Before I explain about those social mobile apps that I classified them like so, you may ask me particularly about it, "Do you ever use certain (braindead) popular social apps, especially for those video sharing social medias that are exists these days?" Well, of course I recently do. Unfortunately, I'm addicted to certain of those "braindead" apps out there, especially for any kinds of video sharing social medias that are recently popular, which even beats up certain other social medias that were popular in it's days before these "braindead" apps existed (for this case, YouTube and certain Meta apps, respectively). Without further ado, I do spot two of the "braindead" video sharing social mobile apps that everybody around the world always use them both recently, specifically for everybody from our country. 📱

A. The two "braindead" social medias...🤳
1. TikTok
First off, of course TikTok is being one of them that I classified it as one of those "braindead" video sharing social medias that is recently popular these days. Not only the fact everybody from our country always use this "Tok" by uploading their prides in there (they usually upload certain short videos with remixed copyrighted music tracks), it also has certain other features that makes everybody just totally fascinated with this "Tok", being one of them is how it recently has it's own online marketplace, which also beats up any other online marketplace that are existed out there, thanks to it's own offering to buy any items from there for much cheaper price compared to what the other online marketplaces would offer in their respective platforms (including shipping, but it depends about which item that you will buy though).
As for how I'm particularly using it, I signed my main Google account in here, and uploaded whatever contents that I own in there for various purposes, ranging from archival purposes until all the way to pure fun purposes (because why not). Even if the views on there has less than 100K from all of my contents that I uploaded in there, but I was able to upload one of my videos in there that has more than 10K views! Although I did all of that effort by uploading them, that doesn't comparable by how it has a feature in order to invite friends to "earn money" from it, which I simply don't bother to do it for obvious reasons (if it presents though, because it rarely appears anyway). Lastly, for all kinds of contents that I search in there, I usually search certain contents that I usually seen them on any other social medias that I ever used just before. Even if I'm able to search them, it occasionally shows many of inaccurate results that doesn't match particularly with any of keywords that I exactly typed on it though.
For the online marketplace section that this "Tok" app offers, I ever purchased a random cheap item from it that costed IDR 18.000,-, including the shipping price (which was actually free shipping, fortunately). It has nothing to do with something related to both of my YouTube channels that I own, but I was able to purchase it for very first time on it using cash-on-delivery payment system. As for how I search any items that I want in there, it is somewhat accurate particularly with any of keywords that I exactly typed on it, unlike how I search majority of videos on it.
2. Snack Video
Another one of those "braindead" video sharing social medias that is recently popular these days, which is the Snack Video. This particular "yellow chocolate donut" app by Joyo CS (or it's internal name of the app itself also known as "Kwai Bulldog") also offers the same features almost in similar fashion like that "Tok" app that I mentioned just earlier. Unlike that "Tok" app, it has partially simpler features apart from watching any random contents (mainly videos) by any users out there, because this obviously doesn't have a built-in online marketplace like what that particular "Tok" app did. Instead, it has certain other features besides that one common practice that usually appears in one of these apps that I also explained just earlier. Those are the mini-games, watching ads to earn some coins for approximately 30 seconds in order to get some coins, and even a limited time "lottery" to win a latest iPhone (which is 99,9% highly unlikely to win it in there anyway).
As for how I'm particularly using it, for some reason I signed my other Google account in here instead of my main one, and uploaded whatever contents that I own in almost exact reasons just like what I did with that "Tok" app. As for the other features that this app offers, I even checked in for at least a month in order to get many coins as I can, thus it eventually converted into IDR currency in there every single day, albeit it only costed just IDR 4,- per 200 coins. Just like the "Tok" app, I usually search any kinds of contents that I usually seen them on my other social medias that I ever used, except I only search any of them specifically from our country, because if I tried to search anything outside from our country, it usually doesn't match with any of my keywords that I search on it.
