name on them in order to win those grand prizes (including some of their bonus prizes too). But, instead of exactly what I and she expected about, they kept doing it's own rules by buying their own cheap, overpriced products 5 times in a row that made both of us wasted our money really badly... Well, without further ado with this particular problem, let me tell you about the overall story about why this occurred by all of the sudden that already wasted her money.

1. First glance_📨

At first glance, that mail looked exactly what I and my mom would expect, which was winning their own grand prizes from that "online" shop's annual promo. FYI, I ever received the same kind of mail from several years ago, but I didn't even reply it due to I didn't know what kind of procedure in order to win it by the way... Until somewhere in the last month, we both decided to follow their own rules that they printed on the sheet of ordering form that they provided, alongside with the catalog that they sent them to both of us too. We both decided to buy a small kitchen pan set that costed around 29 bucks by transferring her money into the company itself, then we both decided to sent it back using it's own reply envelope that came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office. 📤

2. Another mail...📨

After we both waited for least 2 weeks to send it, apparently they sent both of us another mail from them if we both would want to win their grand prize that they provided... Instead, she must buy another item that they provided on another ordering form that they sent them to both of us, alongside with another catalog that they provided on them too. Not only just that, they also sent both of us some sort of certificate if she would won that grand prize, so I had to save it. Anyway, she decided to buy a stacking meal basket for around 36 bucks by transferring her money into them, again. Then, we both decided to sent it back using another one of it's own reply envelope that also came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office, again. ðŸ“¤

3. Yet another mail...📨

After 2 days I sent the last mail, they sent both of us yet another mail from them if we both would want to win their grand prize that they provided... Instead, she must do another repeating task in order to win it, even though she already wasted a lot of money from her bank account. The only difference between last mail that they sent them to both of us; this time, they also sent both of us a receipt if we both also won a bonus prize, so I had to save it also. With yet another form and catalog that they provided, she decided to buy a bros that costed 29 bucks by transferring her money into them, yet againThen, we both decided to sent it back using yet another one of it's own reply envelope that also came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office, yet again. ðŸ“¤


Again and again, after around 2 days we both sent the last mail, they sent both of us ANOTHER mail from them we both would want to win their grand prize that they provided... Instead, they received both of us ANOTHER form and ANOTHER catalog! Even though she wasted her money even more due to this, she decided to buy some sort of needle set that also costed 29 bucks by transferring her money into them, again and again. With ANOTHER repeating task in order to win it (again), we both also decided to sent it back using ANOTHER one of it's own reply envelope that also came with it into the company itself in order to win it through the post office, again and again. ðŸ“¤

5. YET ANOTHER MAIL!! But... 📨

Yet again and again, after few days we both sent the last mail, they sent both of us YET ANOTHER mail from them if we both almost won their grand prize that they provided. But, they sent to both of us with incorrect home address that was printed on the mail itself, due to the address that they printed on there was my old home's address, and we both obviously moved into our current home since several years ago. Things were getting intense due to the fact she already lost a lot of money from previous purchases 4 times in a row that made her didn't want to process it this time. Even though they claimed if she almost won it, judging by the particular form that they provided (that also included some sort of winning card that also they provided to glue it on the form itself), but she decided to cancel it due to she worried if we both would do this again and again, they also would send even more of those mails infinitely per each of the row... Well, because of this, she already lost a lot of money due to previous 4 purchases that she did in order to win it, but eventually, she also got a SMS from them if her grand prize just got stalled in their place due to the fact we both didn't send it back ASAP... I had no idea whether if this was true or not, because I also worried if I sent that particular mail back to the company itself, they would sent both of us even more of those mails all over again, not rewarding the main thing itself instead which made me really frustrated too, regardless of how many times yet how much that we both would pay into them, so.

Well, after we both did a research about all of those products that she bought them from, turned out if all of those items that they sell on there were freaking cheap! For example, that kitchen mini pan set originally costed around ONLY 5 bucks. What a total ripoff! Anyway, there you have it for this particular issue that recently occurred that made her lost a lot of money from her bank account really badly... I don't know if this is definitely the most deliberate scam that they did to both of us, because unlike that one Instagram illegal scammer that they did to her that occurred from almost more than a year ago, this one made her lost a lot of money just twice as that one, even though all of those overpriced cheap products are already in here..... Or isn't it though, by the looks of it unlike those naughty, illegal online scammers out there?

We both are broke now...💸💸💸💸

Friday, September 3, 2021

Annoying video ads... (🇮🇩)

Yes... Ads...... Every time I do certain online things (such as watching YouTube videos, visiting some websites, playing online games, etc.), those random ads always appears. For example, a (or few) random item(s) being listed at an online shop, popular apps, some sort of online jobs, and so on. But, I'm not gonna explain about those basic ones like the ones that are just texts, pictures or simple animations, so I'm gonna explain about those annoying video ads that always appears in majority of the online stuffs that I ever seen so far from the past until today... I did encounter every single of the random video ads in almost any sites, apps or games that I ever played from then until now, but I did spot few of them that are (or were) so annoying, because it always appears so often, yet I can't fix it by personalizing the ads as well. Without further ado, here are lists about video ads ranging from the average ones, till to the most annoying ones that I encountered.

I'll divide into 3 different categories for this topic, one which is for YouTube, the other one is for the ones that usually appears in any of my modern video games that I installed on my devices, and the rest are for the other sites that has any of those.

A. YouTube

Of course YouTube do have a lot of video ads that always appears at almost any of the monetized videos in every single of them that I watched since from a long time ago, unless I'm using an ad blocker to prevent it... Anyway, here are my lists of those video ads that commonly appears on YouTube, divided into 3 levels about how I react to them:

a. Average

Example of a random video ad that I watched on YouTube, yet I categorized as the average ones... Just a video ad of that Panasonic mini-split air conditioner, which was so relatable to my main YouTube channel that made me felt pity to skip it anyway...

Only encountered few of them so far, which are just some video ads that is related to my main YouTube channel that made me didn't skip them due to they're so relatable to both of my YouTube channels that I own (such as air conditioner ads, HVLS ceiling fan ad, etc.). Moreover, I did encounter them during I didn't sign in on either one of my Google accounts... Or did I (from what I remembered).

b. Annoying

There are plenty of the video ads that I encountered them on YouTube that I categorized them as the annoying one. Here are my examples of them:

  • Video ads of popular mobile games that are skippable (such as Rise of Kingdoms, Lords Mobile, Genshin Impact, Ragnarok, etc.). These are the most common video ads that appears randomly every time while I'm watching any videos on YouTube,
  • Video ads of cheap mobile games that are also skippable (such as Playrix games [Homescapes, Gardenscapes, etc.], and some unrecognizable ones too),
  • Certain video ads of popular apps on Google Play that are skippable (e.g.: popular online shops, trading apps [which my country's government just sued most of them though], and other usual apps that are also popular nowadays), 
  • Certain long video ads that are skippable (for example, a short movie ad that has 2 minutes of video length).

c. Very Annoying

Well, here is my most annoying one that I found them on YouTube. So, here is my dreadful list of those video ads that I hate the most on YouTube:

  • 5-second ads that ALWAYS appears way too often. Majority of them that appears are the ones that are based on those popular apps on Google Play (TikTok and SnackVideo are the ones that are appears way too often, as of today), followed by certain super apps that also popular in my country too...
  • Some video ads that I obviously CAN'T skip, yet they're based on the ones that commonly appears on TV's commercial breaks. Usually comes with either 15 second video ad durations or their shortest one, 5 second ones. While I visit on any following video ads that randomly appear, it directly opens to certain things, such as the following items that they sell on online shops exactly like what they advertised, or other things like some sort of giveaway (but it's rarely seen).

B. Modern Video Games

Any of my modern video games that I ever installed and played, either on both my phone (most commonly) or even my laptop (which is barely seen any, because I never encountered any of them on it), I also encountered bunch of video ads as well... Just like what I mentioned on YouTube earlier, here are my lists of those video ads that commonly appears on my modern video games that I installed them on my devices, divided into 3 levels about how I react to them:

a. Average

Unlike YouTube, there are (or were) none of them... Simple as that.

b. Annoying

I did encounter bunch of annoying video ads on the mobile games. For example, majority of video ads like what they advertised on YouTube, except they associated them with Facebook. There are some other interactive type video ads that being associated by certain third-party domains as well (such as Iron Source or Vungle Privacy). Well, at least I can close them due to all of those video ads do have their own close button for at least 5 seconds after those ads appeared, although at most cases, I always tap the ad itself instead of closing it right away which is annoying! (sigh)

c. Very Annoying

Oh, lord... Of course there are some video ad variants that are so ANNOYING as heck! Just like YouTube with all of those video ads of the same level of very annoying they are; those makes me want to force close the whole YouTube app in order to get rid of them! For example, there is one variant of a video ad that I completely CAN'T close. No matter how it suddenly pops up like that on my phone's screen, there's absolute NO way to close it after 5 seconds or anything like that... Just like those ads on YouTube that I absolutely CAN'T skip (or I must deal with them anyway), I have to force close the whole game, then I re-open it again... Or, if I can play the game without this variant of the video ad, I just simply disable any internet connections, either from Wi-Fi or data connection.