B. Problems with any of these "braindead" apps...🤳

Even though if I recently installed both of those apps in my current phone, there are even more kinds of apps that I found particularly on Play Store, ranging from another one of those video sharing social media apps, games (mainly slot machine games and gambling games), survey apps, novel apps, and so on... Well, after I checked the reviews from each of the apps (or games) that shares this particular trait when it comes specifically about how to earn some money from any of them, several of the people said if either any of the apps or games BARELY withdraw money from any of them, even if they tried to withdraw them LESS than approximately IDR 50.000,- to (mostly) their popular e-wallet apps that they own. They also even said if the withdrawal process on most of the aforementioned apps or games also don't work at all, thus completely wasting their phone's data quota. 📱📶
As for how I ever dealt with one of those apps or games out there, unfortunately I ever installed one of those cheap games that they claimed if they were able to earn some money by simply playing it (for this case, I installed one of those crappy slot machine games). I played the game itself, and I even watch any random video ads in order to get some points, thus the points that I collected there were converted into IDR currency automatically by itself. Until the moment of truth where I tried to withdraw certain amount of money from it to one of my e-wallet apps that I installed particularly in my phone............ it simply didn't work. Seriously, it didn't even withdraw anything even if I put my correct phone number on it that is associated between the game and the aforementioned e-wallet app themselves. So that was it, I ended up uninstalling it off later on. 📱🎰➡❌💰
Another experience that I ever dealt on one of these kinds of apps or games like so (even though you probably ever experienced by one of these, even if I did on one of the two video sharing social apps that I mentioned just earlier), I had to do some sort of daily check-in tier system in one of those apps to get more points (which usually coins) for at least a month. After I successfully did the first phase of it for at least a month of me particularly doing so, suddenly the points of themselves were got lowered overtime, which makes it even harder to earn them entirely. This is possibly due to I didn't even invite any of my friends (or some people that I know out there) in order to use the exact kinds of apps that I used purposely for this to get even more points than just doing it all by myself, but I also felt suspicious if I already suspected if all kinds of process specifically like those were known as one of those popular schemes that most of the people would know when they're dealing with certain of those... It also makes the matters absurdly WORSE by the fact how most of the content creators on YouTube out there just dedicated for making their own tutorial videos of how to earn some money using ANY of those apps or games that they reviewed, which ironically resulting in how they got their own genuine YouTube revenue in their hands with ease thanks to their contents of themselves. On the other hand, it's also a polar opposite for most of the people who tried to use any of those apps or games that most of the said YouTubers taught at each of them per each of the people who tried to do so, which ended up wouldn't work as what they expected for. 📱🎞➡💵❓
Before I wrap up this article, something that is off-topic related to one of these apps (or even other types of apps out there), you may recognize if I mention ads on majority of those apps or games that I mentioned just before. Not just regular video ads, there are some sort of interactive ads that are present in any of them. Pretty sure if I ever explained this kind of topic on some of my other articles about annoying ads that I ever encountered, including the ones that I usually found from one of the mobile games that I usually play these days (of course I don't classify it as one of those "braindead" apps when it comes about how it has a feature to earn some money from it, but it BLATANTLY ISN'T; except it didn't present once I did an in-app purchase of something on it, which automatically removes any random ads from it)... Okay, back to those interactive ads that I was talking about. I always sick by any of those ads that mostly appeared alongside those of the video ads, and I'm concerned particularly about two types of them that bothered me the most. One of them is the popular mobile video game interactive ads, even if I was able to close it thanks to the "X" button that usually appears after few seconds of me WWP-ing (watching, waiting, and playing) it... Another one is the most annoying one that I ever dealt, which I'm spotting about how the F*** that one popular random online marketplace MASS SPAM their interactive ads, including by how they also added them on those kinds of apps (or games) sporadically like so. It also makes the matters worse if most of the ads that they advertise has NO access for closing it apart from the fact you can only ACCESS on the said marketplace itself! Grow up, that one online marketplace's developers and ad spreader m***********s! This is NOT YOUR way for making it way popular than any of those "braindead" apps or games that are existed out there! S*** 😡
Note: Excluding YouTube video ads from themselves (either you can or can't skip them), those ads from the aforementioned online marketplace also appears quite often on other kinds of apps or games that I installed. Even if their simple banner ads are commonly appear on them (which you can ignore them anyway, unless you just accidently tap one of those), but sometimes their dreaded interactive ads are also appears alongside with them, menacingly.
Well, there you have it for how I recently addicted with any of those "braindead" apps, yet majority of them are popular on mobile platforms. Actually, there are even more kinds of apps besides those two of the specific apps that I mentioned above (including games), yet several of them are also still available at the moment in either Android's Play Store or iOS's App Store. However, majority of them has downsides when it comes specifically about how to earn some money from each of those apps (or games). Yes, you can earn some money from any of them, but it is actually difficult as you expect, unless if you must do certain tasks in order to earn them with ease. Unfortunately though, most of them just don't seem to work as what they advertised, which resulting by how most of the people literally dealing with all kinds of technical difficulties from any of those apps (or games) in order to make it work, especially about how absurdly HARD they tried to withdraw some money from each of them, or on the worst cases, it BARELY doing so. Again, I felt suspicious if I already suspected if all kinds of process specifically like those were known as one of those popular schemes that most of the people would know when they're dealing with certain of those... With all of my suspects that I guessed from all of those "braindead" apps (and games), I can safely say that those are NOT definitely the best way to earn some money from them. Yes, you can entertain yourself with certain features in each of the apps (or games) out there, but they actually SUCK BALLS when it comes to earn some money from them, which doesn't even comparable to me waiting for my Adsense for at least approximately several months every turn (or even a year or more, particularly as for nowadays)... So, if you want to earn money quicker than those apps (or games), obviously get a real life job! Or, if you're creative enough yet you also have some sort of good potential from yourself, just become a YouTuber and upload whatever contents that do you want as long as it doesn't break all kinds of YouTube's guidelines. Well then, that's it from what I could say to the topic that I literally explained about those of the popular "braindead" apps (and games), which most of them do have their usual common practice where most of them do have that one feature where you can earn some money from them, which probably doesn't work like what they advertised. Thanks for reading this article, and pay full attention when it comes to dealing one of those apps (or games) out there.