That also counts for certain video ads that also appears (even though I can close them after at least 5 seconds at most cases), but it ended up just crash the whole game by itself! F***! It was commonly occurred on my previous Android devices that I used to own, yet also happens but lesser occurrence in my current Android smartphone that I have right now.

C. Other sites

For the other sites, I also encountered some of the annoying video ads that also appears in anywhere else. For example, if I didn't have the ad blocker on my browser during I opened the Fandom, there are few of video ads that caused me surprised by all of the sudden... During I explored through them, I suddenly heard a music or voices from those particular video ads that annoyed me at random times. There were no way to get rid of any of them though, apart from the ad blocker to prevent it to happen... For any of the random sites besides YouTube and those popular social medias, it's quite rare to encounter those annoying ads at almost any sites, so it's pretty average to encounter any of those though. Although there are few certain sites that I must disable the ad blocker on my browser for certain reasons, that doesn't affect about this anyway since I barely seen any of those annoying video ads anyway.

So, in conclusion... There are plenty of annoying video ads that appears in almost every single website that I visited them since from a long time ago. Ranging from not-so-bad ones which are passable, until to the most annoying ones that makes (or made) me feel so cringe against them. Again, there's no way to prevent any of the ads that appears in almost any websites (including YouTube), because that's how every single of the advertisers wants to do that for obvious marketing reasons per each of the websites. I mean, simple ads like just texts, pictures, or even simple animations are fine, but the video ads are the ones that I have to totally deal against, especially for the most annoying ones that I can't (or couldn't) even skip or close with ease, no matter what kind of those video ads are... IMO, majority of them are occurred on my mobile devices, so that's why there are many of those video ads that appears quite a lot compared to the simple ones. For the other platforms like for my laptop(s), as long as the ad blocker extension is present in any of the browsers that I have, it's all fine, although I must disable it in most of the websites though for certain reasons... No matter how I like or hate them with a passion, those video ads are always appears very often until today (especially for the ones that I can't skip or close them immediately or after 5 seconds). Anyway, that's it for the post that explains about some annoying video ads that appears in every single of the websites that I ever visited from a long time ago until today, and hopefully you can pay attention about this post by the way, if you can deal or get rid any of those though.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Video editors for my YouTube channel of fans...

After I made my previous titular post related to my YouTube channel of fan's videos right before this, entitled "Potato" video quality in my old fan videos, so it's time for me to reveal what kind of video editors that I ever used for my YouTube channel of electric fans (plus my other YouTube channel that I have too for extras like toys and some extra stuffs). I know if I edited most of my videos using different video editors (yet they're so simple), either from both my laptop or even my smartphone to edit them anyway. Without further ado, let me explain about each of the video editing programs or apps that I ever used for my YouTube channel of fans.

Before I explain them... NO! I'm not gonna explain about Adobe Premiere Pro that I used to edit videos in certain devices like what I did to some computers in my apprenticeship place in 2019, and my "old" 13" Dell Latitude laptop that has it's own LCD screen died in last year. Which means, this particular video editor didn't count for this, so... Without further ado, here are lists of video editing programs or apps that I ever used in both my laptop and my smartphone, right away.

I'll obviously split into two categories for this, the ones for my laptop(s) and the other ones for my smartphone(s).

A. Laptop(s)_💻

1. Windows Movie Maker

Although I never used this video editor for this particular purpose due to this was existed in my very first laptop (Acer) with Windows XP installed on it in around 2009 (before it got upgraded into Windows 7 in 2010), I actually used this for fun purposes, yet I never exported any of my random pictures and videos that I had at those good old times... Moreover, even though I also enjoying electric fans somewhere in 2008-2009, it didn't even enjoyable as much as what I'm enjoying them nowadays.

2. VideoPad Video Editor

Just like original Movie Maker, I never used this video editor for this particular purpose due to this was existed in my very first laptop too, but also existed in my old Samsung laptop as well... Except for one archive fan video that I recorded from 2014 that I edited using this particular video editor that I did in 2015, yet I edited using my cheap Samsung laptop. There's nothing else that I could say to this particular video editor, since it's latest version of it seems to be complicated compared to my favorite version of this particular video editor (which was version 2.2, if I guessed it right), because the latest version of this editor doesn't seem user friendly to me, despite how simple this video editor is.


One example of a program that pushed my old Samsung laptop's performance to its limits, which was this video editor that I installed on it. It is like cheaper alternative of Final Cut Pro for Mac, except it seems to be user friendly to me, yet the way how it poorly performed on my aforementioned old laptop with it's own puny specifications that it had... I edited few of my fan videos using this video editor, and it was absolute nightmare. Even I ever made bunch of slideshow videos using it, but still performed horribly, yet it was prone to crash quite easily. Because of all of those problems that affected between this video editor and my aforementioned puny laptop that I had at those times, I would never edit any of my own videos using this video editor on it anymore, even I forced to do so for certain reasons.

4. Stock free Windows 10's video editor

After I retired my old puny Samsung laptop due to it's own screen troubled, so I obviously decided to replace it with my brand new one that I'm currently using it right now. Since my current laptop has it's own latest version of Windows 10 installed, it does come with a stock free video editor that bundled with it too. I put any of my pictures and video clips on it, and it works decently as it should for how simple it is, yet it reminds me to the original Windows Movie Maker, but with some enhancements that may (or may not) include in most of my pictures and videos that I edit on it every time. Albeit it works decently (yet since this is only the working video editor that is currently available in my current laptop that I'm using right now), it does have it's own disadvantages, such as no transition and PIP (picture-in-picture) features between pictures and videos in the storyboard line, sometimes it stopped processing while it's exporting (especially for longer videos [I experienced that just once]), and it only exports edited videos with 1080p video quality (but it's fine to me).

B. Smartphone(s)_📱

For video editor apps that I ever installed in 2 of my smartphones, not much detailed information that I could sum up on each of the apps that are (or were) available or installed, unlike the ones that are (or were) installed in my laptop(s) just before. BTW, here are quick lists of video editor apps that are (or were) available or installed in 2 of my smartphones:

  1. Stock video editor, known as Studio Film (Available in Android 4.x): Used for bunch of my old fan videos in 2015 that I edited them with lowest video quality. It wouldn't been that bad if I edited them and exported in 1080p video quality from back then.
  2. Kinemaster: Again, this video editor also used to edit bunch of my old fan videos in 2015-2016, judging by the obvious Kinemaster watermark that it had, yet I exported all of my videos with 360p video quality, instead of 720p or higher (if I guessed it right).
  3. Cheap "Video editor" app: Used in few of my fan videos that I uploaded in December of 2019. I also edited a local new year's eve 2020 using it too by shortened it's duration into a minute only in order to post it in my "personal" Instagram account.
  4. YouCut and it's twin, Video Maker (InShot Inc.): I use either former or latter recently for editing fan videos since last year until today (if I needed either former or the latter, due to I recently use Windows 10's stock free video editor instead).
For the bonus of some other video editing software that I attempted to install in both of my current laptop(s) and smartphone, here are lists of them for certain reasons that I stated on each programs or apps:
  • Wondershare Filmora (💻): I was once attempted to install this video editor on my old puny Samsung laptop. Because my aforementioned puny laptop did have it's own poor specification compared to my current one, it did refused to install it right off the bat.
  • Shotcut (💻): I was once attempted to try editing some of my video clip footages it on my current laptop that I'm using it right now, because it's basically just one of those Adobe Premiere Pro's alternatives. Since it turned out looked seemingly complicated, I decided to uninstall it yet I have to stick it with stock Windows 10 video editor that is available for free since I got this laptop.
  • VideoPad Video Editor for Android devices (📱): I didn't edit any of my own videos using this particular video editor app on any of my Android devices at all, due to the whole UI of the particular video editor itself looks nearly unusable compared to the PC version that I know. For example, the timeline pane of this video editor looks way too narrow compared to it's PC version, due to the size of my current smartphone's screen that it has (18:9). So yeah, I never install this app anymore due to the screwed up UI that it has.
  • VivaVideo (📱): It's basically one of alternatives from certain video editing apps for Android devices like Kinemaster, YouCut or it's own twin by InShot Inc.. I only edited one of my fan videos in 2016 using it, then I never come back to edit more of my own videos using it anymore. Since it also had it's own watermark like Kinemaster, that was also the reason about why I uninstalled it for good.
Well, there you have it for the video editors for my YouTube channel of fans, plus for my other YouTube channel that I own as well. Actually, there are even more of the video editing programs or apps that I ever used for this purpose, but the ones that are listed in this post here are the ones that I remembered them back from several years ago until today... Anyway, that's it from what I can say about another topic that explains something about both of my YouTube channels that I own, and thanks for reading this post.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

"Potato" video quality in my old fan videos...🥔🎞

Okay, so... Since most people in my YouTube channel of fans were asked about why majority of my old videos from 2013 until the late of 2014 had "potato" 144p video quality... I know if the question of this is truly simple, but it's quite tough to explain about why all of my old fan videos in my YouTube channel had "potato" 144p quality in nearly all of them. Without further ado with the main topic about why I did that in those days, let me explain about this crucial topic that represents this, yet I also included my old devices that used to record those videos in their days.

1. Devices_🥔📱📷

There were few of my old devices that I used to record all of those old fan videos that I made with "potato" 144p video quality. Here are list of my old devices that I used to do so:

  • Nokia 6630 (used in minority of my old fan videos, for example, that "CMC Flashycom industrial ceiling fan" that I recorded back in early of 2014),
  • Advan T1Ci tablet (used in minority of my old fan videos in somewhere in 2013 to early to 2014, you can tell by how inaudible the audio from this one was),
  • Cheap D-ONE brand (Slight Nokia E63 ripoff, yet used in minority of my old fan videos like "Elitesat mini ceiling fan [old video]"),
  • Nokia X2 (I somehow used it in minority of my fan videos in 2018 till it broke),
  • Samsung Galaxy Y* (used in majority of my old fan videos from 2013 till the end of 2014),
  • Nokia C5-03 (used in minority of my old fan videos in 2013, then I used it again for once in 2017 till it broke too), and
  • Spectra brand digital camera (used in minority of my videos in early of 2015 right after I sold my old Galaxy Y)

* means the one that I used the most

Yes, those were my old recording devices that recorded videos in "potato" quality. I know if each of the devices did record videos in slightly higher quality, like 240p or higher... Among all of those devices that I used, my old Samsung Galaxy Y was the one that I used the most. Judging by majority of my old fan videos from 2013 to 2014, I used that device for quite a lot really, it's because that was only the device that I used for this purpose in it's days, followed by other recording devices that I used to do that too... Yes, I still keep my old Spectra brand digital camera that I got from somewhere in 2009 until now, but I obviously never use it at all since my current phone has way better video quality than that, yet I don't want to waste my money by buying even more of pair of AA batteries for it anymore.

2. Main reason_🥔

The main reason about why I recorded those of my old fan videos in "potato" 144p quality was simple, yet it also sounded so silly for you. It's because I wanted to do so in order to upload it into YouTube a lot quicker in it's days. By mean that, I uploaded them into YouTube because they literally had smaller file sizes (approximately less than 10 MB), unlike my current fan videos that has least 1080p video quality, which takes quite longer than those old videos that I used to upload (well, depends on size of my videos then). I also uploaded them using the same phone that I also recorded them with, it's obviously because it had a built-in feature to upload them straight into YouTube, which wasn't ideal for me to do that nowadays... Even though majority of them were recorded with that particular phone, that didn't happen with certain other devices that I also used to have, because I obviously uploaded them using my laptop anyway.

3. Views_🥔

Speaking about views of my old fan videos with "potato" 144p video quality, none of them have least 10K views or more, except for few of them. For example, that "Panasonic industrial ceiling fan" video that I uploaded in 2014 has least 10K views. Not good obviously due to I recorded it with "potato" video quality, but it's okay to me. Same goes for my "2 old KDK orbit ceiling fans (broken)" video, it did have 30K views, which was surprisingly fantastic considered of the same "potato" video quality that I recorded to them both... On the other hand, there is my obscure fan video that only got less than 100 views too that I still set in public, until I decided to set is as private later on.

4. Monetization_🥔

Well, since my channel got monetized since last two years, I didn't monetize any of my old fan videos with "potato" 144p video quality, except for few of them too. Even some of them got demonetized anyway since I put a copyrighted music on each of them (which were those 009 Sound System songs).

5. The end of my old Galaxy Y...🥔

After I recorded my 2 following fan videos, entitled "3 KDK orbit ceiling fans" and that "Refresh perfume turbine fan" respectively, those were definitely my two last fan videos that I recorded using my aforementioned phone itself with "potato" 144p video quality in late of 2014... That phone got a weird Google Play app crash messages that would appeared bunch of times that I couldn't resist. So, I decided to sell it away to someone with fairly cheap price, and that was literally it... At least, it did it's job way better than my crappy Advan T1Ci tablet that kept crashing almost any of it's own apps, including it's own system apps that made me enraged so badly by smashing it with a hammer, which I did that after I threw it off from the window of a 2-story building.

6. Conclusion + extras_🥔

Recording my old fan videos with "potato" 144p video quality was really a bad idea to begin with. Even though it wasn't my intention to upload my very first fan video that I ever uploaded in my whole YouTube channel of fans, which was "Panasonic industrial ceiling fans" that I uploaded back in 2013. I did upload bunch of non-fan videos straight into YouTube just before, including the ones that I did in my forgotten abandoned channel that I made in 2011 (yet I already forgot both of my forgotten channel's e-mail and password already). I used to upload bunch of non-fan videos before (such as homemade windmills, marching bands, local attractions, etc.), but I did upload most of them with slightly higher quality videos than those "potato" quality videos that I did with majority of those fan videos in my YouTube channel of fans. Even though most of my old devices that I used to have for this purpose in it's days did record videos with higher quality (such as least 240p video quality or more), but I kept set almost all of those of my old fan videos into the lowest one as possible (except for few of them, which I did upload them with least 240p video quality, instead of my usual "potato" 144p video quality like I used to). For now, I'd love to keep almost all of my old fan videos that I recorded them with "potato" 144p video quality with all of those reasons that I mentioned here already, but not all of them that I keep due to the fact almost all of those videos only got so few views (less than least 1K), except for few of them that already got at least 10K views or more (There was one of them that got 30K views already). Overall, even though recording my old fan videos with "potato" video quality was really bad idea which would look like typical old YouTube videos from 2006 to 2010, it did worth something to upload them in my YouTube channel of fans by somebody said a sort of dead trend meme through the comments few years later after I uploaded them like this: "Shot with an iPhone", even though I clearly didn't record with iPhones at all... cause I'm too poor to buy any of those or better cameras anyway (especially for these pandemic days), even today with my current Android smartphone that I have, which works a lot better than my previous devices that I used to have, including that Galaxy Y that I featured it yet again in here too.

Anyway, that sums up about my big reason about why majority of my old fan videos in my aforementioned YouTube channel of them had "potato" 144p video quality. I think you'll obviously understand about why I did that in it's days, so you should know it better right after you read this instead of asking about why majority of my old fan videos in my own YouTube channel of fans had "potato" video quality all over again... That's it for what I can say about this crucial post that depicted this reason about why I did so, and thanks for reading this post.

Monday, June 21, 2021

FAQs: You ➡ Shawn K (S&M Destruction)

Courtesy: YouTube

Since my post entitled "Shawn K (S&M Destruction)... What's so special about them both?" was one of the most popular posts that I ever posted (albeit it's actually about hundreds of views for that particular post that I made), so it's time to explain using with bunch of essays that I listed here between me with those two guy YouTubers who already destroyed bunch of certain items, appliances and electronics for fun in their own YouTube channel. So, here are lists of my aforementioned essays between me and them both, right away.

A. Questions

  1. What was your very first Shawn K video that you ever watched? Also, from when did you do so?
  2. What's your favorite tools that they both use in every single of destruction videos?
  3. What's your favorite moments in their destruction videos by them both?
  4. How did you able to subscribe them both?
  5. Mention your favorite destruction videos by them both from 2008 and older!
  6. The fact if you're also fan of fans, which fan destruction video by them both that you enjoyed the most?
  7. Mention few of your favorite Matt's bad words (or sentences) when Shawn did something wrong! (For example)
  8. In your opinion, which destruction videos by them both that has a lot of laughs by them both?
  9. In your opinion, which destruction videos by them both that has to be the noisiest one ever?
  10. What's your favorite washing machine destruction videos by them both?
  11. What's your most favorite Dell computer destruction by them both? If so, why?
  12. Mention some other stuff destruction YouTubers that are close alternatives or similarities from them both!
  13. How's your opinion if they destroyed certain vintage stuffs already? (Such as that Macintosh Classic II, Hitachi VCR, Atari 2600, and KitchenAid dishwasher)
  14. What's your most favorite random funny moment that suddenly occurred in one of destruction videos by them both?
  15. What's your most favorite microwave video by them both?
Courtesy: by somebody who made this in

B. Answers

  1. In my eyesight, Fan Motor Destruction in 2013.
  2. Hammers, hatchet (or axe), random metal bars (including crowbars), baseball bats, some power tools, and more importantly, that yellow-black sledgehammer that they both have since 2011.
  3. For example, Matt split a cheapo toy electronic keyboard then he laughed so hard; Shawn whacked a computer monitor using a plier, yet he enjoyed Highway Blues sample music in Dell Computer Destruction 4; Shawn got hit by an Elmo that Matt spun it using a drill in that Elmo vs. Lawn Mower; Matt said "oWo" in disguise in Karaoke Machine Destruction, and so on.
  4. The fact the destruction by them both makes some difference yet pleases me by subscribing them both, unlike most of their rivals... Simple as that.
  5. Smashing A Computer, Destroying A Keyboard, and some extra videos that Shawn uploaded it recently.
  6. Original Ceiling Fan Destruction. Their sequels and some other fan destruction videos also do count as well though.
  7. "God damn you!", "You're such a d**k!", "I hate your guts!", "I hate you so much!", "F*** you!", "Screw you a**hole!"
  8. Toilet Destruction, without any doubt about why.
  9. Fun with A Dryer. Some other loud destruction videos by them both like Elmo vs. Lawn Mower and Blender Destruction also do count, but those were slightly less loud.
  10. RV Washing Machine Destruction and both of their HE Top Load Washer Destruction videos.
  11. Dell Computer Destruction 4, because that's only the time when the BSOD caught on camera during Shawn ripped capacitors, disk drive, and HDD from the computer's motherboard... The original Dell Computer Destruction also counts though.
  12. smashthings1, HPad, Jaxen Ross (which he obviously destroys any toys), Garret Claridge (even though he obviously focuses on speakers and audio equipment thingumajigs), and so on... As long if they aren't just a typical copycat from Plainrock124.
  13. If they both stated if either one or two vintage items that they destroyed were broken, I would get it about why... But I still don't get it if they destroyed that Macintosh Classic II (and that printer that bundled with the computer itself) that they both did in 2013 by simply speechless to it... Not a hate comment though, despite almost every single who watched that particular destruction video by them both about it were upset so badly.
  14. Shawn got tripped during he tried to pull the payphone back in Payphone Destruction, which caused Matt laughed so hard for least a half of a minute.
  15. Certain microwave videos that involved Matt's ludicrous voices, for example, one of his "Triple Microwave x, y, z" series... Especially for the one that Matt went "WOO!!!"  in one of them that they both did.
Courtesy: by somebody who made this in (again)

Well, there you have it for my frequently asked questions between me with that particular YouTube channel of stuff destruction genre who focused for certain piece of equipment that they destroyed for fun purposes (such as TVs, computers, vacuum cleaners, electric fans, and washing machines).  I hope you can understand about this post about why I enjoyed that type of content by them both, so... Anyway, that's it for this post about the aforementioned frequently asked questions between me and that particular stuff destruction YouTuber that I enjoyed based on my previous titular post about why I did so, and thanks for reading this post.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Am I only the one who have K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies figures in my country? (ID)

So, it's been a while since I have messing around with my entire modern day collection of Plants vs. Zombies toys and figures. Based on my certain posts about them that I obviously posted before, I'm gonna spot one of the toy brands, which is the K'NEX ones, yet again. I said that because I already explained about why I bought those figures instead of cheapo casual toys or figures that I can get them way easier in general, but this time, it's time to brag myself about am I only the one who actually have those particular figures in my whole country (Indonesia). Well, not so much... But I have to explain this anyway.

Started off by a throwback about somebody who claimed to have K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies by commenting them directly in those design images of the plant figures on it's own Facebook page of the whole Plants vs. Zombies game itself. I found those comments during I obviously wandering around in Facebook for quite a lot in those days. He/she said if they actually had almost all of them exactly like in those images, except for the transparent dark green Bonk Choy and Snow Pea... From what I checked to his/her account, he/she lived somewhere in West Java, Indonesia (probably he/she lives in Cirebon or Karawang, but I didn't know). However, after I checked his/her whole account, there were no actual pictures of them at all, which meant he/she actually didn't have any of them at all. I didn't even know if he/she did some mini hoax to them, but yeah... That's how I actually discovered him/her if he/she clearly didn't have them at all, conclusively.

Another throwback about this (even though it's irrelevant to this post) is the fact there were other people who have at least one or few figures of them, but they weren't live in the exact same country, preferably in entire of the whole continent of Asia. Here are fine examples for them:

  • A toy collector Instagrammer from Thailand had 4 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 figures that he obtained them back in 2014. Those figures are Sunflower, Bonk Choy, Basic Zombie, and Mummy Zombie.
  • A guy from Malaysia (from what I checked his account) captured his children playing some Plants vs. Zombies during a trip somewhere in Hong Kong, spotted his K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Peashooter in it that they brought into there.
  • A female teenager from South Korea had 2 of those, which are just good old Peashooter and Sunflower duo, respectively.
  • A Vietnamese teenager had a box of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2, yet he also opened all 8 blind bags that came with them. Although this one did count, he actually did this in the US due to the fact he actually got them from Walmart from what I asked through comments in his YouTube video of it. Unfortunately though, he deleted his video of it later on.
  • A small family in China opened 3 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 blind bags, which were all Bonk Choys.
Majority of them that they got in their hands were occurred before I got few of mine, except few of them. As of the one that I own, here are my throwbacks to each of the time during I obtained them per each of the figures or sets:
  • First, in September of 2015, I obtained the whole set of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 2 from e-Bay for 60 bucks. There was a missing piece on one of those figures, which was the Snow Pea's stem was missing, yet the blind bag that lurked it was simply stapled.
  • Then, in April of 2016, I obtained a K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 Sunflower from e-Bay for roughly 40 bucks.
  • Then, in July of the same year during I obtained that Sunflower figure, I also obtained another K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 blind bag, except it was the Bloomerang one for roughly similar amount of price as the Sunflower.
  • Then, in May of 2017, I obtained a K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 3 Fire Peashooter from e-Bay for roughly 35 bucks.
  • And then, in  October of 2017, I obtained yet another K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 1 blind bag that contained my most favorite plant among the other 4 figures that I wanted, the Peashooter. I paid roughly for 43 bucks for it.
  • Lastly, in November of 2018, I got a special giveaway gift for FREE from a popular toy reviewer YouTuber nicknamed SquirrelStampede, who gifted me 4 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2 Series 4 blind bags, which are all plants (Peashooter [the one that I wanted the most], Rose, Kernel Corn, and Citron). He also sent me 6 K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies Series 3 blind bags too, which one of them contained another Fire Peashooter inside.
In conclusion, am I only the one who actually have those particular figures in my whole country (Indonesia)? Obviously yes. The fact I'm only the one who actually own several figures of them (mainly for the plants that I wanted the most) makes the huge difference between me and typical people who also owns casual Plants vs. Zombies toy figures that they have, but I don't think if I eventually deserve a thing called "Nobel Peas Prize" achievement for good, based from somebody who commented in one of K'NEX Plants vs. Zombies reviews by the same YouTuber who gifted me certain of Plants vs. Zombies figures that I have now... I know if my country doesn't have a lot of Plants vs. Zombies fans like I do because majority of the people in my country just obsessed by anything based on their latest trends, such as popular modern mobile games (for example, Mobile Legends, Lords Mobile, Free Fire, Genshin Impact, and so on), Korean TV shows and music videos that they also obsessed recently, and other stuffs that they casually enjoy as well. I know, everybody has their own obsession and hobbies, so it's fair to see anything about those with my actual eyes in here, including me with bunch of my Plants vs. Zombies stuffs that I own, or even my fellow fan lovers with their obsessed franchises per each of them too, so it doesn't matter for me about them anyway... So there you have it for yet another explanation post about messing around with my modern day Plants vs. Zombies collection, preferably spotted on one of the toy brands that I already explained in here, and thanks for reading this post.